============ Installation ============ This section contains information about how to download and install django-taggit-autocomplete-modified in your system. It also contains brief instructions about how to build the included documentation. Requirements ============ This application requires Python_ 2.4 or later and a functional installation of Django_. .. _Python: http://python.org .. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com Detailed information about the minimum supported Django version and other Python modules that may be required in order to run this software is shown below: .. literalinclude:: ../requirements.txt This information exists in the ``requirements.txt`` file inside the django-taggit-autocomplete-modified distribution package. If ``pip`` is used to install this software, then all these dependencies will also be installed, if they are not already installed in your system. Download ======== You can download the latest django-taggit-autocomplete-modified releases from the `releases page`_ at the *Python Package Index* (PyPI). .. _`releases page`: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-taggit-autocomplete-modified Alternatively, you can clone the project's public source code repository and then check-out any stable release, all of which are tagged:: hg clone https://source.codetrax.org/hgroot/django-taggit-autocomplete-modified hg tags hg update 0.1.0 Install ======= To install django-taggit-autocomplete-modified, use the provided installation script:: python setup.py install You can install ``django-taggit-autocomplete-modified`` using ``pip``:: pip install django-taggit-autocomplete-modified Or use ``easy_install``:: easy_install -Z django-taggit-autocomplete-modified Note: the ``-Z`` flag is required to force ``easy_install`` to do a normal source install rather than a zipped egg; django-taggit-autocomplete-modified cannot be used from a zipped egg install. Alternatively, you can simply place the ``taggit_autocomplete_modified`` directory, which exists under the ``src`` directory, somewhere on your Python path or symlink to it from somewhere on your Python path. Finally, it is also possible to install this application directly from the `source code repository`_ using ``pip``:: pip install -e hg+https://source.codetrax.org/hgroot/django-taggit-autocomplete-modified#egg=django-taggit-autocomplete-modified The above command will install the latest development release of django-taggit-autocomplete-modified. To install a stable release directly from the `source code repository`_, for instance, the ``0.1.0`` release, run the following command:: pip install -e hg+https://source.codetrax.org/hgroot/django-taggit-autocomplete-modified@0.1.0#egg=django-taggit-autocomplete-modified-0.1.0 Please note that the mercurial_ source control management tool is required for this operation. .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _`source code repository`: https://source.codetrax.org/hgroot/django-taggit-autocomplete-modified How to build the documentation ============================== This project's documentation is located in source form under the ``docs`` directory. In order to convert the documentation to a format that is easy to read and navigate you need the ``sphinx`` package. You can install ``sphinx`` using ``pip``:: pip install sphinx Or ``easy_install``:: easy_install sphinx Once ``sphinx`` is installed, change to the ``docs`` directory, open a shell and run the following command:: make html This will build a HTML version of the documentation. You can read the documentation by opening the following file in any web browser:: docs/_build/html/index.html