Source code for eppy.modeleditor

# Copyright (c) 2012 Santosh Philip
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#  Distributed under the MIT License.
#  (See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at
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"""functions to edit the E+ model"""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from six import iteritems
from six import StringIO

import copy
from eppy.iddcurrent import iddcurrent
from eppy.idfreader import idfreader1
from eppy.idfreader import makeabunch
import itertools
import os
import platform

from py._log import warning

import eppy.function_helpers as function_helpers
import eppy.EPlusInterfaceFunctions.iddgroups as iddgroups

class NoObjectError(Exception):

    """Exception Object"""

class NotSameObjectError(Exception):

    """Exception Object"""

class IDDNotSetError(Exception):

    """Exception Object"""

class IDDAlreadySetError(Exception):

    """Exception Object"""

def almostequal(first, second, places=7, printit=True):
    Test if two values are equal to a given number of places.
    This is based on python's unittest so may be covered by Python's 

    if first == second:
        return True

    if round(abs(second - first), places) != 0:
        if printit:
            print(round(abs(second - first), places))
            print("notalmost: %s != %s to %i places" % (first, second, places))
        return False
        return True

def poptrailing(lst):
    """Remove trailing blank items from lst.
    while lst and lst[-1] == '':
    return lst

def extendlist(lst, i, value=''):
    """extend the list so that you have i-th value"""
    if i == None:
    elif i < len(lst):
        lst.extend([value, ] * (i - len(lst) + 1))

def newrawobject(data, commdct, key):
    """Make a new object for the given key.

    data : Eplusdata object
        Data dictionary and list of objects for the entire model.
    commdct : list of dicts
        Comments from the IDD file describing each item type in `data`.
    key : str
        Object type of the object to add (in ALL_CAPS).

        A list of field values for the new object.

    dtls = data.dtls
    key = key.upper()

    key_i = dtls.index(key)
    key_comm = commdct[key_i]
    # set default values
    obj = [comm.get('default', [''])[0] for comm in key_comm]
    for i, comm in enumerate(key_comm):
        typ = comm.get('type', [''])[0]
        if typ in ('real', 'integer'):
            func_select = dict(real=float, integer=int)
                obj[i] = func_select[typ](obj[i])
            except IndexError:
            except ValueError:  # if value = autocalculate
    obj[0] = key
    obj = poptrailing(obj)  # remove the blank items in a repeating field.
    return obj

def addthisbunch(bunchdt, data, commdct, thisbunch, theidf):
    """add a bunch to model.
    abunch usually comes from another idf file
    or it can be used to copy within the idf file"""
    key = thisbunch.key.upper()
    obj = copy.copy(thisbunch.obj)
    abunch = obj2bunch(data, commdct, obj)
    return abunch

def obj2bunch(data, commdct, obj):
    """make a new bunch object using the data object"""
    dtls = data.dtls
    key = obj[0].upper()
    key_i = dtls.index(key)
    abunch = makeabunch(commdct, obj, key_i)
    return abunch

def namebunch(abunch, aname):
    """give the bunch object a name, if it has a Name field"""
    if abunch.Name == None:
        abunch.Name = aname
    return abunch

def addobject(bunchdt, data, commdct, key, theidf, aname=None, **kwargs):
    """add an object to the eplus model"""
    obj = newrawobject(data, commdct, key)
    abunch = obj2bunch(data, commdct, obj)
    if aname:
        namebunch(abunch, aname)
    for key, value in list(kwargs.items()):
        abunch[key] = value
    return abunch

def getnamedargs(*args, **kwargs):
    """allows you to pass a dict and named args
    so you can pass ({'a':5, 'b':3}, c=8) and get
    dict(a=5, b=3, c=8)"""
    adict = {}
    for arg in args:
        if isinstance(arg, dict):
    return adict

def addobject1(bunchdt, data, commdct, key, **kwargs):
    """add an object to the eplus model"""
    obj = newrawobject(data, commdct, key)
    abunch = obj2bunch(data, commdct, obj)
    # adict = getnamedargs(*args, **kwargs)
    for kkey, value in iteritems(kwargs):
        abunch[kkey] = value
    return abunch

def getobject(bunchdt, key, name):
    """get the object if you have the key and the name
    returns a list of objects, in case you have more than one
    You should not have more than one"""
    # TODO : throw exception if more than one object, or return more objects
    idfobjects = bunchdt[key]
    if idfobjects:
        # second item in list is a unique ID
        unique_id = idfobjects[0].objls[1]
    theobjs = [idfobj for idfobj in idfobjects if
               idfobj[unique_id].upper() == name.upper()]
        return theobjs[0]
    except IndexError:
        return None

