Dutils Template Tags

dutils comes with some template tags and filters that can be useful for django projects.

To use them, make sure dutils is added to your settings.py:

    # other apps

To use it one of your templates, place the following towards the top of the template files:

{% load dutils_tags %}

clevercss – tag

dutils contains a filter for converting CleverCSS to css.


CleverCSS is a small markup language for CSS inspired by Python that can be used to build a style sheet in a clean and structured way. In many ways it’s cleaner and more powerful than CSS2 is.

To install it, do the following:

$ sudo easy_install CleverCSS

Example usage:

    {% clevercss %}
    ul#comments, ol#comments:
      margin: 0
      padding: 0

        padding: 0.4em
        margin: 0.8em 0 0.8em

          font-size: 1.2em
          padding: 0.3em
          text-align: right
          color: #ddd
    {% endclevercss %}

This gets converted to:

    ol#comments {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    ul#comments li,
    ol#comments li {
      padding: 0.4em;
      margin: 0.8em 0 0.8em;

    ul#comments li h3,
    ol#comments li h3 {
      font-size: 1.2em;

    ul#comments li p,
    ol#comments li p {
      padding: 0.3em;

    ul#comments li p.meta,
    ol#comments li p.meta {
      text-align: right;
      color: #dddddd;

gravatar – filter

This filter can be applied on email addresses, and coverts it to URL that can be used as part of <img> tag:

<img src="{{ user.email|gravatar }}">

This tag uses service provided by gravatar.


gravatar filter takes three optional parameters. There are three things to configure for gravatar:

  1. size: this can vary from 1px to 512px, tho its larger sizes may lead to low resulutions. The default used by gravatar tag is 80px.

  2. ratings: gravatar lets users self rate their images, these are the available options:

    • g: suitable for display on all websites with any audience type.
    • pg: may contain rude gestures, provocatively dressed individuals, the lesser swear words, or mild violence.
    • r: may contain such things as harsh profanity, intense violence, nudity, or hard drug use.
    • x: may contain hardcore sexual imagery or extremely disturbing violence

    The default used by gravatar filter is g.

  3. default image: when the given email address is not associated with any image, then gravatar serves a default image. gravatar has a few predefined options:

    • 404: do not load any image if none is associated with the email hash, instead return an HTTP 404 (File Not Found) response
    • mm: (mystery-man) a simple, cartoon-style silhouetted outline of a person (does not vary by email hash)
    • identicon: a geometric pattern based on an email hash
    • monsterid: a generated ‘monster’ with different colors, faces, etc wavatar: generated faces with differing features and backgrounds

    gravatar filter also allows you to specify the default image in settings.py, this setting is named GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_URL.

    The default used by gravatar is identicon, which looks like this:



All these parameters can be specified as argument to gravatar tag:

<img src="{{ user.email|gravatar:"48:pg:mm" }}>

The order of paramters is size:rating:default. If only one parameter is specified, its assumed to be size, if two are provided, its size and rating, and if all three are passed, its size, rating and default.

<img src="{{ user.email|gravatar:"24" }}>

Any paramter can be left out to retain its default value. Eg, specifying default without touching default size or rating:

<img src="{{ user.email|gravatar:"::monsterid" }}>

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