sudo port install nagios-plugins rrdtool beanstalkd
easy_install pip
pip install virtualenv
the follow should all be invoked as ‘root’
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install nagios-plugins mercurial rrdtool python-dev python-pip
apt-get install avahi-daemon avahi-autoipd
apt-get install build-essential
apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools
apt-get install git-core
apt-get install subversion
apt-get install openssh-server
apt-get install fping
apt-get install python-setuptools python-distutils-extra
apt-get install pylint pyflakes
apt-get install python-openssl
apt-get install python-memcache
apt-get install python-virtualenv
easy_install pip
yum -y update
yum install nagios-plugins mercurial rrdtool
yum install python-dev python-pip
cd ~/virtualenv
pip install -E mon -U django
cd ~/virtualenv/mon
hg clone
source bin/activate
pip install -r eyes/requirements.txt
cd ~/virtualenv/mon/eyes
make clean
make test
cd ~/virtualenv/mon/eyes/eyeswebapp
python validate # *validates django config & models*)
./reset.bash && python util/ # *resets database to latest scheme, loads data, and runs poller*
python shell # *access django shell*
python runserver # *fire up the django server @ http://localhost:8000/*
cd eyeswebapp
./reset.bash && python util/
does a local ping (initial data model loaded from modeltestdata.json) and stores the results into RRD files
default location (now) for RRD files is under ./tmp_rrd/ directory.
default location (now) for PNG files is under ./tmp_png/ directory.
cd eyeswebapp
python test util
python test core
python test api
python migrate
cd ~/virtualenv/mon
source bin/activate
cd eyes
hg incoming
this command will show you any pending changes to be pulled down and merged
To retrieve those updates:
hg fetch
cd ~/virtualenv/mon source bin/activate cd eyes hg incoming
do your coding, etc
if you’ve changed any of the models or database elements of the code:
./ startmigration <app_name> <migration_name> --auto_
for example, if you edited the models in the application “asset”, you might use:
./ startmigration asset done_something_asset --auto
./ migrate
if you’ve created a new application:
./ startmigration <app_name> <migration_name> --initial_
for example, if you created the application “about”, you might use:
./ startmigration about initial_about --initial`
hg st
hg add
./ test util core api
any other baseline tests that have been established:
hg commit
hg push
The project includes South, which is a framework for dealing with schema transitions and migrations while a project is under active development. South will only track applications for schema migration that we’ve identified. Sspecifically, it looks for a folder called ‘migrations’ in the application directory; the same level as the file.
create the application:
./ startapplication appname
move the application under the ‘apps’ folder to keep things clean:
mv appname apps
set up an initial migration:
./ schemamigration appname --initial
edit the file
create a migration to change the schema:
./ schemamigration appname add_something_to_model --auto
the “add_something_to_model” should be a descriptive name of the change that you’ve just made - adding a model, adding a field to a model, or whatever is appropriate. This command will identify all the changes that it can find in the model since the latest migration and create a new migration file for it.
if you’re making a migration that needs to edit data (say a site update where data in the schema is changing), then the south project recommends that you create a separate migration that just manipulates the data. To create the base mgiration file for editing, use the command:
./ datamigration appname change_data_description
the “change_data_description” is again meant to be a descriptive name of the change you’re making. Running this command will tell you what migration file was created. An example from our project::
./ startmigration asset blank_migration
creates the file:
from south.db import db
from django.db import models
from asset.models import *
class Migration:
def forwards(self, orm):
"Write your forwards migration here"
def backwards(self, orm):
"Write your backwards migration here"
models = {
'asset.activity': {
'Asset': ('django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey', [], {'to': "orm['asset.Asset']"}),
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'})
'asset.asset': {
'id': ('django.db.models.fields.AutoField', [], {'primary_key': 'True'}),
'type': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '120'})
'': {
