An easy application to establish an energy monitoring system for raspberry pi and ds18b20 temperature sensors.
1. Installation¶
Install via pip:
pip install eems
Install via git:
git clone
cd eems/
python install
2. Usage¶
The application can be used directly in the command line or be imported into a python file.
2.2 Python script¶
Quick start:
import eems
# generate check-object to identify ds18b20 requirements
c = eems.Check()
# check if modules w1-therm and w1-gpio are set
# check if dtoverlay=w1-gpio is set in config.txt
# generate temp-object to read sensors
t = eems.Temp(console=True)
# Read all connected DS18B20 sensors once.
# Start reading DS18B20 sensors with an interval of 2s and a maximum
# duration of 10s
t.monitor(interval=2, duration=10)
More features can be found here: Module