TTag replaces the normal method of creating custom template tags. It uses a custom template Node subclass called Tag which handles all of the relevant aspects of a tag: defining and parsing arguments, handling validation, resolving variables from the context, and rendering output.
- class ttag.Tag¶
A representation of a template tag. For example:
class Welcome(ttag.Tag): def output(self, data): return "Hi there!"
Meta options¶
- class Tag.Meta¶
A Tag takes options via a Meta inner class:
class Welcome(ttag.Tag): class Meta: name = "hi"
- name¶
Explicitly choose a name for the tag. If not given, the tag’s name will be created by taking the class’s name and converting it from CamelCase to under_score format. For example, AmazingStuff would turn into {% amazing_stuff %}.
- register¶
Register the tag in a tag library.
Alternatively, a tag can still be rendered the standard way: some_library.tag(ThisTag).
- block¶
Retrieve subsequent template nodes until {% end[tagname] %}, adding them to self.nodelists.
- end_block¶
An alternative ending block node. Defaults to 'end%(name)s'.
If your tag does not modify the output, override this method to change the output of this tag.
As an alternative to overriding the output method, a TemplateTag subclass may directly override the render method. This is useful for when you want to alter the context.
- Tag.render(context)¶
Parameters: context – The current template context. render must return a unicode string.
If your tag doesn’t return anything (e.g., it only manipulates the context), render should simply return an empty string.
To retrieve the values of the tag’s arguments, if any, use the following method inside render:
- Tag.resolve(context)¶
Retrieve the values of the tag’s arguments.
Parameters: context – The current template context. Returns: A data dictionary containing the values of the tag’s arguments.
Arguments can be either positional or named. They are specified as properties of the tag class, in a similar way to Django’s forms and models.
If the property name clashes with a append a trailing slash - it will be removed from the argument’s name. For example, pay attention to the as_ argument in the tag below:
class Set(ttag.Tag):
value = ttag.Arg()
as_ = ttag.BasicArg()
def render(self, context):
data = self.resolve(context)
as_var = data['as']
context[as_var] = data['value']
return ''
Positional arguments¶
By default, an argument is considered positional:
class Positional(ttag.Tag):
first = ttag.Arg()
second = ttag.Arg()
This would result in a tag named positional which took two required arguments, which would be assigned to 'first' and 'second' items of the data dictionary returned by the resolve method.
Use the ConstantArg for simple required string-based arguments which assist readability:
class Measure(ttag.Tag):
start = ttag.Arg()
to = ttag.ConstantArg()
finish = ttag.Arg()
Named arguments¶
Named arguments can appear in any order in a tag’s arguments, after the positional arguments.
The standard type of named argument uses space separation:
class Named(ttag.Tag):
limit = ttag.Arg(named=True)
offset = ttag.Arg(named=True)
This would create a tag named named which took two named arguments, limit and offset. They could be specified in any order:
{% named limit 15 offset 42 %}
{% named offset 4 limit 12 %}
Alternatively, named arguments can use “keyword” style named arguments:: you can use the keyword parameter:
class Named(ttag.Tag):
limit = ttag.Arg(keyword=True)
offset = ttag.Arg(keyword=True)
- Which would be used by:
- {% named offset 4 limit 12 %}
If an optional argument is not specified in the template, it will not be added to the data dictionary. Alternately, use default to have a default value added to the data dictionary if an argument is not provided:
class NamedTag(ttag.Tag):
limit = ttag.Arg(default=100)
offset = ttag.Arg(required=False)
Argument Types¶
Arg and its subclasses provide various other levels of parsing and validation.
- class ttag.Arg(required=True, default=None, null=False, keyword=False, named=False)¶
A standard argument in a Tag. Used as a base class for all other argument classes.
Parameters: - required –
Whether the argument is required as part of the tag definition in the template. Required positional arguments can not occur after optional ones.
Defaults to True.
- default –
The default value for this argument if it is not specified.
