Installing, updating and removing

Manage your installation of the energenie package with pip.


On Raspberry Pi, install the energenie module in pip.

Python 3:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip-3.2 install energenie

Python 2:

sudo apt-get install python-pip
sudo pip install energenie

Version checking

Check which version of energenie you have installed by inspecting __version__:

import energenie


or in one line from the command line (Python 3):

python3 -c "import energenie; print(energenie.__version__)"

or for Python 2:

python -c "import energenie; print(energenie.__version__)"

Be sure to check the right version of Python.


Update to the latest version of energenie with:

sudo pip-3.2 install energenie --update

for Python 3.

or for Python 2:

sudo pip install energenie --update


Uninstall the package with:

sudo pip-3.2 uninstall energenie

for Python 3.

or for Python 2:

sudo pip uninstall energenie