Source code for eleve.memory


Provide full-python reference implementation of ``eleve`` storage and Trie.

from __future__ import division
import math
import logging

__all__ = ["MemoryTrie", "MemoryStorage"]

NaN = float('nan')

class MemoryNode(object):
    """ Node used by :class:`MemoryTrie`
    # to take a little less memory
    __slots__ = ['count', 'entropy', 'childs']

    def __init__(self, count=0):
        self.count = count
        self.entropy = float('nan')
        self.childs = {}

    def update_entropy(self, terminals):
        """ Update the entropy of the node.

        :param terminals: a set of bytes. If a token is inside that set, it will
         count as N different tokens instead of a token with count N.
        entropy = 0
        sum_counts = 0
        for token, child in self.childs.items():
            if child.count == 0:
            sum_counts += child.count
            if token in terminals:
                entropy += (child.count / self.count) * math.log(self.count, 2)
                entropy -= (child.count / self.count) * math.log(child.count / self.count, 2)
        if not sum_counts:
            entropy = NaN
            assert sum_counts == self.count
        if self.entropy != entropy and not(math.isnan(self.entropy) and math.isnan(entropy)):
            self.entropy = entropy

    def iter_childs(self):
        """ Returns an iterator over childs nodes
        return self.childs.values()

class MemoryLeaf(object):
    __slots__ = ['count']

    def __init__(self, count=0):
        self.count = count

    def entropy(self):
        return float('nan')

    def to_node(self):
        return MemoryNode(count=self.count)