'asset_ptr': ('django.db.models.fields.related.OneToOneField', [], {'to': "orm['asset.Asset']", 'unique': 'True', 'primary_key': 'True'}),
'make': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '80', 'blank': 'True'}),
'model': ('django.db.models.fields.CharField', [], {'max_length': '80', 'blank': 'True'}),
'year': ('django.db.models.fields.IntegerField', [], {'null': 'True', 'blank': 'True'})
complete_apps = ['asset']
To migrate data, you should write in methods for “forwards” and “backwards” that allow for the data to be changed. For example::
def forwards(self, orm):
"Write your forwards migration here"
for asset in orm.Asset.objects.all():
asset.type = 'example'
def backwards(self, orm):
"Write your backwards migration here"
for asset in orm.Asset.objects.all():
asset.type = ''
I’m using the write up on setting up Hudson for python projects at
[internalcheck:/opt/local/libexec/nagios] heckj$ ./check_ping -H localhost -w 1,99% -c 1,99%
PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.18 ms|rta=0.182000ms;1.000000;1.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;99;99;0
[internalcheck:/opt/local/libexec/nagios] heckj$ ./check_fping -H localhost
FPING OK - localhost (loss=0%, rta=0.090000 ms)|loss=0%;;;0;100 rta=0.000090s;;;0.000000
[internalcheck:/opt/local/libexec/nagios] heckj$ ./check_fping -H localhost -w 1,99% -c 1,99%
FPING OK - localhost (loss=0%, rta=0.110000 ms)|loss=0%;99;99;0;100 rta=0.000110s;0.001000;0.001000;0.000000
Usage: check_http -H <vhost> | -I <IP-address> [-u <uri>] [-p <port>]
[-w <warn time>] [-c <critical time>] [-t <timeout>] [-L]
[-a auth] [-f <ok | warn | critcal | follow>] [-e <expect>]
[-s string] [-l] [-r <regex> | -R <case-insensitive regex>] [-P string]
[-m <min_pg_size>:<max_pg_size>] [-4|-6] [-N] [-M <age>] [-A string]
[-k string] [-S] [-C <age>] [-T <content-type>]
[internalcheck:/opt/local/libexec/nagios] heckj$ ./check_http -H localhost -p 8080
HTTP OK HTTP/1.0 200 OK - 10372 bytes in 0.163 seconds |time=0.163247s;;;0.000000 size=10372B;;;0
Usage:check_snmp -H <ip_address> -o <OID> [-w warn_range] [-c crit_range]
[-C community] [-s string] [-r regex] [-R regexi] [-t timeout] [-e retries]
[-l label] [-u units] [-p port-number] [-d delimiter] [-D output-delimiter]
[-m miblist] [-P snmp version] [-L seclevel] [-U secname] [-a authproto]
[-A authpasswd] [-X privpasswd]
Usage:check_tcp -H host -p port [-w <warning time>] [-c <critical time>] [-s <send string>]
[-e <expect string>] [-q <quit string>][-m <maximum bytes>] [-d <delay>]
[-t <timeout seconds>] [-r <refuse state>] [-M <mismatch state>] [-v] [-4|-6] [-j]
[-D <days to cert expiry>] [-S <use SSL>] [-E]
[internalcheck:/opt/local/libexec/nagios] heckj$ ./check_tcp -S -H -p 443
TCP OK - 0.419 second response time on port 443|time=0.418755s;;;0.000000;10.000000
Example results:
>>> xyz = NagiosPoller()
>>> ping_argset = ArgSet()
>>> ping_argset.add_argument_pair("-H", "localhost")
>>> ping_argset.add_argument_pair("-w", "1,99%")
>>> ping_argset.add_argument_pair("-c", "1,99%")
>>> result_dict = xyz.run_plugin('check_ping', ping_argset)
>>> print pprint.pformat(result_dict)
{'command': '/opt/local/libexec/nagios/check_ping -H localhost -w 1,99% -c 1,99%',
'decoded': {'human': 'PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.11 ms',
'pl': {'UOM': '%',
'critvalue': '99',
'label': 'pl',
'maxvalue': '',
'minvalue': '0',
'value': '0',
'warnvalue': '99'},
'rta': {'UOM': 'ms',
'critvalue': '1.000000',
'label': 'rta',
'maxvalue': '',
'minvalue': '0.000000',
'value': '0.113000',
'warnvalue': '1.000000'}},
'error': None,
'output': 'PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.11 ms|rta=0.113000ms;1.000000;1.000000;0.000000 pl=0%;99;99;0',
'returncode': 0,
'timestamp': '2009-11-07T16:43:46.696214'}
>>> abc = NagiosPoller()
>>> http_argset = ArgSet()
>>> http_argset.add_argument_pair("-H", "")
>>> http_argset.add_argument_pair("-p", "80")
>>> result_dict = abc.run_plugin('check_http', http_argset)
>>> print pprint.pformat(result_dict)
{'command': '/opt/local/libexec/nagios/check_http -H -p 80',
'decoded': {'human': 'HTTP OK HTTP/1.0 200 OK - 5825 bytes in 2.158 seconds ',
'size': {'UOM': 'B',
'critvalue': '',
'label': 'size',
'maxvalue': '',
'minvalue': '0',
'value': '5825',
'warnvalue': ''},
'time': {'UOM': 's',
'critvalue': '',
'label': 'time',
'maxvalue': '',
'minvalue': '0.000000',
'value': '2.157739',
'warnvalue': ''}},
'error': None,
'output': 'HTTP OK HTTP/1.0 200 OK - 5825 bytes in 2.158 seconds |time=2.157739s;;;0.000000 size=5825B;;;0',
'returncode': 0,
'timestamp': '2009-11-07T16:43:48.985950'}