
HTMLField for Models

For developers who want to implement TinyMCE editor in their Django applications in the simplest possible way, tinymce4-lite provides a HTMLField field for models. This field can can be used instead of a TextField. For example:

from django.db import models
from tinymce import HTMLField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    content = HTMLField('Content')

Don’t forget to apply safe filter to the HTML content in your templates to render it properly. For example:

{{ my_model.content|safe }}


If you are using TinyMCE editor in publicly facing webpages, it is strongly recommended to define valid_elements option for TinyMCE to limit the set of allowed HTML elements and/or to filter submitted content for security reasons.

In Django Admin interface the widget is used automatically for all models that have HTMLField fields.

If you are using TinyMCE 4 in your website forms, you need to add template variable to the <head> section of your templates:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  {{ }}

TinyMCE Widget for Forms

In custom forms you can use TinyMCE form widget to render TinyMCE editor instead of a simple CharField:

from django import forms
from tinymce import TinyMCE

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    content = forms.CharField(widget=TinyMCE(mce_attrs={'width': 800}))

The TinyMCE class constructor takes 3 parameters:

  • attrs – general Django widget attributes.
  • mce_attrs – additional configuration parameters for TinyMCE 4. These parameters amend the existing configuration. For example, in the preceding code sample 'width' parameter sets TinyMCE widget width to 800 pixels without changing other configuration options.
  • profile – TinyMCE 4 configuration parameters. They replace the existing configuration. That is, you need to provide a fully defined TinyMCE configuration for profile parameter.

Also see the information about template variable in the preceding subsection.