‘epyunit.debug.pydevrdc’ - Module

The PyDev plugin provides for the remote debugging of Python processes. This is also supported for processes started outside the control of the debugger. Here stub code is required in the process started outside the control domain of ‘pydevd.py’. The module ‘epyunit.debug’ supports the localization and load of ‘pydevd.py’ fromvarious versions and locations.

Provides a slim interface for the initialization and extraction of command line parameters for pydevrdc.

Extracts rdbg-options and provides values for the main module ‘epyunit.debug.pydevrdc’.

Module Variables

  • epyunit.debug.checkRDbg._dbg_self: For debug of the debug subpackage itself.
  • epyunit.debug.checkRDbg._dbg_unit: For unittest of the debug subpackage itself.
  • epyunit.debug.checkRDbg._pderd_inTestMode_suppress_init: Force erroneous settings for the test of the debug subpackage itself.



epyunit.debug.checkRDbg.checkAndRemoveRDbgOptions(argv=None, **kargs)[source]

Checks input options from sys.argv and returns the tuple of resulting debug parameters. The options are removed from sys.argv by default.

The options are kept as provided, or when missing filled with default values. The final resolution of the values like file system globs is performed within the PyDevRDC class.

The following options are checked and removed from sys.argv, thus by default has to be added by the caller application again when required for following nested calls:

–rdbg [[host]:[port]]:

Enables debugging of subprocesses via RemoteDebugServer. By default for local instance ‘localhost:5679’, provides optionally altered connection parameters:

host: Host address, DNS or IP.

port: Port number.


Forces or disables the use of specific environment variables.
  • True: Forces the use of present variables
  • False: disables use
  • default: Applied in normal order when scanning the filesystem

—rdbg-forward [<depth>]:

Defines forwarding of debugging state, either by passing the current instance, or by additionally debugging the next level(s) of nested subprocesses.

The value is hereby counted from 0, where the current instance is the first decrement.

The value of <depth> is one of:

#hopcnt: Number of levels for nested subprocesses.

‘all’: All nested levels.

label: The subprocesses with matching label only.

The passing options into nested calls is considered as insertion of the forwarded options before the first option of the next level call ‘nextlevelcall’:

epyu --rdbg --rdbg-forward=2 nextlevelcall -a --bxy ....
This results in:
nextlevelcall --rdbg --rdbg-froward=2 -a --bxy ....

In case of optional sub-parameters the temination option ‘–’ could be applied:

epyu --rdbg --rdbg-froward=2 nextlevelcall -- arguments
results in:
nextlevelcall --rdbg --rdbg-froward=2  -- arguments

The current version requires this to be proceeded by the application, refer to ‘epyu.py’.

—rdbg-root (<rootforscan>|<FQDN>|<path-glob>):

Defines the initial root path for scan, the following defaults are scanned initially when this parameter is provided without a value.

Linux, BSD, and Unix:

When the value is not found, the additional defaults are scanned as provided by ‘PyDevRDC.scanEclipseForPydevd’.

Each root is searched by the the following order of sub-pattern matching.

0. plugins/<rdbgsub>

1. dropins/<rdbgsub>

2. dropins/*/plugins/<rdbgsub>

For details refer to ‘pydevrdc.scanEclipseForPydevd’ [see].

—rdbg-sub (<literal>|<path-glob>):

Defines the initial subpath within the Eclipse installation. When not present, the extended defaults are scanned, for further details refer to ‘PyDevRDC.scanEclipseForPydevd’:

pydevd_subpath = "org.python.pydev_[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*/pysrc/pydevd.py"

Test options and flags:

The test options are foreseen for the test and debug of ‘epyunit.debug’ itself.


Control initialization of the preconfigured debug stub. It is foreseen to be the only instance under normal circumstances.


Enabled debugging messages for debug, this also includes the pre-debug initialization of the remote debug server.


Enabled log messages for unittests.


Sets specific testflags, valid values for testflags are:

ignorePydevd: ignores loaded pydevd.py, for search test only

ignorePydevdSysPath: ignores sys.path, for search test only

ignorePydevdCallParam: ignores call parameters

Environment variables:

The provided environment variables are read out, when no related option is available. In case both are not provided, the hard-coded defaults are applied. The read of environment variables could be supressed in general by the option ‘noenv’/’–no-env’.

RDBGROOT => –rdbg-root

RDBGSUB => –rdbg-sub


argv: Alternative argv, default:=sys.argv



Same as ‘–debug’, developer output.


The file path name of the main file for the current process, default:=callname.


The label identifying the current process, default:=callname.


Suppresses argv processing completely for the previous arguments. The testflags are still processed.


Same as ‘–rdbg’, for additional processing see ‘noargv’.


Same as ‘–rdbg’srv, for additional processing see ‘noargv’.


Same as ‘–rdbg-forward’, for additional processing see ‘noargv’.


Same as ‘–rdbg-root’, for additional processing see ‘noargv’.


Same as ‘–rdbg-sub’, for additional processing see ‘noargv’.


Same as ‘–verbose’, user output.

When successful returns tuple of the following debug parameters. The options are removed from ‘sys.argv’.

return/value := ( rdbgthis, rdbg, rdbgfwd, rdbgroot, rdbgsub, )

rdbgthis = (True|False): Debugging of current process/thread is enabled.

rdbg = [host][:port]: Connection parameter of peer RemoteDebugServer

rdbgfwd = <partialprocessed>: Forward debug parameters

partialprocessed: One of:

hop = hopcnt - 1



rdbgroot = <rootforscan>: Base for search, when None the defaults apply.

rdbgsub = <eclipse-subpath>: Subpath within Eclipse.




Checks presence of ‘–rdbg’ option.



Alternative argv, default:=sys.argv.


When present True, else False.