def __objecthasfields(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobject, places=7, **kwargs):
    """test if the idf object has the field values in kwargs"""
    for key, value in list(kwargs.items()):
        if not isfieldvalue(
                bunchdt, data, commdct,
                idfobject, key, value, places=places):
            return False
    return True

def getobjects(bunchdt, data, commdct, key, places=7, **kwargs):
    """get all the objects of key that matches the fields in **kwargs"""
    idfobjects = bunchdt[key]
    allobjs = []
    for obj in idfobjects:
        if __objecthasfields(
                bunchdt, data, commdct,
                obj, places=places, **kwargs):
    return allobjs

def iddofobject(data, commdct, key):
    """from commdct, return the idd of the object key"""
    dtls = data.dtls
    i = dtls.index(key)
    return commdct[i]

def getextensibleindex(bunchdt, data, commdct, key, objname):
    """get the index of the first extensible item"""
    theobject = getobject(bunchdt, key, objname)
    if theobject == None:
        return None
    theidd = iddofobject(data, commdct, key)
    extensible_i = [
        i for i in range(len(theidd)) if 'begin-extensible' in theidd[i]]
        extensible_i = extensible_i[0]
    except IndexError:
        return theobject

def removeextensibles(bunchdt, data, commdct, key, objname):
    """remove the extensible items in the object"""
    theobject = getobject(bunchdt, key, objname)
    if theobject == None:
        return theobject
    theidd = iddofobject(data, commdct, key)
    extensible_i = [
        i for i in range(len(theidd)) if 'begin-extensible' in theidd[i]]
        extensible_i = extensible_i[0]
    except IndexError:
        return theobject
    while True:
            popped = theobject.obj.pop(extensible_i)
        except IndexError:
    return theobject

def getfieldcomm(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobject, fieldname):
    """get the idd comment for the field"""
    key = idfobject.obj[0].upper()
    keyi = data.dtls.index(key)
    fieldi = idfobject.objls.index(fieldname)
    thiscommdct = commdct[keyi][fieldi]
    return thiscommdct

def is_retaincase(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobject, fieldname):
    """test if case has to be retained for that field"""
    thiscommdct = getfieldcomm(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobject, fieldname)
    return 'retaincase' in thiscommdct

def isfieldvalue(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobj, fieldname, value, places=7):
    """test if idfobj.field == value"""
    # do a quick type check
    # if type(idfobj[fieldname]) != type(value):
    # return False # takes care of autocalculate and real
    # check float
    thiscommdct = getfieldcomm(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobj, fieldname)
    if 'type' in thiscommdct:
        if thiscommdct['type'][0] in ('real', 'integer'):
            # test for autocalculate
                if idfobj[fieldname].upper() == 'AUTOCALCULATE':
                    if value.upper() == 'AUTOCALCULATE':
                        return True
            except AttributeError:
            return almostequal(float(idfobj[fieldname]), float(value), places, False)
    # check retaincase
    if is_retaincase(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobj, fieldname):
        return idfobj[fieldname] == value
        return idfobj[fieldname].upper() == value.upper()

def equalfield(bunchdt, data, commdct, idfobj1, idfobj2, fieldname, places=7):
    """returns true if the two fields are equal
    will test for retaincase
    places is used if the field is float/real"""
    # TODO test if both objects are of same type
    key1 = idfobj1.obj[0].upper()
    key2 = idfobj2.obj[0].upper()
    if key1 != key2:
        raise NotSameObjectError
    vee2 = idfobj2[fieldname]
    return isfieldvalue(
        bunchdt, data, commdct,
        idfobj1, fieldname, vee2, places=places)

def getrefnames(idf, objname):
    """get the reference names for this object"""
    iddinfo = idf.idd_info
    dtls = idf.model.dtls
    index = dtls.index(objname)
    fieldidds = iddinfo[index]
    for fieldidd in fieldidds:
        if 'field' in fieldidd:
            if fieldidd['field'][0].endswith('Name'):
                if 'reference' in fieldidd:
                    return fieldidd['reference']
                    return []

def getallobjlists(idf, refname):
    """get all object-list fields for refname
    return a list:
    [('OBJKEY', refname, fieldindexlist), ...] where
    fieldindexlist = index of the field where the object-list = refname
    dtls = idf.model.dtls
    objlists = []
    for i, fieldidds in enumerate(idf.idd_info):
        indexlist = []
        for j, fieldidd in enumerate(fieldidds):
            if 'object-list' in fieldidd:
                if fieldidd['object-list'][0].upper() == refname.upper():
        if indexlist != []:
            objkey = dtls[i]
            objlists.append((objkey, refname, indexlist))
    return objlists

