Source code for egegsignals.parameters

# egegsignals - Software for processing electrogastroenterography signals.

# Copyright (C) 2013 -- 2017 Aleksandr Popov

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

""" Parametes of electrogastroenterography signals and some help functions.


import numpy as np
import scipy.fftpack
from scipy import signal

egeg_fs = {
    'colon' : (0.01, 0.03),
    'stomach' : (0.03, 0.07),
    'ileum' : (0.07, 0,13),
    'nestis' : (0.13, 0.18),
    'duodenum' : (0.18, 0.25),

[docs]def spectrum(x): """Return amplitude spectrum of signal. Parameters ---------- x : array_like Signal. Returns ------- : numpy.array Two-side amplitude spectrum. """ return abs(scipy.fftpack.fft(x))
[docs]def expand_to(x, new_len): """Add zeros to signal. For doing magick with resolution in spectrum. Returns ------- : numpy.array Signal expanded by zeros. """ if new_len <= len(x): return x x_exp = np.zeros(new_len) x_exp[0 : len(x)] = x return x_exp
[docs]def dominant_frequency(spectrum, dt, fs): """ Return dominant frequency of signal in band of frequencies. Parameters ---------- spectrum : array_like Pre-calculated spectrum. dt : float Sampling period. fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds. Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum), dt) ind = (f>=fs[0]) & (f<=fs[1]) df_ind = spectrum[ind].argmax() return f[ind][df_ind]
[docs]def energy(spectrum, dt, fs): """ Return the energy of the part of the specturm. Parameters ---------- spectrum : array_like Pre-calculated spectrum. dt : float Sampling period fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum),dt) ind = (f>=fs[0]) & (f<=fs[1]) return dt * sum(spectrum[ind]**2) / len(spectrum)
[docs]def power(spectrum, dt, fs): """ Return the power of the part of the specturm. Parameters ---------- spectrum : array_like Pre-calculated spectrum. dt : float Sampling period fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ return energy(spectrum, dt, fs) / (len(spectrum) * dt)
[docs]def rhythmicity(spectrum, dt, fs): """ Return Gastroscan-GEM version of the rhythmicity coefficient. Do not use it. Parameters ---------- spectrum : array_like Pre-calculated spectrum. dt : float Sampling period fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum),dt) ind = (f>=fs[0]) & (f<=fs[1]) spectrum = spectrum[ind] envelope = sum([abs(spectrum[i] - spectrum[i-1]) for i in range(len(spectrum))]) return envelope / len(spectrum)
[docs]def rhythmicity_norm(spectrum, dt, fs): """ Return normalized Gastroscan-GEM version of the rhythmicity coefficient. Parameters ---------- spectrum : array_like Pre-calculated spectrum. dt : float Sampling period fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ f = np.fft.fftfreq(len(spectrum),dt) ind = (f>=fs[0]) & (f<=fs[1]) spectrum = spectrum[ind] envelope = sum([abs(spectrum[i] - spectrum[i-1]) for i in range(len(spectrum))]) return envelope / len(spectrum) / np.max(spectrum)
[docs]def stft(x, dt, nseg, nstep, window='hanning', nfft=None, padded=False): """ Return result of short-time fourier transform. Parameters ---------- x : numpy.ndarray Signal. dt : float Sampling period. window : str Type of window. nseg : int Length of segment (in samples). nstep : int Length of step (in samples). nfft : int Length of the FFT. If None or less than nseg, the FFT length is nseg. Returns ------- : list of numpy.ndarray Result of STFT. """ wind = signal.get_window(window, nseg) Xs=[] if padded: L = len(x) + (nseg - len(x) % nseg) % nseg x = expand_to(x, L) if not nfft: nseg_exp = nseg else: nseg_exp = max(nseg, nfft) for i in range(0, len(x)-nseg + 1, nstep): seg = x[i : i+nseg] * wind seg = expand_to(seg, nseg_exp) X = spectrum(seg) Xs.append(X) return Xs
[docs]def dfic(fs, x, dt, nseg, nstep, window='hanning', nfft=None, padded=False): """ Return dominant frequency instability coefficient. Parameters ---------- fs : array_like Two frequencies bounds x : numpy.ndarray Signal. dt : float Sampling period. window : str Type of window. nseg : int Length of segment (in samples). nstep : int Length of step (in samples). nfft : int Length of the FFT. Use it for doing magick with resolution in spectrum. If None or less than nseg, the FFT length is nseg. Returns ------- : float Value of parameter. """ Xs = stft(x, dt, nseg, nstep, window, nfft, padded) dfs = np.array([dominant_frequency(X, dt, fs) for X in Xs]) return np.std(dfs) / np.average(dfs)