Source code for doitcmd
Helpers for creating tasks that exectue shell commands.
__version__ = (0, 1, 0)
from import Interactive
[docs]class BaseCommand(object):
"""Base class to create tasks that execute a shell command.
It provides:
- conversion of a param dict to a command options string
- handle/control wheather the command should be as `sudo`
- handle/control wheather the command is going to be execute interactively
:var str cmd_template: python str template for command
eg. `install {opts} {source} {dest}`
:var dict base_options: default command options
:var bool sudo: If `True` prepend `sudo` to command
:var bool Interactive: If `True` use `` on action.
Usage: see `doitsys.copy.Copy`
cmd_template = None
base_options = {}
sudo = False
interactive = False
def __init__(self, sudo=None, interactive=None, options=None):
if sudo is not None:
self.sudo = sudo
if interactive is not None:
self.interactive = interactive
self.options = {}
if options:
[docs] def opt_str(*opt_list):
"""command line option formatter
:param list-dict opt_list: list of dict with command options
:return string: formatted options for a command line
If the value of an option is `True`, option is added wihtout a value.
If opt name lenght is just one characher use only one dash.
options = {}
for opt_dict in opt_list:
# format options as strings
parts = []
for name, val in sorted(options.items()):
if val is False or val is None:
dashes = '-' if len(name) == 1 else '--'
opt_val = ' {}'.format(val) if val is not True else ''
parts.append(dashes + name + opt_val)
return ' '.join(parts)
[docs] def action(self, cmd_str):
"""Modify action adding sudo / Interactive.
:param str cmd_str: command string
:return: An action for a doit task (might be a plain string)
if self.sudo:
cmd_str = 'sudo ' + cmd_str
if self.interactive:
return Interactive(cmd_str)
return cmd_str
[docs] def __call__(self): # pragma: no cover
"""return a task dictionary (to be implement on sub-class)"""
raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]def cmd(cmd_str, sudo=None, **task_params):
"""short-cut to return a task that executes a simple command
:param str cmd_str: the command to be executed
:param bool sudo: execute to command as `sudo`
:param dict task_params: extra doit task params (file_dep, task_dep...)
:return dict: doit task metadata
_cmd = BaseCommand(sudo=sudo)
task = {
'name': cmd_str,
'actions': [_cmd.action(cmd_str)],
return task
[docs]def interactive(cmd_str, sudo=None, **task_params):
"""short-cut to return a task that executes a simple command interactively
:param str cmd_str: the command to be executed
:param bool sudo: execute to command as `sudo`
:param dict task_params: extra doit task params (file_dep, task_dep...)
:return dict: doit task metadata
_cmd = BaseCommand(sudo=sudo, interactive=True)
task = {
'name': cmd_str,
'actions': [_cmd.action(cmd_str)],
return task