def rename(idf, objkey, objname, newname):
    """rename all the refrences to this objname"""
    refnames = getrefnames(idf, objkey)
    for refname in refnames:
        objlists = getallobjlists(idf, refname)
        # [('OBJKEY', refname, fieldindexlist), ...]
        for refname in refnames:
        # TODO : there seems to be a duplication in this loop. Check.
        # refname appears in both loops
            for robjkey, refname, fieldindexlist in objlists:
                idfobjects = idf.idfobjects[robjkey]
                for idfobject in idfobjects:
                    for findex in fieldindexlist:  # for each field
                        if idfobject[idfobject.objls[findex]] == objname:
                            idfobject[idfobject.objls[findex]] = newname
    theobject = idf.getobject(objkey, objname)
    fieldname = [item for item in theobject.objls if item.endswith('Name')][0]
    theobject[fieldname] = newname
    return theobject

def zonearea(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone area"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    floors = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'FLOOR']
    if debug:
        print([floor.area for floor in floors])
    # area = sum([floor.area for floor in floors])
    if floors != []:
        area = zonearea_floor(idf, zonename)
        area = zonearea_roofceiling(idf, zonename)
    return area

def zonearea_floor(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone area - floor"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    floors = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'FLOOR']
    if debug:
        print([floor.area for floor in floors])
    area = sum([floor.area for floor in floors])
    return area

def zonearea_roofceiling(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone area - roof, ceiling"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    floors = [s for s in zone_surfs
              if s.Surface_Type.upper() in ['ROOF', 'CEILING']]
    if debug:
        print([floor.area for floor in floors])
    area = sum([floor.area for floor in floors])
    return area

def zone_height_min2max(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone height = max-min"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    surf_xyzs = [function_helpers.getcoords(s) for s in zone_surfs]
    surf_xyzs = list(itertools.chain(*surf_xyzs))
    surf_zs = [z for x, y, z in surf_xyzs]
    topz = max(surf_zs)
    botz = min(surf_zs)
    height = topz - botz
    return height

def zoneheight(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone height"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    floors = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'FLOOR']
    roofs = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'ROOF']
    if floors == [] or roofs == []:
        height = zone_height_min2max(idf, zonename)
        height = zone_floor2roofheight(idf, zonename)
    return height

def zone_floor2roofheight(idf, zonename, debug=False):
    """zone floor to roof height"""
    zone = idf.getobject('ZONE', zonename)
    surfs = idf.idfobjects['BuildingSurface:Detailed'.upper()]
    zone_surfs = [s for s in surfs if s.Zone_Name == zone.Name]
    floors = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'FLOOR']
    roofs = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'ROOF']
    ceilings = [s for s in zone_surfs if s.Surface_Type.upper() == 'CEILING']
    topsurfaces = roofs + ceilings

    topz = []
    for topsurface in topsurfaces:
        for coord in topsurface.coords:
    topz = max(topz)

    botz = []
    for floor in floors:
        for coord in floor.coords:
    botz = min(botz)
    height = topz - botz

    return height

def zonevolume(idf, zonename):
    """zone volume"""
    area = zonearea(idf, zonename)
    height = zoneheight(idf, zonename)
    volume = area * height

    return volume

def refname2key(idf, refname):
    """return all keys that have the reference name"""
    return [item[0] for item in getallobjlists(idf, refname)]

