.. _ref-django-pdf-reference: ========= Reference ========= This document covers various components of ``django-pdf``. Settings ======== ``PDF_UPLOAD_PATH`` ------------------- Path on web server where PDF files are uploaded to at first. Defaults to ``os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "uploads")``. :: PDF_UPLOAD_PATH = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, "uploads") ``PDF_REQUEST_QUEUE`` --------------------- Amazon SQS queue name which will be used to transmit the requests. Defaults to ``pdf_requests``. :: PDF_REQUEST_QUEUE = "pdf_requests" ``PDF_RESPONSE_QUEUE`` ----------------------- Amazon SQS queue name which will be used in the cloud to post response messages after jobs complete. Defaults to ``pdf_responses``. :: PDF_RESPONSE_QUEUE = "pdf_responses" ``PDF_AWS_ACL`` --------------- The ACL of the Amazon S3 objects that will be created. Defaults to ``public-read``. :: PDF_AWS_ACL = "public-read" ``PDF_AMI_ID`` -------------- The Amazon EC2 Image ID of the machine that will be used to boot up, bootstrap, and then run the script to convert PDFs. This defaults to the `Canonical Ubuntu Image`_. :: PDF_AMI_ID = "ami-bb709dd2" ``PDF_MAX_NODES`` ----------------- The maximum number of concurrent nodes to boot up on EC2. Defaults to 20. :: PDF_MAX_NODES = 150 By default, accounts on EC2 are given a concurrency maximum of 20 nodes. You can request more, but you will get an exception from AWS if you request to boot more nodes that your account is configured to be allowed. ``PDF_SECURITY_GROUPS`` ----------------------- This is a list of strings which correspond to named and previously configured security groups for EC2 nodes to run under. More specifically, they define firewall rules. Defaults to None since for this application, the nodes don't need to be access externally. :: PDF_SECURITY_GROUPS = ["web", "ftp"] ``PDF_KEYPAIR_NAME`` -------------------- The AWS EC2 Keypair name to use in booting your images (in case you want to log into them): :: PDF_KEYPAIR_NAME = "my-keypair-name" ``PDF_AWS_KEY`` --------------- **Required**. AWS Key for accessing Bootstrap Bucket and Queues. :: PDF_AWS_KEY = "xxxxxxxx" ``PDF_AWS_SECRET`` ------------------ **Required**. AWS Secret Key for accessing Bootstrap Bucket and Queues. :: PDF_AWS_SECRET = "xxxxxxxxxxxx" ``PDF_UPLOAD_BUCKET`` --------------------- **Required**. The Amazon S3 bucket where PDF files will be uploaded to. :: PDF_UPLOAD_BUCKET = "my_pdf_bucket" # must be globally unique Named URLs ========== The named URLs in this app should enable the use of of the ``{% url %}`` template tag as well as ``reverse`` lookups in your project code without having to know the implementation details of this app. pdf_list -------- Renders the `list.html`_ template with a collection of ``pdf.models.Document`` objects in context. pdf_upload ---------- On ``GET`` requests, renders the `upload.html`_ template with a ``pdf.forms.DocumentForm`` instance in context. On ``POST`` requests, process the form and handle the upload, in addition to kicking off the back ground asynchronous task to process the upload. It then redirects to `pdf_list`_. pdf_detail ---------- Renders the `detail.html`_ template with a single ``pdf.models.Document`` instance in context. :keyword arguments: The UUID of the document to display. Must match ``(?P[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12})``. Templates ========= Templates should be placed in an ``pdf/`` folder at the root of one of your template search paths. detail.html ----------- :context: ``pdf`` list.html --------- :context: ``pdfs`` upload.html ----------- :context: ``form`` Modules ======= ``pdf.admin`` ------------- .. automodule:: pdf.admin :members: :undoc-members: ``pdf.forms`` ------------- .. automodule:: pdf.forms :members: :undoc-members: ``pdf.models`` -------------- .. automodule:: pdf.models :members: :undoc-members: ``pdf.tasks`` ------------- .. automodule:: pdf.tasks :members: :undoc-members: ``pdf.views`` ------------- .. automodule:: pdf.views :members: :undoc-members: .. _Canonical Ubuntu Image: http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry.jspa?externalID=2754