
Authentication classes are used to associate a request with a user. Unless otherwise noted, all of the classes below adhere to the Django REST Framework’s API for authentication classes.

class BearerAuthentication

Simple token based authentication.

This authentication class is useful for authenticating an OAuth2 access token against a remote authentication provider. Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the “Authorization” HTTP header, prepended with the string “Bearer “.

This class relies on the OAUTH2_USER_INFO_URL being set to the value of an endpoint on the OAuth provider, that returns a JSON object with information about the user. See process_user_info_response for the expected format of this object. This data will be used to get, or create, a User. Additionally, it is assumed that a successful response from this endpoint (authenticated with the provided access token) implies the access token is valid.

Example Header:
Authorization: Bearer 401f7ac837da42b97f613d789819ff93537bee6a

Validate the bearer token against the OAuth provider.

Parameters:token (str) – Access token to validate
Returns:tuple containing:

user (User): User associated with the access token access_token (str): Access token

Return type:(tuple)
Raises:AuthenticationFailed – The user is inactive, or retrieval of user info failed.

Retrieves the user info from the OAuth provider.

Parameters:token (str) – OAuth2 access token.
Raises:UserInfoRetrievalFailed – Retrieval of user info from the remote server failed.

Returns the URL, hosted by the OAuth2 provider, from which user information can be pulled.


Process the user info response data.

By default, this simply maps the edX user info key-values (example below) to Django-friendly names. If your provider returns different fields, you should sub-class this class and override this method.

    "username": "jdoe",
    "email": "",
    "first_name": "Jane",
    "last_name": "Doe"
Parameters:response (dict) – User info data
class JwtAuthentication

JSON Web Token based authentication.

This authentication class is useful for authenticating a JWT using a secret key. Clients should authenticate by passing the token key in the “Authorization” HTTP header, prepended with the string “JWT “.

This class relies on the JWT_AUTH being configured for the application as well as JWT_PAYLOAD_USER_ATTRIBUTES being configured in the EDX_DRF_EXTENSIONS config.

At a minimum, the JWT payload must contain a username. If an email address is provided in the payload, it will be used to update the retrieved user’s email address associated with that username.

Example Header:
Authorization: JWT eyJhbGciOiJSUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJmYzJiNzIwMTE0YmIwN2I0NjVlODQzYTc0ZWM2ODNlNiIs ImFkbWluaXN0cmF0b3IiOmZhbHNlLCJuYW1lIjoiaG9ub3IiLCJleHA.QHDXdo8gDJ5p9uOErTLZtl2HK_61kgLs71VHp6sLx8rIqj2tt9yCfc_0 JUZpIYMkEd38uf1vj-4HZkzeNBnZZZ3Kdvq7F8ZioREPKNyEVSm2mnzl1v49EthehN9kwfUgFgPXfUh-pCvLDqwCCTdAXMcTJ8qufzEPTYYY54lY

Get or create an active user with the username contained in the payload.


Returns a mapping of JWT claims to user model attributes.
