Management Command


Together with web page on which you can check the results of all your checks django-preflight provides a Django management command. This allows you to make sure that all is properly configured without the need of going through the web server.

It can even be incorporated as a part of automatic health checks (or other scripts), as it properly returns the exit codes. 0 if everything is working and 1 otherwise.


The invocation of the command is very simple. Once you have the app installed just use:

$ python preflight

which should return something similar to the following:

Pre-flight checks for applications

app checks
media_root_is_writable                          OK
cache_is_usable                                 OK
twitter_api_key_is_correct                      OK

of course, the exact result will highly depend on the exact checks, project’s structure and django-preflight configuration.

In case of any check failures the OK will be replaced with ERROR status.

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