[docs]class IDF(object): """ The IDF class holds all the information about an EnergyPlus IDF. Class attributes --------------- iddname : str Name of the IDD currently being used by eppy. As a class attribute, this is set for all IDFs which are currently being processed and cannot be changed for an individual IDF. iddinfo : list Comments and metadata about fields in the IDD. block : list Field names in the IDD. Instance attributes ------------------- idfname : str Path to the IDF file. idfobjects : list List of EpBunch objects in the IDF. model : Eplusdata object Data dictionary and list of objects for the entire model. outputtype : str How to format the output of IDF.print or, IDF.saveas or IDF.savecopy. The options are: 'standard', 'nocomment', 'nocomment1', 'nocomment2', and 'compressed'. """ iddname = None idd_info = None block = None def __init__(self, idfname=None): """ Parameters ---------- idf_name : str, optional Path to an IDF file (which does not have to exist yet). """ # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if idfname != None: self.idfname = idfname self.outputtype = "standard" """ Methods to set up the IDD.""" @classmethod
[docs] def setiddname(cls, iddname, testing=False): """ Set the path to the EnergyPlus IDD for the version of EnergyPlus which is to be used by eppy. Parameters ---------- iddname : str Path to the IDD file. testing : bool Flag to use if running tests since we may want to ignore the `IDDAlreadySetError`. Raises ------ IDDAlreadySetError """ if cls.iddname == None: cls.iddname = iddname cls.idd_info = None cls.block = None elif cls.iddname == iddname: pass else: if testing == False: errortxt = "IDD file is set to: %s" % (cls.iddname, ) raise IDDAlreadySetError(errortxt)
[docs] def getiddname(cls): """Get the name of the current IDD used by eppy. Returns ------- str """ return cls.iddname
[docs] def setidd(cls, iddinfo, iddindex, block): """Set the IDD to be used by eppy. Parameters ---------- iddinfo : list Comments and metadata about fields in the IDD. block : list Field names in the IDD. """ cls.idd_info = iddinfo cls.block = block cls.idd_index = iddindex
"""Methods to do with reading an IDF."""
[docs] def initread(self, idfname): """ Use the current IDD and read an IDF from file. If the IDD has not yet been initialised then this is done first. Parameters ---------- idf_name : str Path to an IDF file. """ with open(idfname, 'r') as _: # raise nonexistent file error early if idfname doesn't exist pass iddfhandle = StringIO(iddcurrent.iddtxt) if self.getiddname() == None: self.setiddname(iddfhandle) self.idfname = idfname
[docs] def initreadtxt(self, idftxt): """ Use the current IDD and read an IDF from text data. If the IDD has not yet been initialised then this is done first. Parameters ---------- idftxt : str Text representing an IDF file. """ iddfhandle = StringIO(iddcurrent.iddtxt) if self.getiddname() == None: self.setiddname(iddfhandle) idfhandle = StringIO(idftxt) self.idfname = idfhandle
[docs] def read(self): """ Read the IDF file and the IDD file. If the IDD file had already been read, it will not be read again. Read populates the following data structures: - idfobjects : list - model : list - idd_info : list - idd_index : dict """ if self.getiddname() == None: errortxt = ("IDD file needed to read the idf file. " "Set it using IDF.setiddname(iddfile)") raise IDDNotSetError(errortxt) readout = idfreader1( self.idfname, self.iddname, self, commdct=self.idd_info, block=self.block) self.idfobjects, block, self.model, idd_info, idd_index = readout self.__class__.setidd(idd_info, idd_index, block)
"""Methods to do with creating a new blank IDF object."""
[docs] def new(self, fname=None): """Create a blank new idf file. Filename is optional. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Path to an IDF. This does not need to be set at this point. """ self.initnew(fname)
[docs] def initnew(self, fname): """ Use the current IDD and create a new empty IDF. If the IDD has not yet been initialised then this is done first. Parameters ---------- fname : str, optional Path to an IDF. This does not need to be set at this point. """ iddfhandle = StringIO(iddcurrent.iddtxt) if self.getiddname() == None: self.setiddname(iddfhandle) idfhandle = StringIO('') self.idfname = idfhandle if fname: self.idfname = fname
"""Methods to do with manipulating the objects in an IDF object."""
[docs] def newidfobject(self, key, aname='', **kwargs): """ Add a new idfobject to the model. If you don't specify a value for a field, the default value will be set. For example :: newidfobject("CONSTRUCTION") newidfobject("CONSTRUCTION", Name='Interior Ceiling_class', Outside_Layer='LW Concrete', Layer_2='soundmat') Parameters ---------- key : str The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS. aname : str, deprecated This parameter is not used. It is left there for backward compatibility. **kwargs Keyword arguments in the format `field=value` used to set the value of fields in the IDF object when it is created. Returns ------- EpBunch object """ obj = newrawobject(self.model, self.idd_info, key) abunch = obj2bunch(self.model, self.idd_info, obj) if aname: warning.warn("The aname parameter should no longer be used.") namebunch(abunch, aname) self.idfobjects[key].append(abunch) for k, v in list(kwargs.items()): abunch[k] = v return abunch
[docs] def popidfobject(self, key, index): """Pop an IDF object from the IDF. Parameters ---------- key : str The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS. index : int The index of the object to pop. Returns ------- EpBunch object. """ return self.idfobjects[key].pop(index)
