Return to Projects documentation.
As Project is most important (for django-projector) and rather non-trival model we would like to present whole process of creating projects, step by step.
Let’s create our first project:
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> from projector.models import Project
>>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe')
>>> project = Project.objects.create(author=joe, name='foobar')
Now we need to add metadata for created project. This is done in a few steps:
Now we need to add membership for the author and if he/she is a team we would create a Team instance binding Project and auth.Group. We simply call set_memberships method which would do this for us:
>>> project.members.all()
>>> project.set_memberships()
>>> project.members.all()
[<User: joe>]
After author become first member of the project he/she still cannot, i.e. change the project:
>>> joe.has_perm('projector.change_project', project)
>>> False
At projector’s views if requested user is author of the project, permissions are not checked at all. This is intenional, as less database hits is always better. On the other hand, if i.e. user would give project away to other user, he still should have all permissions - at least until new owner wouldn’t took them from original author.
We can now set permissions:
>>> project.set_author_permissions()
>>> joe.has_perm('projector.change_project', project)
>>> True
Workflow is a set of statuses, components etc. for each project. Default set of objects is pointed by PROJECTOR_DEFAULT_PROJECT_WORKFLOW. Workflow itself may be modified for each project. We may pass a string pointing to the python object or an object itself. Again, simply fire up the method:
>>> project.create_workflow()
Per project configuration is available at Config. This model defines all changable settings for each project all projects need one:
>>> project.create_config()
If PROJECTOR_CREATE_REPOSITORIES is set to True then we should create repository for the project:
>>> from projector.settings import get_config_value
>>> if get_config_value('CREATE_REPOSITORIES'):
Project comes with setup method which would call all preparation methods at given instance. Is is possible to pass vcs_alias and workflow parameters but they are not required. So all of the above code may be called with little less effort:
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> from projector.models import Project
>>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe')
>>> project = Project.objects.create(author=joe, name='foobar')
>>> project.setup()
At previous section, Creating projects, we have seen that there are some methods which should be called every time new Project is created. We can call setup method to make the process less tedious. On the other hand it may be even better if we can simply save Project instance into database and call setup method asyncronously (if CREATE_PROJECT_ASYNCHRONOUSLY is set to True).
There is a special signal setup_project which is called by the ProjectManager‘s create_project method. It is preferred way to create new Project:
>>> from django.contrib.auth.models import User
>>> from projector.models import Project
>>> joe = User.objects.get(username='joe')
>>> project = Project.objects.create_project(author=joe, name='foobar')
We can also specify vcs_alias or workflow parameters directly:
>>> project = Project.objects.create_project(author=joe, name='foobar', vcs_alias='hg', workflow=None)