Source code for opaque_keys

Defines the :class:`OpaqueKey` class, to be used as the base-class for
implementing pluggable OpaqueKeys.

These keys are designed to provide a limited, forward-evolveable interface to
an application, while concealing the particulars of the serialization
formats, and allowing new serialization formats to be installed transparently.
from _collections import defaultdict
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from functools import total_ordering

from six import (
from stevedore.enabled import EnabledExtensionManager

[docs]class InvalidKeyError(Exception): """ Raised to indicated that a serialized key isn't valid (wasn't able to be parsed by any available providers). """ def __init__(self, key_class, serialized): super(InvalidKeyError, self).__init__(u'{}: {}'.format(key_class, serialized))
[docs]class OpaqueKeyMetaclass(ABCMeta): """ Metaclass for :class:`OpaqueKey`. Sets the default value for the values in ``KEY_FIELDS`` to ``None``. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): if '__slots__' not in attrs: for field in attrs.get('KEY_FIELDS', []): attrs.setdefault(field, None) return super(OpaqueKeyMetaclass, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
@python_2_unicode_compatible @total_ordering
[docs]class OpaqueKey(with_metaclass(OpaqueKeyMetaclass)): """ A base-class for implementing pluggable opaque keys. Individual key subclasses identify particular types of resources, without specifying the actual form of the key (or its serialization). There are two levels of expected subclasses: Key type definitions, and key implementations :: OpaqueKey | Key type | Key implementation The key type base class must define the class property ``KEY_TYPE``, which identifies which ``entry_point`` namespace the keys implementations should be registered with. The KeyImplementation classes must define the following: ``CANONICAL_NAMESPACE`` Identifies the key namespace for the particular key implementation (when serializing). Key implementations must be registered using the ``CANONICAL_NAMESPACE`` as their entry_point name, but can also be registered with other names for backwards compatibility. ``KEY_FIELDS`` A list of attribute names that will be used to establish object identity. Key implementation instances will compare equal iff all of their ``KEY_FIELDS`` match, and will not compare equal to instances of different KeyImplementation classes (even if the ``KEY_FIELDS`` match). These fields must be hashable. ``_to_string`` Serialize the key into a unicode object. This should not include the namespace prefix (``CANONICAL_NAMESPACE``). ``_from_string`` Construct an instance of this :class:`OpaqueKey` from a unicode object. The namespace will already have been parsed. OpaqueKeys will not have optional constructor parameters (due to the implementation of ``KEY_FIELDS``), by default. However, an implementation class can provide a default, as long as it passes that default to a call to ``super().__init__``. If the KeyImplementation sets the class attribute ``CHECKED_INIT`` to ``False``, then the :class:`OpaqueKey` base class constructor will not validate any of the ``KEY_FIELDS`` arguments, and will instead just expect all ``KEY_FIELDS`` to be passed as ``kwargs``. :class:`OpaqueKey` objects are immutable. Serialization of an :class:`OpaqueKey` is performed by using the :func:`unicode` builtin. Deserialization is performed by the :meth:`from_string` method. """ __slots__ = ('_initialized', 'deprecated') KEY_FIELDS = [] CANONICAL_NAMESPACE = None NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR = u':' CHECKED_INIT = True # ============= ABSTRACT METHODS ============== @classmethod @abstractmethod def _from_string(cls, serialized): """ Return an instance of `cls` parsed from its `serialized` form. Args: cls: The :class:`OpaqueKey` subclass. serialized (unicode): A serialized :class:`OpaqueKey`, with namespace already removed. Raises: InvalidKeyError: Should be raised if `serialized` is not a valid serialized key understood by `cls`. """ raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _to_string(self): """ Return a serialization of `self`. This serialization should not include the namespace prefix. """ raise NotImplementedError() @classmethod def _from_deprecated_string(cls, serialized): """ Return an instance of `cls` parsed from its deprecated `serialized` form. This will be called only if :meth:`OpaqueKey.from_string` is unable to parse a key out of `serialized`, and only if `set_deprecated_fallback` has been called to register a fallback class. Args: cls: The :class:`OpaqueKey` subclass. serialized (unicode): A serialized :class:`OpaqueKey`, with namespace already removed. Raises: InvalidKeyError: Should be raised if `serialized` is not a valid serialized key understood by `cls`. