Eventsource library for python

this library installs also three utilities:
  • eventsource-server : that helps to create an eventsource server (module eventsource.listener)
  • eventsource-client : that helps to create an eventsource client (module eventsource.client)
  • eventsource-request : that helps to send requests to the client through the server (module eventsource.request)

see –help or README for more information

Have a look at the README part of this documentation to integrate or extend this library.

eventsource Package

This library exposes three modules, two of them based on tornado library. The listener module, ran by the server, waits for incoming connections. When a client, running the client module, connects to the listener, it waits for incoming events from the server. And finally, when the request module is ran, it posts events on the server, who forwards them to the client.

The request module relies only on urllib2.

listener Module

This module opens a new long polling connection on a listener, and waits for events to come.

synopsis:This module provides an eventsource listener based on tornado
class eventsource.listener.Event(target, action, value=None)[source]

Class that defines an event, its behaviour and the matching actions

Members defined by base Event:
  • target is the token that matches an event source channel
  • action contains the name of the action (which shall be in ACTIONS)
  • value contains a list of every lines of the value to be parsed
Static members:
  • content_type field is the Accept header value that is returned on new connections

  • ACTIONS contains the list of acceptable POST targets.

  • Actions defined in base Event:
    • LISTEN is the GET event that will open an event source communication
    • FINISH is the POST event that will end a communication started by LISTEN
    • RETRY is the POST event that defines reconnection timeouts for the client
class eventsource.listener.EventId[source]
Class that defines an event with an id
  • defines field id using property, using method get_id()

Method to create id generation behaviour


Method to create id generation behaviour

class eventsource.listener.JSONEvent(target, action, value=None)[source]
Class that defines a JSON-checked Event
  • overloads Event.get_value() and Event.set_value(), and associates it using a property
  • adds a “ping” event
  • defines content_type to application/json
class eventsource.listener.JSONIdEvent(target, action, value=None)[source]

Class that defines a JSON-checked Event with id generation


Method to create id generation behaviour

class eventsource.listener.StringEvent(target, action, value=None)[source]
Class that defines a multiline string Event
  • overloads Event.get_value(), and associates it using a property
  • adds a “ping” event
class eventsource.listener.StringIdEvent(target, action, value=None)[source]

Class that defines a Multiline String Event with id generation


Method to create id generation behaviour


helper method to create a commandline utility

client Module

This module listens for incoming connections and forwards events from “request” to “client” using tornado http long-polling on the client side, and http post on the request side.

synopsis:This module provides an eventsource client based on tornado
class eventsource.client.Event[source]

Contains a received event to be processed

class eventsource.client.EventSourceClient(url, action, target, callback=None, retry=0)[source]

This module opens a new connection to an eventsource server, and wait for events.


Function to call to end listening


Function that gets called on non long-polling actions, on error or on end of polling.

Parameters:response – tornado’s response object that handles connection response data

Acts on message reception :param message: string of an incoming message

parse all the fields and builds an Event object that is passed to the callback function


Function to call to start listening


helper method to create a commandline utility

request Module

This module only connects to listener’s rest POST interface to send new events

eventsource.request.send_json(url, data)[source]

Sends a JSON query to eventsource’s URL

  • url – string url to send to
  • data – string data to send to given URL
eventsource.request.send_string(url, data)[source]

Sends a string query to eventsource’s URL

  • url – string url to send to
  • data – string data to send to given URL

helper method to create a commandline utility

README: Event Source Library for Python

This library implements W3C Draft’s on event-source:

It enables a halfduplex communication from server to client, but initiated by the client, through standard HTTP(S) communication.


