

This section describes how to install the django-tinymce application in your Django project.


The django-tinymce application requires Django version 1.0 or higher. You will also need TinyMCE version 3.0.1 or higher and a language pack for every language you enabled in settings.LANGUAGES. If you use the django-filebrowser application in your project, the tinymce application can use it as a browser when including media.

If you want to use the spellchecker plugin using the supplied view (no PHP needed) you must install the PyEnchant package and dictionaries for your project languages. Note that the Enchant needs a dictionary that exactly matches your language codes. For example, a dictionary for code 'en-us' will not automatically be used for 'en'. You can check the availability of the Enchant dictionary for the 'en' language code using the following Python code:

import enchant

Note that the documentation will use ‘TinyMCE’ (capitalized) to refer the editor itself and ‘django-tinymce’ (lower case) to refer to the Django application.


  1. Install django-tinymce using pip (or any other way to install python package) from PyPI. If you need to use a different way to install django-tinymce you can place the tinymce module on your Python path. You can put it into your Django project directory or run python install from a shell.

    pip install django-tinymce
  2. Add tinymce to INSTALLED_APPS in for your project:

  3. Add tinymce.urls to for your project:

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        (r'^tinymce/', include('tinymce.urls')),


Verify that everything is installed and configured properly:

  1. Setup an isolated environment with virtualenv and activate environment:

    virtualenv --no-site-packages env
    . env/bin/activate
  2. Install required packages:

    pip install Django django-tinymce
  3. Setup environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE:

    export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='testtinymce.settings'
  4. Setup test database (it will be created in current folder):

    django-admin syncdb
  5. Run Django runserver command to verify results:

    django-admin runserver
  6. Open this address in a browser:


If you see TinyMCE instead of standard textarea boxes everything is working fine, otherwise check installation steps.


The application can be configured by editing the project’s file.

TINYMCE_JS_URL (default: settings.MEDIA_URL + 'js/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js')

The URL of the TinyMCE javascript file:

TINYMCE_JS_URL = os.path.join(MEDIA_URL, "path/to/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js")
TINYMCE_JS_ROOT (default: settings.MEDIA_ROOT + 'js/tiny_mce')

The filesystem location of the TinyMCE files. It is used by the compressor (see below):

TINYMCE_JS_ROOT = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, "path/to/tiny_mce")
TINYMCE_DEFAULT_CONFIG (default: {'theme': "simple", 'relative_urls': False})
The default TinyMCE configuration to use. See the TinyMCE manual for all options. To set the configuration for a specific TinyMCE editor, see the mce_attrs parameter for the widget.
Whether to use the spell checker through the supplied view. You must add spellchecker to the TinyMCE plugin list yourself, it is not added automatically.
Whether to use the TinyMCE compressor, which gzips all Javascript files into a single stream. This makes the overall download size 75% smaller and also reduces the number of requests. The overall initialization time for TinyMCE will be reduced dramatically if you use this option.
TINYMCE_FILEBROWSER (default: True if 'filebrowser' is in INSTALLED_APPS, else False)
Whether to use the django-filebrowser as a custom filebrowser for media inclusion. See the official TinyMCE documentation on custom filebrowsers.


    'plugins': "table,spellchecker,paste,searchreplace",
    'theme': "advanced",
    'cleanup_on_startup': True,
    'custom_undo_redo_levels': 10,