If None and the field is required, an exception will be raised when the template is parsed.
Defaults to None.
- null –
Determines whether a value of None is an acceptable value for the argument resolution.
When set to False, a value of None or a missing context variable will cause a TemplateTagValidationError when this argument is cleaned.
Defaults to False.
- keyword –
Make this a named argument, using an equals to separate the value from the argument name, for example, {% tag limit=10 %}.
Defaults to False.
- named –
Make this a named argument, using an space to separate the argument name from its value, for example, {% tag limit 10 %}.
Defaults to False.
The named and keyword parameters can not both be set to True.
- required –
Casting Arguments¶
- class ttag.IntegerArg¶
Tries to cast the argument value to an integer, throwing a template error if this fails.
- class ttag.StringArg¶
Tries to cast the argument value to unicode, throwing a template error if this fails.
Validation Arguments¶
- class ttag.IsInstanceArg(..., cls, cls_name)¶
Validates that the argument is an instance of the provided class (cls), otherwise throws a a template error, using the cls_name in the error message.
For example:
date = IsInstanceArg(, cls_name=_('Date'))
- class ttag.DateTimeArg¶
Validates that the argument is a datetime instance, otherwise throws a template error.
- class ttag.DateArg¶
Validates that the argument is a date instance, otherwise throws a template error.
- class ttag.TimeArg¶
Validates that the argument is a time instance, otherwise throws a template error.
- class ttag.ModelInstanceArg(..., model)¶
Validates that the passed in value is an instance of the specified Model class. It requires a single additional named argument.
Parameters: model – The Model class you want to validate against.
Other Arguments¶
- class ttag.BooleanArg¶
A “flag” argument which doesn’t consume any additional tokens.
If it is not defined in the tag, the argument value will not exist in the resolved data dictionary.
For example:
class Cool(ttag.Tag) cool = ttag.BooleanArg() def output(self, data): if 'cool' in data: return "That's cool!" else: return "Uncool."
- class ttag.BasicArg¶
A simpler argument which doesn’t compile its value as a FilterExpression.
Example usage:
class GetUsers(ttag.Tag): as_ = ttag.BasicArg() def render(self, context): data = self.resolve(data) context[data['as']] = Users.objects.all() return ''
- class ttag.ConstantArg¶
An argument which expects it’s value to be a constant (non-compiled) value, usually used to enhance tag readability.
Cannot be a named or keyword argument.
Example usage:
class Range(ttag.Tag): start = ttag.IntegerArg() to_ = ttag.ConstantArg() finish = ttag.IntegerArg() def output(self, data): start = data['start'] finish = data['finish'] + 1 return ', '.join([str(num) for num in range(start, finish)])
- class ttag.MultiArg¶
Greedily parses all remaining positional arguments.
Stops when all the tag tokens tokens are consumed or named keyword argument is hit. For example:
class DotConcat(ttag.Tag): bits = ttag.MultiArg() default = ttag.Arg(named=True, required=False) def output(self, data): bits = [] default = data.get('default', '') for bit in data['bits']: bits.append([force_unicode(bit) or default]) return '.'.join(bits)
This tag could be used like this:
{% dot_concat "a" "" "c" default "X" %}
Resulting in a.X.c.
- class ttag.KeywordsArg(..., compact=True, verbose=False, compile_values=True)¶
Parses one or more additional tokens as keywords.
Parameters: - compact –
Use compact format. For example:
{% compact with foo=1 bar=2 %}
- verbose –
Use verbose format:
{% verbose with 1 as foo and 2 as bar %}
In verbose mode, the and is required for multiple arguments unless compact is also set to True (in which case the and is optional).
- compile_values – Compile keyword values as template variables (defaults to True).
If verbose and compact are set to True, then either (or even both) formats are allowed. This is usually only used for backwards compatibility:
{% mixed with foo=1 bar=2 %} {% mixed with 1 as foo and 2 as bar %} {% mixed with foo=1 and 2 as bar %}
- compact –