Using with Django and Djpcms

This section explains how to use the ecoplot jQuery plugin on a django powered site which uses djpcms as content management system.

First you need to install djpcms and add it to the installed applications of your django project. Second, add the dynts.web.plugins to the DJPCMS_PLUGINS. The settings file should contains:

INSTALLED_APPLICATIONS += ('djpcms','dynts',)

TimeSeries View

class dynts.web.views.TimeSeriesView(parent=None, regex=None, insitemap=True, isplugin=False, description=None, methods=None, plugin_form=None, renderer=None, title=None, permission=None, in_navigation=0, template_name=None, view_template=None, force_redirect=None, form=None, form_ajax=None, headers=None, astable=None, table_generator=None, success_message=None, redirect_to_view=None, inherit_page=True, append_slash=True)

djpcms application view for retriving timeseries data as JSON string. Available as Ajax Get response.


Check if the code is an instance of a model.

getdata(request, expression, start, end)

Pure virtual function which retrives the actual data. It must return a JSON string.

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