What's new in ETE 2.1 ********************************* .. currentmodule:: ete2 * A basic standalone tree visualization program called "ete2" is now installed along with the package. * The drawing engine has been completely rewritten to provide the following new features: * Added :class:`TreeStyle` class allowing to set the following * Added **circular tree drawing** mode * Added tree *title face block* (Text or images that rendered on top of the tree) * Added tree *legend face block* (Text or images that rendered as image legend) * Added support for *tree rotation and orientation* * Possibility of drawing *aligned faces as a table* * Added header and footer regions for aligned faces. * And more! Check :class:`TreeStyle` documentation * Added new face positions **float**, **branch-top** and **branch-bottom**. See tutorial (:ref:`sec:node_faces`) for more details. * Added several :class:`Face` attributes: * face border * face background color * left, right, top and bottom margins * face opacity * horizontal and vertical alignment (useful when faces are rendered as table) * Added support for predefined :class:`NodeStyle`, which can be set outside the layout function (allows to save and export image rendering info) * Added new face types: * :class:`CircleFace` (basic circle/sphere forms) * :class:`TreeFace` (trees within trees) * :class:`StaticItemFace` and :class:`DynamicItemFace` (create custom and interactive QtGraphicsItems) * Improved faces: * :class:`AttrFace` accepts prefix and suffix text, as well as a text formatter function. :attr:`fstyle` argument can be set to ``italic`` * :class:`TextFace`: :attr:`fstyle` argument can be set to ``italic`` * Save and export images * Added full support for SVG image rendering * Added more options to the :func:`TreeNode.render` function to control image size and resolution * Added support for :data:`SVG_COLORS` names in faces and node styles * Core methods: * Added :func:`TreeNode.copy`: returns an exact and independent copy of node and all its attributes * Added :func:`TreeNode.convert_to_ultrametric`: converts all branch lengths to allow leaves to be equidistant to root * Added :func:`TreeNode.sort_descendants`: sort tree branches according to node names. * Added :func:`TreeNode.ladderize`: sort tree branches according to partition size * Added :func:`TreeNode.get_partitions`: return the set of all possible partitions grouping leaf nodes * Tree nodes can now be fully exported using cPickle * Newick parser can read and export branch distances and support values using scientific notation * :func:`TreeNode.swap_childs` method has changed to :func:`TreeNode.swap_children` * Added :mod:`ete2.nexml` module (read and write nexml format) * Added :mod:`ete2.phyloxml` module (read and write phyloxml format) * Added :mod:`ete2.webplugin` module: Allows to create interactive web tree applications * Tree visualization GUI checks now for newer version of the ETE package. * Added :class:`PhylomeDB3Connector` * Added :func:`PhyloNode.get_farthest_oldest_node` function, which allows to find the best outgroup node in a tree, even if it is an internal node. * Bug Fixes and improvements: * Fix: :func:`TreeNode.get_common_ancestor` accepts a single argument (node or list of nodes) instead of a succession or nodes. It can also return the path of each node to the parent. * Fix: Fast scroll based zoom-in was producing tree image inversions * Fix: Phylip parser does not truncate long names by default * Fix: "if not node" syntax was using a len(node) test, which made it totally inefficient. Now, the same expression returns always *True* * Improvement: Traversing methods are now much faster (specially preorder and levelorder) * Improvement: Faster populate function (added possibility of random and non-random branch lengths) * Improvement: Faster prune function * Improvement: unicode support for tree files * Improvement: Added newick support for scientific notation in branch lengths * Improved documentation and examples: * Online and PDF tutorial * Better library reference * A set of examples is now provided with the installation package and `here `_