Changelog ========= 1.4.0 ----- - Upgraded TinyMCE to v.4.6.0. 1.3.2 ----- - Fixed compatibility with Django v.1.11. 1.3.1 ----- - Upgraded TinyMCE to v.4.5.5. - Fixed language file configuration for languages with country codes [Gagaro]. - Rendering of the TinyMCE 4 is now tested with Selenium/PhantomJS. 1.3.0 ----- - Upgraded TinyMCE to v.4.5.1. 1.2.0 ----- - Upgraded TinyMCE to v.4.4.3 - Added ``TINYMCE_ADDITIONAL_JS_URLS`` configuration option. 1.1.0 ----- - Upgraded TinyMCE to v.4.4.1. - Added Django 1.10 to compatibility matrix. 1.0.0 ----- - Initial PyPI release.