
This section contains an introduction to django-powerdns-manager, including general information about how to submit bug reports and make feature requests.


django-powerdns-manager is a web based PowerDNS administration panel.

Licensed under the Apache License version 2.0. More licensing information exists in the license section.


Please note that, if you use this experimental project in any production environment, you are on your own. This is a personal project which is developed according to the specific needs of its author. It is not meant to be a generic solution.

Currently, the developer does not use it to maintain DNS data, so further development will take place at a very slow pace. At this time, no new features or bug fixes have been planned. The project no longer accepts feature requests, bug reports or any other user contribution or feedback. Please, do not contact the developer for any reason.

If an extra feature or a fix of a specific bug is important for your use case scenario, then please consider cloning the source code repository and making any required modifications in your own space. If you lack the technical expertise for this process, then please consider hiring a developer to make and maintain these modifications for you. Please note that the author is not available for hire.

Finally, it is recommended to take a look at the new HTTP API of PowerDNS and also at projects that use this API for the management of DNS data.


The following table includes some unofficial information about the compatibility of django-powerdns-manager with Django and PowerDNS releases. This information comes without any warranty of correctness. It indicates that the release has been unofficially tested to work with the listed releases of Django and PowerDNS. Please, test the releases in your environment in order to ensure that all pieces work together as expected.

django-powerdns-manager Django PowerDNS
0.2.9a1 1.9.4 3.4.8
0.2.2a1 1.8.5 3.4.6
0.2.1a1 1.7.3 3.4.1


django-powerdns-manager, since version 0.2.0a1, supports database migrations using the internal migrations mechanism of Django 1.7.3. It is recommended to use the following commands instead of manually altering the database tables: migrate migrate --database=powerdns

django-powerdns-manager should be considered work in progress. If you use it in production, please make sure you test new releases before upgrading your production systems.

This software comes without any warranty of any kind. You are on your own.


  • Web based administration interface based on the admin Django app.
  • Easy management of all records of a zone from a single web page.
  • Support for multiple users.
  • Database schema is DNSSEC enabled.
  • Automatic zone-rectify support, including support for empty non-terminals, using native python code.
  • The application can be configured to support a user-defined subset of the resource records supported by PowerDNS and customize the order in which they appear in the administration panel.
  • Zone cloning (experimental).
  • Zone transfers between users.
  • Zone file import through web form.
  • Zone file export.
  • Basic zone templates.
  • Command-line interfaces to import and export zones in bulk.
  • Support for secure updating of dynamic IP addresses in A and AAAA records.
  • Supports using a dedicated database to store the tables needed by PowerDNS. This database may use a different backend than the main database of the Django project.


The source code of this project is available at the following official repositories.

Main repository (mercurial):

Mirror repository (git):

Pull requests are welcome. Please note that it may take a long time before pull requests are reviewed.


The source code of this project is released without any kind of support.


Copyright 2012-2017 George Notaras <>

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

A copy of the License exists in the product distribution; the LICENSE file. For copyright and other important notes regarding this release please read the NOTICE file.