# coding=utf-8
# Copyright 2015-2016 F5 Networks Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# NOTE: Code taken from Effective Python Item 26
from collections import OrderedDict
except ImportError:
from ordereddict import OrderedDict
except ImportError as exc:
message = ("Maybe you're using Python < 2.7 and do not have the "
"orderreddict external dependency installed.")
raise exc(message)
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from six import iteritems
import logging
from f5.sdk_exception import EmptyContent
from f5.sdk_exception import InvalidCommand
from f5.sdk_exception import LazyAttributesRequired
from f5.sdk_exception import MissingHttpHeader
from f5.sdk_exception import UnsupportedMethod
from f5.sdk_exception import UnsupportedTmosVersion
from f5.sdk_exception import UtilError
[docs]class ToDictMixin(object):
"""Convert an object's attributes to a dictionary"""
traversed = {}
Containers = tuple, list, set, frozenset, dict
def to_dict(self):
ToDictMixin.traversed = {}
return self._to_dict()
def _to_dict(self):
result = self._traverse_dict(self.__dict__)
return result
def _traverse_dict(self, instance_dict):
output = {}
# This iteration breaks if the second value comes before
# the first. We must use ordered dicts here
tmp = OrderedDict(sorted(iteritems(instance_dict), key=lambda t: t[0]))
for key, value in iteritems(tmp):
output[key] = self._traverse(key, value)
return output
def _traverse(self, key, value):
if isinstance(value, ToDictMixin.Containers) or\
hasattr(value, '__dict__'):
if id(value) in ToDictMixin.traversed:
return ToDictMixin.traversed[id(value)]
ToDictMixin.traversed[id(value)] = ['TraversalRecord', key]
if isinstance(value, ToDictMixin):
return value._to_dict()
elif isinstance(value, dict):
return self._traverse_dict(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
return [self._traverse(key, item) for item in value]
elif hasattr(value, '__dict__'):
return self._traverse_dict(value.__dict__)
return value
[docs]class LazyAttributeMixin(object):
"""Allow attributes to be created lazily based on the allowed values"""
def __getattr__(container, name):
# ensure this object supports lazy attrs.
cls_name = container.__class__.__name__
if 'allowed_lazy_attributes' not in container._meta_data:
error_message = ('"allowed_lazy_attributes" not in',
'container._meta_data for class %s' % cls_name)
raise LazyAttributesRequired(error_message)
# ensure the requested attr is present
attr_names = container.transform_attr_names()
if name not in attr_names:
error_message = "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'"\
% (container.__class__, name)
raise AttributeError(error_message)
# Instantiate and potentially set the attr on the object
# Issue #112 -- Only call setattr here if the lazy attribute
# is NOT a `Resource`. This should allow for only 1 ltm attribute
# but many nat attributes just like the BIGIP device.
for lazy_attribute in container._meta_data['allowed_lazy_attributes']:
if name == lazy_attribute.__name__.lower():
attribute = lazy_attribute(container)
bases = [base.__name__ for base in lazy_attribute.__bases__]
# Doing version check per each resource
container._check_supported_versions(container, attribute)
if 'Resource' not in bases:
setattr(container, name, attribute)
return attribute
def transform_attr_names(self):
attr_names = \
[la.__name__.lower() for la in
return attr_names
def _check_supported_versions(self, container, attribute):
tmos_v = container._meta_data['bigip'].tmos_version
minimum = attribute._meta_data['minimum_version']
if LooseVersion(tmos_v) < LooseVersion(minimum):
error = "There was an attempt to access resource: \n{}\n which " \
"is not implemented in the device's TMOS version: {}. " \
"The minimum TMOS version in which this resource *is* " \
"supported is {}".format(
raise UnsupportedTmosVersion(error)
def _is_version_supported_method(container, method_version):
"""Helper method
To use in instances where class methods on some resources
require a specific TMOS version to run.
