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Action doctests

ActionBase test suite

The ActionBase class implements various basing behaviors of action objects.

Test tool

The following PrintAction is used in this test suite:

>>> from dragonfly import ActionBase, Repeat
>>> class PrintAction(ActionBase):
...     def __init__(self, name):
...         ActionBase.__init__(self)
...         self._name = name
...     def execute(self, data=None):
...         if data:  print "executing %r %r" % (self._name, data)
...         else:     print "executing %r" % (self._name,)
>>> a = PrintAction("a")
>>> a.execute()
executing 'a'
>>> a.execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}

Concatenating actions

Concatenation of multiple actions:

>>> b = PrintAction("b")
>>> (a + b).execute()           # Simple concatenation.
executing 'a'
executing 'b'
>>> (a + b).execute({"foo": 2}) # Simple concatenation.
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}

>>> c = a
>>> c += b                      # In place concatenation.
>>> c.execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}
>>> c += a                      # In place concatenation.
>>> c.execute()
executing 'a'
executing 'b'
executing 'a'

>>> (c + c).execute()           # Same object concatenation.
executing 'a'
executing 'b'
executing 'a'
executing 'a'
executing 'b'
executing 'a'

Repeating actions

Actions can be repeated by multiplying them with a factor:

>>> (a * 3).execute()
executing 'a'
executing 'a'
executing 'a'
>>> ((a + b) * 2).execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}

>>> factor = Repeat(3)              # Integer-factor repetition.
>>> (a * factor).execute()
executing 'a'
executing 'a'
executing 'a'
>>> factor = Repeat(extra="foo")    # Named-factor repetition.
>>> ((a + b) * factor).execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'b' {'foo': 2}
>>> ((a + b) * factor).execute({"bar": 2})
Traceback (most recent call last):
ActionError: No extra repeat factor found for name 'foo'

>>> c = a
>>> c.execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
>>> c *= Repeat(extra="foo")
>>> c.execute({"foo": 2})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}
>>> c += b
>>> c *= 2
>>> c.execute({"foo": 1})
executing 'a' {'foo': 1}
executing 'b' {'foo': 1}
executing 'a' {'foo': 1}
executing 'b' {'foo': 1}
>>> c *= 2
>>> c.execute({"foo": 0})
executing 'b' {'foo': 0}
executing 'b' {'foo': 0}
executing 'b' {'foo': 0}
executing 'b' {'foo': 0}
>>> c *= 0
>>> c.execute({"foo": 1})

Binding data to actions

Binding of data to actions:

>>> a_bound = a.bind({"foo": 2})
>>> a_bound.execute()
executing 'a' {'foo': 2}

>>> b_bound = b.bind({"bar": 3})
>>> b_bound.execute()
executing 'b' {'bar': 3}

Earliest bound data is used during execution:

>>> ab_bound = a_bound + b_bound
>>> ab_bound.execute({"bar": "later"})
executing 'a' {'foo': 2, 'bar': 'later'}
executing 'b' {'bar': 3}

>>> ab_bound = (a_bound + b_bound).bind({"bar": "later"})
>>> ab_bound.execute()
executing 'a' {'foo': 2, 'bar': 'later'}
executing 'b' {'bar': 3}