[docs]class MemoryTrie: """ In-memory tree (made to be simple, no specific optimizations) """
[docs] def __init__(self, terminals=[]): """ Constructor :param terminals: Tokens that are in "terminals" array are counted as distinct in the entropy computation. By default, the symbols are for start and end of sentences. """ self.root = MemoryNode() # normalization params : # * one for each level # * on each level : mean, stdev # * WARNING: self.normalization[0] gives data for depth 1 (depth 0 is root and always NaN, NaN) self.normalization = [] self.terminals = set(terminals) self.dirty = True
[docs] def max_depth(self): """ Returns the maximum depth of the Trie >>> trie = MemoryTrie() >>> trie.max_depth() 0 >>> trie.add_ngram(["A", "B", "C"]) >>> trie.max_depth() 3 """ self._check_dirty() return len(self.normalization)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the trie. """ self.root = MemoryNode() self.dirty = True return self
[docs] def iter_leafs(self): def _rec(ngram, node): if node.childs: for token, child in node.childs.items(): for i in _rec(ngram + [token], child): yield i elif node is not self.root: yield ngram for i in _rec([], self.root): yield i
def _update_stats_rec(self, parent_entropy, depth, node): """ Recurively update both entropy and normalization vector """ # extend normalization vector if needed while len(self.normalization) < depth: self.normalization.append((0., 0., 0)) # if MemoryLeaf nothing else should be done if isinstance(node, MemoryLeaf): return node.update_entropy(self.terminals) # update entropy variation mean and std if possible (not NaN) if depth > 0 and not math.isnan(node.entropy) and (node.entropy or parent_entropy): ev = node.entropy - parent_entropy mean, stdev, count = self.normalization[depth-1] old_mean = mean count += 1 mean += (ev - old_mean) / count stdev += (ev - old_mean) * (ev - mean) self.normalization[depth-1] = mean, stdev, count # recurifs calls for child in node.iter_childs(): self._update_stats_rec(node.entropy, depth + 1, child)
[docs] def update_stats(self): """ Update the internal statistics (like entropy, and stdev & means) for the entropy variations. Called automatically if the trie is modified and we then do queries on it. """ if not self.dirty: return self.normalization = [] self._update_stats_rec(NaN, 0, self.root) for pseudo_depth, (mean, _stdev, count) in enumerate(self.normalization): stdev = math.sqrt(_stdev / (count or 1)) self.normalization[pseudo_depth] = (mean, stdev) self.dirty = False
def _check_dirty(self): if self.dirty: logging.warning("Updating the tree statistics (update_stats method), as we query it while dirty. This is a slow operation.") self.update_stats()
[docs] def add_ngram(self, ngram, freq=1): """ Add a ngram to the trie. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :param freq: specify the number of times you add (or substract) that ngram. """ if freq <= 0: raise ValueError("freq should be larger or equal to 1") if len(ngram) == 0: logging.warning("Adding empty ngram just do nothing.") return self.dirty = True parent = self.root parent.count += freq for depth, token in enumerate(ngram): try: child = parent.childs[token] child.count += freq # transform leaf to node, if we are not at the end if depth < len(ngram) - 1 and isinstance(child, MemoryLeaf): child = child.to_node() parent.childs[token] = child except KeyError: #node do not exist yet child = MemoryNode(freq) if depth < len(ngram) - 1 else MemoryLeaf(freq) parent.childs[token] = child parent = child
def _lookup(self, ngram): """ Search for a node. :returns: a couple with the parent node and the node. :raises KeyError: if the node doesn't exists. """ node = self.root last_node = node while ngram: last_node = node node = node.childs[ngram[0]] ngram = ngram[1:] return (last_node, node)
[docs] def query_count(self, ngram): """ Query for the number of occurences we have seen the n-gram in the training data. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: An integer. """ try: _, node = self._lookup(ngram) except (KeyError, AttributeError): return 0.0 return node.count
[docs] def query_entropy(self, ngram): """ Query for the branching entropy. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ self._check_dirty() try: _, node = self._lookup(ngram) except (KeyError, AttributeError): return float('nan') return node.entropy
[docs] def query_ev(self, ngram): """ Query for the branching entropy variation. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ self._check_dirty() if not ngram: return float('nan') try: last_node, node = self._lookup(ngram) except (KeyError, AttributeError): return float('nan') if not math.isnan(node.entropy) and (node.entropy != 0 or last_node.entropy != 0): return node.entropy - last_node.entropy return float('nan')
[docs] def query_autonomy(self, ngram, z_score=True): """ Query the autonomy (normalized entropy variation) for the n-gram. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :param z_score: If True, compute the z_score ((value - mean) / stdev). If False, just substract the mean. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ self._check_dirty() try: mean, stdev = self.normalization[len(ngram)-1] except IndexError: return float('nan') ev = self.query_ev(ngram) if math.isnan(ev): return float('nan') nev = ev - mean if z_score: try: nev /= stdev except ZeroDivisionError: return float('nan') return nev
[docs]class MemoryStorage: """ Full-Python in-memory storage. """ # Use PRIVATE_USE_AREA codes sentence_start = "\ue02b" # in utf8 : b"\xee\x80\xab" # see sentence_end = "\ue02d" # in utf8 : b"\xee\x80\xad" # see
[docs] def __init__(self, default_ngram_length=5): """ Storage constructor. :param default_ngram_length: the default maximum length of n-gram beeing stored. May be overriden in :func:`add_sentence`. """ assert isinstance(default_ngram_length, int) and default_ngram_length > 0 self._default_ngram_length = default_ngram_length terminals = [self.sentence_start, self.sentence_end] self.bwd = MemoryTrie(terminals=terminals) self.fwd = MemoryTrie(terminals=terminals)
@property def default_ngram_length(self): return self._default_ngram_length
[docs] def add_sentence(self, sentence, freq=1, ngram_length=None): """ Add a sentence to the model. :param sentence: The sentence to add. Should be a list of tokens. :param freq: The number of times to add this sentence. One by default. May be negative to "remove" a sentence. :param ngram_length: The length of n-grams that are stored. If None the default value setup in __init__ is used. """ if freq <= 0: raise ValueError("freq should be larger or equal to 1") if not sentence: return if ngram_length is None: ngram_length = self.default_ngram_length token_list = [self.sentence_start] + sentence + [self.sentence_end] for i in range(len(token_list) - 1): self.fwd.add_ngram(token_list[i:i+ngram_length], freq) token_list = token_list[::-1] for i in range(len(token_list) - 1): self.bwd.add_ngram(token_list[i:i+ngram_length], freq)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the training data in the model, effectively resetting it. """ self.bwd.clear() self.fwd.clear()
[docs] def update_stats(self): """ Update the entropies and normalization factors. This function is called automatically when you modify the model and then query it. """ self.bwd.update_stats() self.fwd.update_stats()
[docs] def query_autonomy(self, ngram): """ Query the autonomy for a ngram. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ result_fwd = self.fwd.query_autonomy(ngram) result_bwd = self.bwd.query_autonomy(ngram[::-1]) if math.isnan(result_fwd) or math.isnan(result_bwd): return float('nan') return (result_fwd + result_bwd) / 2
[docs] def query_ev(self, ngram): """ Query the entropy variation for a ngram. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ result_fwd = self.fwd.query_ev(ngram) result_bwd = self.bwd.query_ev(ngram[::-1]) if math.isnan(result_fwd) or math.isnan(result_bwd): return float('nan') return (result_fwd + result_bwd) / 2
[docs] def query_count(self, ngram): """ Query the count for a ngram (the number of time it appeared in the training corpus). :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float. """ return self.fwd.query_count(ngram)
[docs] def query_entropy(self, ngram): """ Query the branching entropy for a n-gram. :param ngram: A list of tokens. :returns: A float, that can be NaN if it is not defined. """ entropy_fwd = self.fwd.query_entropy(ngram) entropy_bwd = self.bwd.query_entropy(ngram[::-1]) if math.isnan(entropy_fwd) or math.isnan(entropy_bwd): return float('nan') return (entropy_fwd + entropy_bwd) / 2