Basic Guide

After configuration we can now simply use it;

from river.models.fields.state import StateField
class MyModel(models.Model):
    my_state_field = StateField()

StateField is a model field defined in django-river, which prepare everything for you. Whenever you put this field into a model object, the model converts into a workflow model.



proceed methods is injected into your model objects. The object will be in next state if the given user is authorized to do that transaction. When there is two destination states available from current state, next_state must be given to the function. If there is only one state can be at, no needs to give it; django-river will detect it.


If you want to know more about StateField in advanced model, look at advance

Models in django-river


Indicates states in your state machine.


These are transition between your states. There must be only one initial state which is in a transition as destionation state but no source state to make django-river find it on object creation.

Proceeding Meta:

These are proceeding meta of transitions that describes which user permission or user group will be allowed to proceed the transition. These are kind of template for proceedings will be created for each object. An order can also be given here for the transition. This means, If you want to order proceeding for a transition, you can define it. Assume s1 and s2 are our states and there is a transition defined between them and we have two proceeding meta on this transition. They shall be for**permission1** and permission2. If you want object is on approval first permission1 and after it is proceeded by permission1, then it is on approval the second permission which is permission2, you can do it with djang-river by defining order in this model.


There are state machines paths which is needed to be proceeded for every particular object. Proceedings are generated on your model object creation by using proceeding meta. This is whole path for the created object. Do not add or edit this model data unless you don’t need specific objects editing like skiping, overriding permissions and groups.

Proceeding Track:

In some scenarios, especially state machines contains circularity, proceedings can be stated for multiple times. This is the model for the model of proceedings. This is definite path of workflow for your objects.