"""Initial raw tests by SubprocessUnit with hard-coded defaults.
Due to the basic character of the test these are done a little more than less.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
__author__ = 'Arno-Can Uestuensoez'
__license__ = "Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2010-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez"
__version__ = '0.1.10'
__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"
import unittest
import os
from filesysobjects.FileSysObjects import setUpperTreeSearchPath,findRelPathInSearchPath
import epyunit.SubprocUnit
from testdata import call_scripy,epyu
[docs]class CallUnits(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self,*args,**kargs):
[docs] def setUpClass(cls):
cls.slst = []
cls.epyu = epyu
cls.scri = call_scripy
cls.scri = cls.scri
[docs] def setUp(self):
syskargs = {}
self.sx = epyunit.SubprocUnit.SubprocessUnit(**syskargs)
# epyunit.SProcUnitRules
if self.sx.getruleset():
_repr = repr(self.sx.getruleset())
_reprX = """{'default': True, 'cflags': 0, 'multiline': 0, 'ignorecase': 0, 'unicode': 0, 'dotall': 0, 'debug': 0, 'priotype': 1, 'result': 0, 'resultok': 0, 'resultnok': 0, 'exitign': False, 'exittype': 8, 'exitval': 0, 'stderrchk': False, 'stderrnok': [], 'stderrok': [], 'stdoutchk': False, 'stdoutnok': [], 'stdoutok': []}"""
assert _repr == _reprX
_s0 = self.sx.getruleset().states()
_s0X = {'resultok': 0, 'stdoutok': [], 'exit': 0, '_exitcond': False, 'stdoutnok': [], 'resultnok': 0, 'stderrnok': [], 'stderrok': [], 'result': 0}
assert _s0 == _s0X
[docs] def testCaseOK(self):
_call = self.scri
_call += " OK "
callkargs = {}
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [0, ['fromA', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling OK string', 'arbitrary output'], []]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert state
[docs] def testCaseNOK(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " NOK "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [0, ['fromB', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary output'], ['arbitrary signalling ERROR string']]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert state
[docs] def testCasePRIO(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " PRIO "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [0, ['fromC', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling OK string', 'arbitrary output'], ['arbitrary signalling ERROR string']]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert state
[docs] def testCaseEXITOK(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " EXITOK "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [0, ['fromD', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling OK string', 'arbitrary output'], []]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert state
[docs] def testCaseEXITNOK(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " EXITNOK "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [1, ['fromE', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling OK string', 'arbitrary output'], []]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert not state
[docs] def testCaseEXIT7(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " EXIT7 "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [7, ['fromF', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling NOK string', 'arbitrary output'], []]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert not state
[docs] def testCaseEXIT8(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " EXIT8 "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [8, ['fromG', 'arbitrary output', 'arbitrary signalling NOK string', 'arbitrary output'], ['arbitrary err output', 'arbitrary err signalling NOK string', 'arbitrary err output']]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert not state
[docs] def testCaseEXIT9OK3NOK2(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " EXIT9OK3NOK2 "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [9, ['fromH', 'OK', 'OK', 'OK'], ['NOK', 'NOK']]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert not state
[docs] def testCaseDEFAULT(self):
callkargs = {}
_call = self.scri
_call += " DEFAULT "
ret = self.sx.callit(_call,**callkargs)
assert ret == [123, ['arbitrary output'], []]
state = self.sx.apply(ret)
assert not state
if __name__ == '__main__':