Source code for dktasklib.lessc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os

from dkfileutils.changed import Directory
from dkfileutils.path import Path
from invoke import ctask as task, Collection

from dktasklib.executables import requires
from .utils import switch_extension, filename
from dktasklib.version import min_name, version_name
from .version import add_version, update_template_version

@requires('nodejs', 'npm', 'lessc')
[docs]def lessc(ctx, source, destination="", include_path=None, strict_imports=False, inline_urls=True, autoprefix=True, cleancss=True): """Run `lessc` with options. Args: source (str): the input file name destination (Optional[str]): the output filename (if not specified it will be the same as the input file name and a ``.css`` extension). include_path (Optional[List[str]]): Optional list of directories to search to satisfy ``@import`` directives. strict_imports (bool): Re-fetch all imports. inline_urls (bool): Should ``@url(.../foo.png)`` be inlined? autoprefix (bool): Should the autoprefixer be run (last 4 versions) cleancss (bool): Should the css be minified? Returns: str: The output file name. """ if include_path is None: include_path = [] if not destination: destination = switch_extension(source, '.css', '.less') options = "" if getattr(ctx, 'verbose', False): # pragma: nocover options += ' --verbose' if include_path: options += ' --include-path="%s"' % ';'.join(include_path) if strict_imports: options += " --strict-imports" if inline_urls: options += " --inline-urls" if autoprefix: options += ' --autoprefix="last 4 versions"' if cleancss: options += ' --clean-css="-b --s0 --advanced"'"lessc {options} {source} {destination}".format(**locals())) return destination
@task( default=True, post=[update_template_version], help={ 'input_dir': 'directory to search for input_fname', 'input_fname': 'input filename ({}.less)', 'output_dir': 'directory to place output_fname', 'output_fname': 'output filename ({}.css)', 'force': 'Rebuild without cache.' } ) def build_less(ctx, input_dir=None, input_fname=None, output_dir=None, output_fname=None, version='pkg', use_bootstrap=True, force=False, **kw): """Build a ``.less`` file into a versioned and minified ``.css`` file. Args: input_fname (str): input file name output_fname (str): output file name (should be the plain version of the output file name, ie. foo.css, not foo.min.css). version (str): the type of version number (pkg or hash) use_bootstrap (bool): Should Bootstrap be compiled in? force (bool): Rebuild even if nothing has changed. Returns: str: output file name """ src = input_fname or ctx.lessc.input_fname.format(**ctx) dst = output_fname or ctx.lessc.output_fname.format(**ctx) input_dir = input_dir or ctx.lessc.input_dir.format(**ctx) output_dir = output_dir or ctx.lessc.output_dir.format(**ctx) if not force and not Directory(input_dir).changed(glob='**/*.less'): print """ No changes detected in {input_dir}/{glob}, add --force to less file(s) build anyway. """.format(input_dir=input_dir, glob='**/*.less') return path = kw.pop('path', []) if (use_bootstrap or ctx.lessc.use_bootstrap) and ctx.bootstrap.src: path.append(ctx.bootstrap.src) # foo.css -> foo.min.css minfname = min_name(dst) buildname = lessc( ctx, os.path.join(input_dir, src), os.path.join(ctx.lessc.build_dir, minfname), include_path=path, strict_imports=True, inline_urls=True, autoprefix=True, cleancss=True, ) outname = version_name(buildname) versioned_name = add_version(ctx, buildname, outname, kind=version, force=force) out_name = os.path.join(output_dir, filename(versioned_name)) if force or not os.path.exists(out_name): Path(output_dir).makedirs()'cp {src} {dst}'.format( src=versioned_name, dst=out_name )) else: print """ Filename already exists, add --force or call upversion: {} """.format(out_name) return out_name ns = Collection('lessc', build_less) ns.configure({ 'force': False, 'pkg': { 'name': '<package-name>', 'version': '<version-string>', }, 'bootstrap': { 'src': os.path.join(os.environ.get('BOOTSTRAPSRC', ''), 'less'), }, 'lessc': { 'use_bootstrap': False, 'build_dir': 'build/css', 'input_dir': 'less', 'input_fname': '{}.less', 'output_dir': 'static/{}/css/', 'output_fname': '{}.css', } })