
Django supports inherited model declarations through the sub-classing of model classes in Python code. However, the use case for these inherited models is to only deal with the sub-classes themselves, and not to consider the role of sub-classes in the context of their super-class. The aim of djeneralize is to provide a way of mixing specializations of a general model case and work with both the general case and the special cases interchangeably.


Before reading through the examples, it is a good idea to be familiar with some of the Terminology used in this documentation.

Let us consider the following example of model declarations which are contained within the writing app:

from django.db import models

from djeneralize.models import BaseGeneralizationModel
from djeneralize.fields import SpecializedForeignKey

#{ General model

class WritingImplement(BaseGeneralizationModel):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    length = models.IntegerField()
    holder = SpecializedForeignKey(
        'WritingImplementHolder', null=True, blank=True)

    def __unicode__(self):

#{ Direct children of WritingImplement, i.e. first specialization

class Pencil(WritingImplement):

    lead = models.CharField(max_length=2) # i.e. HB, B2, H5

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'pencil'

class Pen(WritingImplement):

    ink_colour = models.CharField(max_length=30)

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'pen'

#{ Grand-children of WritingImplement, i.e. second degree of specialization

class FountainPen(Pen):

    nib_width = models.DecimalField(max_digits=3, decimal_places=2)

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'fountain_pen'

class BallPointPen(Pen):

    replaceable_insert = models.BooleanField(default=False)

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'ballpoint_pen'

#{ Writing implement holders general model

class WritingImplementHolder(BaseGeneralizationModel):

    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)

    def __unicode__(self):

#{ Writing implement holders specializations

class StationaryCupboard(WritingImplementHolder):

    volume = models.FloatField()

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'stationary_cupboard'

class PencilCase(WritingImplementHolder):

    colour = models.CharField(max_length=30)

    class Meta:
        specialization = 'pencil_case'


What we get from Django

Django handles the creation of the related tables for these models very nicely. If we execute python sqlall writing, we get the following with a PostgreSQL backend):

CREATE TABLE "writing_writingimplement" (
    "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    "specialization_type" text NOT NULL,
    "name" varchar(30) NOT NULL,
    "length" integer NOT NULL,
    "holder_id" integer
CREATE TABLE "writing_pencil" (
    "writingimplement_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_writingimplement" ("id"),
    "lead" varchar(2) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_pen" (
    "writingimplement_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_writingimplement" ("id"),
    "ink_colour" varchar(30) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_fountainpen" (
    "pen_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_pen" ("writingimplement_ptr_id"),
    "nib_width" decimal NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_ballpointpen" (
    "pen_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_pen" ("writingimplement_ptr_id"),
    "replaceable_insert" bool NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_writingimplementholder" (
    "id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
    "specialization_type" text NOT NULL,
    "name" varchar(30) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_stationarycupboard" (
    "writingimplementholder_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_writingimplementholder" ("id"),
    "volume" real NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE "writing_pencilcase" (
    "writingimplementholder_ptr_id" integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "writing_writingimplementholder" ("id"),
    "colour" varchar(30) NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX "writing_writingimplement_524e029a" ON "writing_writingimplement" ("specialization_type");
CREATE INDEX "writing_writingimplement_1400a0f4" ON "writing_writingimplement" ("holder_id");
CREATE INDEX "writing_writingimplementholder_524e029a" ON "writing_writingimplementholder" ("specialization_type");

If we inspect the available fields on the general model (WritingImplement) and its sub-classes, we find that Django has set-up all the required fields respecting the models’ inheritance:

>>> from writing.models import *
>>> WritingImplement._meta.get_all_field_names()
['holder', 'id', 'length', 'name', 'pen', 'pencil', 'specialization_type']
>>> Pen._meta.get_all_field_names()
['ballpointpen', 'fountainpen', 'holder', 'id', 'ink_colour', 'length', 'name', 'specialization_type', 'writingimplement_ptr']
>>> Pencil._meta.get_all_field_names()
['holder', 'id', 'lead', 'length', 'name', 'specialization_type', 'writingimplement_ptr']
>>> FountainPen._meta.get_all_field_names()
['holder', 'id', 'ink_colour', 'length', 'name', 'nib_width', 'pen_ptr', 'specialization_type', 'writingimplement_ptr']
>>> BallPointPen._meta.get_all_field_names()
['holder', 'id', 'ink_colour', 'length', 'name', 'pen_ptr', 'replaceable_insert', 'specialization_type', 'writingimplement_ptr']

So far, so good. When we have the general case instances, we get just the general fields and when we’re using specialized model instances, we have all the specialized fields. However, ...

What djeneralize does to extend Django’s functionality

This specificity and generality are all well and good, but if we have a collection of writing implements and want to consider exactly to which sub-classes of WritingImplement they belong, then we don’t get any assistance from Django:

>>> general_pen = Pen.objects.create(length=10, name='General pen', ink_colour='Black')
>>> fountain_pen = FountainPen.objects.create(length=15, name='Fountain pen', ink_colour='Blue', nib_width='1.2')
>>> ballpoint_pen = BallPointPen.objects.create(length=9, name='Ballpoint pen', ink_colour='Green', replaceable_insert=False)
>>> pencil = Pencil.objects.create(length=12, name='Pencil', lead='HB')
>>> WritingImplement.objects.all()
[<WritingImplement: General pen>, <WritingImplement: Fountain pen>, <WritingImplement: Ballpoint pen>, <WritingImplement: Pencil>]
>>> Pen.objects.all()
[<Pen: General pen>, <Pen: Fountain pen>, <Pen: Ballpoint pen>]
>>> FountainPen.objects.all()
[<FountainPen: Fountain pen>]

These lists are all correct in terms of the model instances which are returned, but wouldn’t it be great if we could query all our writing implements and get back a queryset which, when iterated over gave us instances of the specializations. With djeneralize this is a possibility:

>>> WritingImplement.specializations.all()
[<FountainPen: Fountain pen>, <Pen: General pen>, <BallPointPen: Ballpoint pen>, <Pencil: Pencil>]

Additionally, if we have a general case model instance, we can get its specialization:

>>> wi = WritingImplement.objects.get(length=9)
>>> wi
<WritingImplement: Ballpoint pen>
>>> wi.get_as_specialization()
<BallPointPen: Ballpoint pen>

Foreign keys

To make foreign keys return specializations, simply use the djeneralize.fields.SpecializedForeignKey field in your model and then references will automatically return the specialization:

>>> from writing.models import *
>>> stationary_cupboard = StationaryCupboard.objects.create(name='Office cupboard', volume=1.2)
>>> pencil = Pencil.objects.create(length=12, name='Pencil', lead='HB', holder=stationary_cupboard)
>>> pencil.holder
<StationaryCupboard: Office cupboard>

That’s about all there is to djeneralize. To make this all work, take a look at Defining models with specializations.