Signup of an account.
Signup requiring a username, email and password. After signup a user gets an email with an activation link used to activate their account. After successful signup redirects to success_url.
Keyword arguments
Activate a user with an activation key.
The key is a SHA1 string. When the SHA1 is found with an Account, the User of that account will be activated. After a successfull activation the view will redirect to succes_url. If the SHA1 is not found, the user will be shown the template_name template displaying a fail message.
Keyword arguments
Confirms an email address with a confirmation key.
Confirms a new email address by running User.objects.confirm_email method. If the method returns an User the user will have his new e-mail address set and redirected to success_url. If no User is returned the user will be represented with a fail message from template_name.
Keyword arguments
Simple wrapper for Django’s direct_to_template view.
This view is used when you want to show a template to a specific user. A wrapper for direct_to_template where the template also has access to the user that is found with username. For ex. used after signup, activation and confirmation of a new e-mail.
Keyword arguments
Signin using email or username with password.
Signs a user in by combining email/username with password. If the combination is correct and the user is_active the redirect_signin_function is called with the arguments REDIRECT_FIELD_NAME and an instance of the User whois is trying the login. The returned value of the function will be the URL that is redirected to.
A user can also select to be remembered for USERENA_REMEMBER_DAYS.
Keyword arguments
Change email address
Keyword arguments
Need to have per-object permissions, which enables users with the correct permissions to alter the email address of others.
Change password of user.
This view is almost a mirror of the view supplied in contrib.auth.views.password_change, with the minor change that in this view we also use the username to change the password. This was needed to keep our URLs logical (and REST) accross the entire application. And that in a later stadium administrators can also change the users password through the web application itself.
String supplying the username of the user who’s password is about to be changed.
Keyword arguments
Edit profile.
Edits a profile selected by the supplied username. First checks permissions if the user is allowed to edit this account, if denied will show a 404. When the account is succesfully edited will redirect to success_url.
Keyword arguments
Detailed view of an user.
Keyword arguments
Returns a list of all profiles that are public.
It’s possible to disable this by changing USERENA_DISABLE_PROFILE_LIST to True in your settings.
Keyword arguments
If the result is paginated. It will also contain the following variables: