Project Less Django – dutils.pld

Getting started with django is rather tedious. One has to learn and create a project, and an application at the minimum. One also has to understand settings, add the newly created app to INSTALLED_APPS and so forth.

dutils.pld aims to avoid all this.

Starting Server

To start using dutils.pld invoke it using the command line:

$ python -m dutils.pld runserver
Validating models...
0 errors found

Django version 1.2.1, using settings None
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

This will start a development server.

Note that you can do it from any directory. Once it is running we can start writing python modules that will be served by django.

Handler Modules

A minimalistic hello world module would be,

def handle(request):
    return "hello world"

Save this file, and visit Thanks to django’s runserver’s auto reload feature, any changed made in will be reflected without requiring a restart by developer.

Each handler module must define a method named handle. This method will take one parameter, request. Request is an instance of HttpRequest class.

handle must return either a string or a subclass of HttpResponse object.

An example of a handle that redirects user to a different page:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

def handle(request):
    return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

Templates Are Configures

dutils.pld configures django to serve templates from a folder named templates in the current directory.

This means handlers can use django’s template system for serving, for example:

from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from datetime import datetime

def handle(request):
    current_time =
    return render_to_response(
        "index.html", {"current_time": current_time}

To use the template, create a folder named templates in current folder, and store index.html in it:

<h1>Current time is {{ current_time }}</h1>

Serving Static Media

To help developers to quickly start getting their hands dirty with django, dutils.pld configures django to serve files stored in a folder named static.

To use this feature, create a folder named static in your current directory, store a file style.css in it. That file will be available at

Files can be organized into folders inside static folder, so a file named static/js/jquery.js will be server on for example.


While dutils.pld takes care of setting up all settings required by django, it may be so that more settings are still required. To set any settings, create a file in the current folder, and it will overwrite settings used by dutils.pld.


TEMPLATE_DIRS = ["templates2"]

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