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _to_deprecated_string(self): """ Return a deprecated serialization of `self`. This will be called only if `set_deprecated_fallback` has been called to register a fallback class, and the key being serialized has the attribute `deprecated=True`. This serialization should not include the namespace prefix. """ raise NotImplementedError() # ============= SERIALIZATION ============== def __str__(self): """ Serialize this :class:`OpaqueKey`, in the form ``<CANONICAL_NAMESPACE>:<value of _to_string>``. """ if self.deprecated: # no namespace on deprecated return self._to_deprecated_string() return self.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.join([self.CANONICAL_NAMESPACE, self._to_string()]) # pylint: disable=no-member @classmethod
[docs] def from_string(cls, serialized): """ Return a :class:`OpaqueKey` object deserialized from the `serialized` argument. This object will be an instance of a subclass of the `cls` argument. Args: serialized: A stringified form of a :class:`OpaqueKey` """ if serialized is None: raise InvalidKeyError(cls, serialized) # pylint: disable=protected-access # load drivers before checking for attr cls._drivers() try: namespace, rest = cls._separate_namespace(serialized) return cls.get_namespace_plugin(namespace)._from_string(rest) except InvalidKeyError: if hasattr(cls, 'deprecated_fallback'): return cls.deprecated_fallback._from_deprecated_string(serialized) raise InvalidKeyError(cls, serialized)
@classmethod def _separate_namespace(cls, serialized): """ Return the namespace from a serialized :class:`OpaqueKey`, and the rest of the key. Args: serialized (unicode): A serialized :class:`OpaqueKey`. Raises: MissingNamespace: Raised when no namespace can be extracted from `serialized`. """ namespace, __, rest = serialized.partition(cls.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR) # If ':' isn't found in the string, then the source string # is returned as the first result (i.e. namespace); this happens # in the case of a malformed input or a deprecated string. if namespace == serialized: raise InvalidKeyError(cls, serialized) return (namespace, rest) @classmethod
[docs] def get_namespace_plugin(cls, namespace): """ Return the registered OpaqueKey subclass of cls for the supplied namespace """ # The cache is stored per-calling-class, rather than per-KEY_TYPE, # because we should raise InvalidKeyError if the namespace # doesn't specify a subclass of cls # Ensure all extensions are loaded. Extensions may modify the deprecated_fallback attribute of the class, so # they must be loaded before processing any keys. drivers = cls._drivers() try: return drivers[namespace].plugin except KeyError: # Cache that the namespace doesn't correspond to a known plugin, # so that we don't waste time checking every time we hit # a particular unknown namespace (like i4x) raise InvalidKeyError(cls, u'{}:*'.format(namespace))
LOADED_DRIVERS = defaultdict() # If you change default, change test_default_deprecated @classmethod def _drivers(cls): """ Return a driver manager for all key classes that are subclasses of `cls`. """ if cls not in cls.LOADED_DRIVERS: cls.LOADED_DRIVERS[cls] = EnabledExtensionManager( cls.KEY_TYPE, # pylint: disable=no-member check_func=lambda extension: issubclass(extension.plugin, cls), invoke_on_load=False, ) return cls.LOADED_DRIVERS[cls] @classmethod
[docs] def set_deprecated_fallback(cls, fallback): """ Register a deprecated fallback class for this class to revert to. """ if hasattr(cls, 'deprecated_fallback'): raise AttributeError("Error: cannot register two fallback classes for {!r}.".format(cls)) cls.deprecated_fallback = fallback