tmos_v = container._meta_data['bigip'].tmos_version
if LooseVersion(tmos_v) < LooseVersion(method_version):
error = "There was an attempt to use a method which " \
"has not been implemented or supported " \
"in the device's TMOS version: %s. " \
"Minimum TMOS version supported is %s" % (
tmos_v, method_version)
raise UnsupportedTmosVersion(error)
[docs]class ExclusiveAttributesMixin(object):
"""Overrides ``__setattr__`` to remove exclusive attrs from the object."""
def __setattr__(self, key, value):
"""Remove any of the existing exclusive attrs from the object
Objects attributes can be exclusive for example disable/enable. So
we need to make sure objects only have one of these attributes at
at time so that the updates won't fail.
if '_meta_data' in self.__dict__:
# Sometimes this is called prior to full object construction
for attr_set in self._meta_data['exclusive_attributes']:
if key in attr_set:
new_set = set(attr_set) - set([key])
[self.__dict__.pop(n, '') for n in new_set]
# Now set the attribute
super(ExclusiveAttributesMixin, self).__setattr__(key, value)
[docs]class CommandExecutionMixin(object):
"""This adds command execution option on the objects.
These objects do not support create, delete, load, and require
a separate method of execution. Commands do not have
direct mapping to an HTTP method so usage of POST
and an absolute URI is required.
[docs] def create(self, **kwargs):
"""Create is not supported for command execution
:raises: UnsupportedOperation
raise UnsupportedMethod(
"%s does not support the create method" % self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def delete(self, **kwargs):
"""Delete is not supported for command execution
:raises: UnsupportedOperation
raise UnsupportedMethod(
"%s does not support the delete method" % self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def load(self, **kwargs):
"""Load is not supported for command execution
:raises: UnsupportedOperation
raise UnsupportedMethod(
"%s does not support the load method" % self.__class__.__name__
def _is_allowed_command(self, command):
"""Checking if the given command is allowed on a given endpoint."""
cmds = self._meta_data['allowed_commands']
if command not in self._meta_data['allowed_commands']:
error_message = "The command value {0} does not exist" \
"Valid commands are {1}".format(command, cmds)
raise InvalidCommand(error_message)
def _check_command_result(self):
"""If command result exists run these checks."""
if self.commandResult.startswith('/bin/bash'):
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult.split(' ', 1)[1])
if self.commandResult.startswith('/bin/mv'):
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult.split(' ', 1)[1])
if self.commandResult.startswith('/bin/ls'):
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult.split(' ', 1)[1])
if self.commandResult.startswith('/bin/rm'):
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult.split(' ', 1)[1])
if 'invalid option' in self.commandResult:
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult)
if 'Invalid option' in self.commandResult:
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult)
if 'usage: /usr/bin/get_dossier' in self.commandResult:
raise UtilError('%s' % self.commandResult)
[docs] def exec_cmd(self, command, **kwargs):
"""Wrapper method that can be changed in the inheriting classes."""
return self._exec_cmd(command, **kwargs)
def _exec_cmd(self, command, **kwargs):
"""Create a new method as command has specific requirements.
There is a handful of the TMSH global commands supported,
so this method requires them as a parameter.
:raises: InvalidCommand
kwargs['command'] = command
requests_params = self._handle_requests_params(kwargs)
session = self._meta_data['bigip']._meta_data['icr_session']
response = session.post(
self._meta_data['uri'], json=kwargs, **requests_params)
new_instance = self._stamp_out_core()
if 'commandResult' in new_instance.__dict__:
return new_instance
class FileUploadMixin(object):
def _upload_file(self, filepathname, **kwargs):
with open(filepathname, 'rb') as fileobj:
self._upload(fileobj, **kwargs)
def _upload(self, fileinterface, **kwargs):
size = len(fileinterface.read())
requests_params = self._handle_requests_params(kwargs)
session = self._meta_data['icr_session']
chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size', 512 * 1024)
start = 0
while True:
file_slice = fileinterface.read(chunk_size)
if not file_slice:
current_bytes = len(file_slice)
if current_bytes < chunk_size:
end = size
end = start + current_bytes
headers = {
'Content-Range': '%s-%s/%s' % (start,
end - 1,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
data = {
'data': file_slice,
'headers': headers,
'verify': False
start += current_bytes
class FileDownloadMixin(object):
def _download_file(self, src, dest, **kwargs):
with open(dest, 'wb') as fileobj:
self._download(src, fileobj, **kwargs)
def _download(self, src, fileinterface, **kwargs):
requests_params = self._handle_requests_params(kwargs)
session = self._meta_data['icr_session']
chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size', 512 * 1024)
self.file_bound_uri = self._meta_data['uri'] + src
start = 0
end = chunk_size - 1
size = 0
current_bytes = 0
while True:
content_range = "%s-%s/%s" % (start, end, size)
headers = {
'Content-Range': content_range,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'
data = {
'headers': headers,
'verify': False,
'stream': True
response = session.get(self.file_bound_uri,
if response.status_code == 200:
# If the size is zero, then this is the first time through
# the loop and we don't want to write data because we
# haven't yet figured out the total size of the file.
if size > 0:
current_bytes += chunk_size
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size):
# Once we've downloaded the entire file, we can break out of
# the loop
if end == size:
crange = response.headers['Content-Range']
# Determine the total number of bytes to read.
if size == 0:
size = int(crange.split('/')[-1]) - 1
# If the file is smaller than the chunk_size, the BigIP
# will return an HTTP 400. Adjust the chunk_size down to
# the total file size...
if chunk_size > size:
end = size
# ...and pass on the rest of the code.
start += chunk_size
if (current_bytes + chunk_size) > size:
end = size
end = start + chunk_size - 1
[docs]class AsmFileMixin(object):
"""Mixin for manipulating files for ASM file-transfer endpoints.
For ease of code maintenance this is separate from FileUploadMixin
on purpose.
def _download_file(self, filepathname):
def _download(self, filepathname):
session = self._meta_data['icr_session']
with open(filepathname, 'wb') as writefh:
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
req_params = {'headers': headers,
'verify': False}
response = session.get(self.file_bound_uri, **req_params)
if response.status_code == 200:
if 'Content-Length' not in response.headers:
error_message = "The Content-Length header is not present."
raise MissingHttpHeader(error_message)
length = response.headers['Content-Length']
if int(length) > 0:
error = "Invalid Content-Length value returned: %s ," \
"the value should be greater than 0" % length
raise EmptyContent(error)
def _upload_file(self, filepathname, **kwargs):
with open(filepathname, 'rb') as fileobj:
self._upload(fileobj, **kwargs)
def _upload(self, fileinterface, **kwargs):
size = len(fileinterface.read())
requests_params = self._handle_requests_params(kwargs)
session = self._meta_data['icr_session']
chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size', 512 * 1024)
start = 0
while True:
file_slice = fileinterface.read(chunk_size)
if not file_slice:
current_bytes = len(file_slice)
if current_bytes < chunk_size:
end = size
end = start + current_bytes
headers = {
'Content-Range': '%s-%s/%s' % (start,
end - 1,
'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream'}
data = {'data': file_slice,
'headers': headers,
'verify': False}
start += current_bytes
[docs]class DeviceMixin(object):
'''Manage BigIP device cluster in a general way.'''
[docs] def get_device_info(self, bigip):
'''Get device information about a specific BigIP device.
:param bigip: bigip object --- device to inspect
:returns: bigip object
coll = bigip.tm.cm.devices.get_collection()
device = [device for device in coll if device.selfDevice == 'true']
assert len(device) == 1
return device[0]
[docs]class CheckExistenceMixin(object):
'''In 11.6.0 some items return True on exists whether they exist or not'''
def _check_existence_by_collection(self, container, item_name):
'''Check existnce of item based on get collection call.
:param collection: container object -- capable of get_collection()
:param item_name: str -- name of item to search for in collection
coll = container.get_collection()
for item in coll:
if item.name == item_name:
return True
return False
def _return_object(self, container, item_name):
"""Helper method to retrieve the object"""
coll = container.get_collection()
for item in coll:
if item.name == item_name:
return item