[docs] def removeidfobject(self, idfobject): """Remove an IDF object from the IDF. Parameters ---------- idfobject : EpBunch object The IDF object to remove. """ key = idfobject.key.upper() self.idfobjects[key].remove(idfobject)
[docs] def copyidfobject(self, idfobject): """Add an IDF object to the IDF. Parameters ---------- idfobject : EpBunch object The IDF object to remove. This usually comes from another idf file, or it can be used to copy within this idf file. """ addthisbunch(self.idfobjects, self.model, self.idd_info, idfobject, self)
[docs] def getobject(self, key, name): """Fetch an IDF object given key and name. Parameters ---------- key : str The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS. name : str The name of the object to fetch. Returns ------- EpBunch object. """ return getobject(self.idfobjects, key, name)
[docs] def getextensibleindex(self, key, name): """ Get the index of the first extensible item. Only for internal use. # TODO : hide this Parameters ---------- key : str The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS. name : str The name of the object to fetch. Returns ------- int """ return getextensibleindex( self.idfobjects, self.model, self.idd_info, key, name)
[docs] def removeextensibles(self, key, name): """ Remove extensible items in the object of key and name. Only for internal use. # TODO : hide this Parameters ---------- key : str The type of IDF object. This must be in ALL_CAPS. name : str The name of the object to fetch. Returns ------- EpBunch object """ return removeextensibles( self.idfobjects, self.model, self.idd_info, key, name)
"""Methods to do with outputting an IDF."""
[docs] def printidf(self): """Print the IDF. """ print(self.idfstr())
[docs] def idfstr(self): """String representation of the IDF. Returns ------- str """ if self.outputtype == 'standard': astr = '' else: astr = self.model.__repr__() if self.outputtype == 'standard': astr = '' dtls = self.model.dtls for objname in dtls: for obj in self.idfobjects[objname]: astr = astr + obj.__repr__() elif self.outputtype == 'nocomment': return astr elif self.outputtype == 'nocomment1': slist = astr.split('\n') slist = [item.strip() for item in slist] astr = '\n'.join(slist) elif self.outputtype == 'nocomment2': slist = astr.split('\n') slist = [item.strip() for item in slist] slist = [item for item in slist if item != ''] astr = '\n'.join(slist) elif self.outputtype == 'compressed': slist = astr.split('\n') slist = [item.strip() for item in slist] astr = ' '.join(slist) else: raise ValueError("%s is not a valid outputtype" % self.outputtype) return astr
[docs] def save(self, filename=None, lineendings='default', encoding='latin-1'): """ Save the IDF as a text file with the optional filename passed, or with the current idfname of the IDF. Parameters ---------- filename : str, optional Filepath to save the file. If None then use the IDF.idfname parameter. Also accepts a file handle. lineendings : str, optional Line endings to use in the saved file. Options are 'default', 'windows' and 'unix' the default is 'default' which uses the line endings for the current system. encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for the saved file. The default is 'latin-1' which is compatible with the EnergyPlus IDFEditor. """ if filename is None: filename = self.idfname s = self.idfstr() if lineendings == 'default': system = platform.system() s = '!- {} Line endings \n'.format(system) + s slines = s.splitlines() s = os.linesep.join(slines) elif lineendings == 'windows': s = '!- Windows Line endings \n' + s slines = s.splitlines() s = '\r\n'.join(slines) elif lineendings == 'unix': s = '!- Unix Line endings \n' + s slines = s.splitlines() s = '\n'.join(slines) s = s.encode(encoding) try: with open(filename, 'wb') as idf_out: idf_out.write(s) except TypeError: # in the case that filename is a file handle try: filename.write(s) except TypeError: filename.write(s.decode(encoding))
[docs] def saveas(self, filename, lineendings='default', encoding='latin-1'): """ Save the IDF as a text file with the filename passed. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filepath to to set the idfname attribute to and save the file as. lineendings : str, optional Line endings to use in the saved file. Options are 'default', 'windows' and 'unix' the default is 'default' which uses the line endings for the current system. encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for the saved file. The default is 'latin-1' which is compatible with the EnergyPlus IDFEditor. """ self.idfname = filename, lineendings, encoding)
[docs] def savecopy(self, filename, lineendings='default', encoding='latin-1'): """Save a copy of the file with the filename passed. Parameters ---------- filename : str Filepath to save the file. lineendings : str, optional Line endings to use in the saved file. Options are 'default', 'windows' and 'unix' the default is 'default' which uses the line endings for the current system. encoding : str, optional Encoding to use for the saved file. The default is 'latin-1' which is compatible with the EnergyPlus IDFEditor. """, lineendings, encoding)
[docs] def getiddgroupdict(self): """Return a idd group dictionary sample: {'Plant-Condenser Loops': ['PlantLoop', 'CondenserLoop'], 'Compliance Objects': ['Compliance:Building'], 'Controllers': ['Controller:WaterCoil', 'Controller:OutdoorAir', 'Controller:MechanicalVentilation', 'AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList'], ...} Returns ------- dict """ return iddgroups.commdct2grouplist(self.idd_info)