Software Design - A Blueprint

Layered Subcomponents for Reuse

The provided features for blackbox testst of subprocess calls are based standard Python packages with the additional components. The internal architecture is hereby designed as a layered stack, where the subcomponents components could be reused for other projects.

                                                  Application Layer

                                 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
                                      |         |       |         |
                                      V         V       V         V

'unittest.TestCase'                                       |  TestExecutable   |
integration                                               +-------------------+
Unittest management and                            |      SubprocessUnit      |
state decision engine                              +--------------------------+
Subprocess execution                       +----------------------------------+
controller and data                        |           SystemCalls            |
collector                                  +----------------------------------+
                                              |                |
                                    +------------------+       |
Seamless debugger                   |    PyDevRDC    |       |
integration for PyDev               +------------------+       |
collector                                     |                |
                                              V                V
                                 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

                                                  External Components

Components and Interfaces:

  • epyunit : Command line and batch interface.
  • unittest.subprocess : Provide unit tests for sub-processes as blackbox system calls, contains ‘TestExecutable’.
  • SubprocUnit : Provide unit tests for sub-processes as blackbox system calls, contains ‘SubprocessUnit’.
  • SystemCalls : Python class, wraps start of subprocesses by system calls, contains ‘SystemCalls’.
  • PyDev remote debugging : Python class, automation of subprocess debugging by PyDev, contains PyDevRDC.

PyUnit Integration

The overall integration with the support packages, PyUnit, and PyDev is as follows.

Python Units                  |                  ePyUnit               |   a minimalistic inerface for arbitrary executables
                              +----------------------------------------+   for unit tests and integrated remote debugging
                                    |    |    |             |
                                    |    |    |             V               generates and manages multiple sys.path
                                    |    |    V   +--------------------+    provides search for branches
Advanced filesystem                 |    V        |  PyFilesysObjects  |    provides search by combined regexpr+glob+literals
 search                             V             +--------------------+    provides extended normpath, replaces
                                                            |                 'os.path.normpath',
                                                            |               cross-platform escape+unescape, integrates
                                                            |                  with 're' and 'glob' expressions
                                             +-------------------------+    locates actual sources, modules, and calls
Python file RTTI                             |       PySourceInfo      |    identifies actual search paths
                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit Tests                            |              PyUnit            |    provides the Unit Library for CLI and GUI
                                           |                |
                                           V                |
                              +------------------+          V
IDE                           |  Eclipse+PyDev   |                          provides the framework for the GUI

PyDev Subprocess Debugging for Eclipse

The provided features are based standard Python packages with the following additional components.

Subprocess debugging               |        ePyUnit                      |            auto localization and load of the
                                   +-------------------------------------+               PyDev stub ''
                                    |    |    |             |                         exec-wrapper for PyUnit
                                    |    |    |             V
                                    |    |    V   +----------------------+
Advanced filesystem search          |    V        |   PyFilesysObjects   |            search for Eclipse and PyDev release,
                                    V             +----------------------+               ''
Python file RTTI                            |          PySourceInfo      |            identifies actual search path
                             . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Unit Tests                              |              PyDev             |           provides the Integration into Eclipse
                                        +----------------+---------------+              and 'pdb'
IDE                                |      Eclipse        |       pdb     |           provides the framework for Python debug
                                   +---------------------+---------------+               and GUI