========================================== Welcome to django-reviews's documentation! ========================================== Installation ============ To install just do: 1. ``python setup.py install`` or ``easy_install django-reviews`` 2. Add reviews to *INSTALLED_APPS*. 3. Add django-reviews' urls to urls.py 4. Add *django.core.context_processors.request* to *TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS* (If it isn't already). Settings ======== There are several settings which you can use within settings.py: REVIEWS_IS_MODERATED If True the admin has to publish a review manually. Otherwise a review is public right after it has been added. REVIEWS_SHOW_PREVIEW If True a preview is displayed to the user before he can submit the review. REVIEWS_IS_EMAIL_REQUIRED If True the e-mail field of the review is mandatory. (if the user is anonymous) REVIEWS_IS_NAME_REQUIRED If True the name field of the review is mandatory. (if the user is anonymous) Usage ===== Add the provided tags to your templates:: {% load reviews_tags %} {{ flatpage.title }} {{ flatpage.content }} {% average_for_instance flatpage %}
{% reviews_for_instance flatpage %} Example ======= There is a simple example provided with this product. To install it just make sure *django.contrib.flatpages* has been installed (a flatpage will serve as our test content) and add reviews.example to *INSTALLED_APPS*. Now add a flatpage and browse to it. You should be able to add reviews to the flatpage now. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`