# ============= VALUE SEMANTICS ============== def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # The __init__ expects child classes to implement KEY_FIELDS # pylint: disable=no-member # a flag used to indicate that this instance was deserialized from the # deprecated form and should serialize to the deprecated form self.deprecated = kwargs.pop('deprecated', False) # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot if self.CHECKED_INIT: self._checked_init(*args, **kwargs) else: self._unchecked_init(**kwargs) self._initialized = True # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot def _checked_init(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Set all KEY_FIELDS using the contents of args and kwargs, treating KEY_FIELDS as the arg order, and validating number and order of args. """ if len(args) + len(kwargs) != len(self.KEY_FIELDS): raise TypeError('__init__() takes exactly {} arguments ({} given)'.format( len(self.KEY_FIELDS), len(args) + len(kwargs) )) keyed_args = dict(zip(self.KEY_FIELDS, args)) overlapping_args = viewkeys(keyed_args) & viewkeys(kwargs) if overlapping_args: raise TypeError('__init__() got multiple values for keyword argument {!r}'.format(overlapping_args[0])) keyed_args.update(kwargs) for key in viewkeys(keyed_args): if key not in self.KEY_FIELDS: raise TypeError('__init__() got an unexpected argument {!r}'.format(key)) self._unchecked_init(**keyed_args) def _unchecked_init(self, **kwargs): """ Set all kwargs as attributes. """ for key, value in viewitems(kwargs): setattr(self, key, value)
[docs] def replace(self, **kwargs): """ Return: a new :class:`OpaqueKey` with ``KEY_FIELDS`` specified in ``kwargs`` replaced their corresponding values. Deprecation value is also preserved. Subclasses should override this if they have required properties that aren't included in their ``KEY_FIELDS``. """ existing_values = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.KEY_FIELDS} # pylint: disable=no-member existing_values['deprecated'] = self.deprecated if all(value == existing_values[key] for (key, value) in iteritems(kwargs)): return self existing_values.update(kwargs) return type(self)(**existing_values)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if getattr(self, '_initialized', False): raise AttributeError("Can't set {!r}. OpaqueKeys are immutable.".format(name)) super(OpaqueKey, self).__setattr__(name, value) # pylint: disable=no-member def __delattr__(self, name): raise AttributeError("Can't delete {!r}. OpaqueKeys are immutable.".format(name)) def __copy__(self): """ Because it's immutable, return itself """ return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo): """ Because it's immutable, return itself """ memo[id(self)] = self return self def __setstate__(self, state_dict): # used by pickle to set fields on an unpickled object for key in state_dict: if key in self.KEY_FIELDS: # pylint: disable=no-member setattr(self, key, state_dict[key]) self.deprecated = state_dict['deprecated'] # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot self._initialized = True # pylint: disable=assigning-non-slot def __getstate__(self): # used by pickle to get fields on an unpickled object pickleable_dict = {} for key in self.KEY_FIELDS: # pylint: disable=no-member pickleable_dict[key] = getattr(self, key) pickleable_dict['deprecated'] = self.deprecated return pickleable_dict @property def _key(self): """Returns a tuple of key fields""" # pylint: disable=no-member return tuple(getattr(self, field) for field in self.KEY_FIELDS) + (self.CANONICAL_NAMESPACE, self.deprecated) def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, OpaqueKey) and self._key == other._key # pylint: disable=protected-access def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): if (self.KEY_FIELDS, self.CANONICAL_NAMESPACE, self.deprecated) != (other.KEY_FIELDS, other.CANONICAL_NAMESPACE, other.deprecated): raise TypeError("{!r} is incompatible with {!r}".format(self, other)) return self._key < other._key # pylint: disable=protected-access def __hash__(self): return hash(self._key) def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(repr(getattr(self, key)) for key in self.KEY_FIELDS) # pylint: disable=no-member ) def __len__(self): """Return the number of characters in the serialized OpaqueKey""" return len(text_type(self))