  • Fairly recent python (tested with 2.7)
  • Fairly recent tornado (tested with 2.2.1)


  1. Launch the server:

    eventsource_listener -P 8888 -i -k 50000

  2. Launch the client:

    eventsource_client 42:42:42:42:42:42 -r 5000

  3. Send requests:

    eventsource_request 42:42:42:42:42:42 ping “42” eventsource_request 42:42:42:42:42:42 close

Command Line arguments

  • eventsource/ or eventsource_server:

    usage: eventsource/ [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-d]

    [-j] [-k KEEPALIVE] [-i]

    Event Source Listener

    optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -H HOST, –host HOST Host to bind on -P PORT, –port PORT Port to bind on -d, –debug enables debug output -j, –json to enable JSON Event -k KEEPALIVE, –keepalive KEEPALIVE

    Keepalive timeout

    -i, --id

    to generate identifiers

  • eventsource/ or eventsource_client:

    usage: eventsource/ [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-d]

    [-r RETRY] token

    Event Source Client

    positional arguments: token Token to be used for connection

    optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -H HOST, –host HOST Host to connect to -P PORT, –port PORT Port to be used connection -d, –debug enables debug output -r RETRY, –retry RETRY

    Reconnection timeout

  • eventsource/ or eventsource_request:

    usage: eventsource/ [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-j]

    token action [data]

    Generates event for Event Source Library

    positional arguments: token Token to be used for connection action Action to send data Data to be sent

    optional arguments: -h, –help show this help message and exit -H HOST, –host HOST Host to connect to -P PORT, –port PORT Port to be used connection -j, –json Treat data as JSON


On the server side, basically all you have to do is to add the following to your code:

from eventsource import listener

application = tornado.web.Application([
(r”/(.*)/(.*)”, listener.EventSourceHandler,


application.listen(PORT) tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start()

  • PORT is an integer for the port to bind to

  • KEEPALIVE is an integer for the timeout between two keepalive messages (to protect from disconnections)

  • EVENT is a eventsource.listener.Event based class, either one you made or
    • eventsource.listener.StringEvent : Each event gets and resends multiline strings
    • eventsource.listener.StringIdEvent : Each event gets and resends multiline strings, with an unique id for each event
    • eventsource.listener.JSONEvent : Each event gets and resends JSON valid strings
    • eventsource.listener.JSONIdEvent : Each event gets and resends JSON valid string, with an unique id for each event


To extend the behaviour of the event source library, without breaking eventsource definition, the Event based classes implements all processing elements that shall be done on events.

There is two abstract classes that defines Event:
  • eventsource.listener.Event : defines the constructor of an Event
  • eventsource.listener.EventId : defines an always incrementing id handler

here is an example to create a new Event that takes multiline data and join it in a one line string seperated with semi-colons.

class OneLineEvent(Event):

ACTIONS = [“ping”,Event.FINISH]

“”“Property to enable multiline output of the value”“” def get_value(self):

# replace carriage returns by semi-colons # this method shall always return a list (even if one value) return [”;”.join([line for line in self._value.split(‘n’)])]

value = property(get_value,set_value)

And now, I want to add basic id support to OneLineEvent, in OneLineIdEvent, nothing is easier :

class OneLineIdEvent(OneLineEvent,IdEvent):
id = property(IdEvent.get_value)

Or if I want the id to be a timestamp:

import time class OneLineTimeStampEvent(OneLineEvent):

id = property(lambda s: “%f” % (time.time(),))
You can change the behaviour of a few things in a Event-based class:
  • Event.LISTEN contains the GET action to open a connection (per default “poll”)
  • Event.FINISH contains the POST action to close a connection (per default “close”)
  • Event.RETRY contains the POST action to define the timeout after reconnecting on network disconnection (per default “0”, which means disabled)
  • in the Event.ACTIONS list, you define what POST actions are allowed, per default, only Event.FINISH is allowed.
  • Event.content_type contains the “content_type” that will be asked for every form (it is not enforced).

To change the way events are generated, you can directly call EventSourceHandler.buffer_event() to create a new event to be sent. But the post action is best, at least while WSGI can’t handle correctly long polling connections.


Python Event Source Library

(c) 2012 Bernard Pratz (c) 2012 (CKAB) hackable:Devices

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see


Indices and tables