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Coding Example

We’ve provided some code examples below to help you get started with the F5® OpenStack LBaaSv2 agent and driver. This series demonstrates how to configure basic load balancing via the Neutron CLI. To access the full Neutron LBaaS command set, please see the OpenStack CLI Documentation. LBaaSv2 commands all begin with lbaas.

Create a load balancer

Use the command below to create a load balancer, specifying the load balancer name and its VIP subnet.

$ neutron lbaas-loadbalancer-create --name lb1 private-subnet

Create a listener

Use the command below to create a listener for the load balancer specifying the listener name, load balancer name, protocol type, and protocol port.

$ neutron lbaas-listener-create --name listener1 --loadbalancer lb1 --protocol HTTP --protocol-port 80

Create a pool

Use the command below to create a pool for the listener specifiying the pool name, load balancing method, listener name, and protocol type.

$ neutron lbaas-pool-create --name pool1 --lb-algorithm ROUND_ROBIN --listener listener1 --protocol HTTP

Create a pool member

Use the command below to create a member for the pool, specifying the subnet, IP address, and protocol port.

$ neutron lbaas-member-create --subnet private-subnet --address --protocol-port 80 pool1

Create a health monitor

Use the command below to create a health monitor for the pool specifying the delay, monitor type, number of retries, timeout period, and pool name.

$ neutron lbaas-healthmonitor-create --delay 3 --type HTTP --max-retries 3 --timeout 3 --pool pool1

Create a tls load balancer

The example command below shows how to create a listener that uses the TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol. You’ll need to specify the protocol (TERMINATED_HTTPS); port; and the location of the Barbican container where the certificate is stored.

$ neutron lbaas-listener-create --name listener2 --protocol TERMINATED_HTTPS --protocol-port 8443 --loadbalancer lb1 --default-tls-container-ref  http://localhost:9311/v1/containers/db50dbb3-70c2-44ea-844c-202e06203488


You must configure Barbican, Keystone, Neutron, and the F5® agent before you can create a tls load balancer.

See the OpenStack LBaaS documentation for further information and configuration instructions for the OpenStack pieces.

The necessary F5® agent configurations are described in Certificate Manager / SSL Offloading.