
Create a simple workflow

# Create the workflow object
>>> from workflows.models import Workflow
>>> workflow = Workflow.objects.create(name="Standard")

# Create the workflow states
>>> from workflows.models import State
>>> private = State.objects.create(name="Private", workflow= workflow)
>>> public = State.objects.create(name="Public", workflow= workflow)

# Create the workflow transitions
>>> from workflows.models import Transition
>>> make_public = Transition.objects.create(name="Make public", workflow=workflow, destination=public)
>>> make_private = Transition.objects.create(name="Make private", workflow=workflow, destination=private)

# Add the transitions to the states
>>> private.transitions.add(make_public)
>>> public.transitions.add(make_private)

# Define the initial state
>>> workflow.initial_state = private

Your would now be ready to assign this workflow to an object, but first we want to add some permissions for which the workflow takes care of.

Add permissions

# Add a role
>>> from permissions.utils import register_role
>>> owner = register_role("Owner")

# Create a user
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> user = User.objects.create(username="john")

# Assign user to role
>>> owner.add_principal(user)

# Create example content type
>>> from django.contrib.flatpages.models import FlatPage
>>> page_1 = FlatPage.objects.create(url="/page-1/", title="Page 1")

# Register permissions
>>> from permissions.utils import register_permission
>>> view = register_permission("View", "view")
>>> edit = register_permission("Edit", "edit")

# Add all permissions which are managed by the workflow
>>> from workflows.models import WorkflowPermissionRelation
>>> WorkflowPermissionRelation.objects.create(workflow=workflow, permission=view)
>>> WorkflowPermissionRelation.objects.create(workflow=workflow, permission=edit)

# Add permissions for the single states
>>> from workflows.models import StatePermissionRelation
>>> StatePermissionRelation.objects.create(state=public, permission=view, role=owner)
>>> StatePermissionRelation.objects.create(state=private, permission=view, role=owner)
>>> StatePermissionRelation.objects.create(state=private, permission=edit, role=owner)

# Assign the workflow to the content object
>>> from workflows.utils import set_workflow
>>> set_workflow(page_1, workflow)

# Now self.page_1 has the intial workflow state.
>>> from permissions.utils import has_permission
>>> has_permission(page_1, user, "edit")

# Now we change the workflow state
>>> from workflows.utils import set_state
>>> set_state(page_1, public)
>>> has_permission(page_1, user, "edit")

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