.. _ref-django-pdf-gettingstarted: =============== Getting started =============== This document is designed to get you up and running with ``django-pdf``... Prerequisites ============= These are the requirements to run ``django-pdf``: * Python **2.4+** (Python 3.x is **not** supported yet) * Django **1.2+** * boto * celery * ghettomq (This is optional, in case you don't want to use RabbitMQ) These dependencies should be added to your ``requirements/project.txt`` file and installed using pip_. For example:: pip install -r requirements/project.txt In addition to the software requirements outlined above, you will need an `Amazon AWS`_ account that has EC2 services enabled to be able to run background jobs on the cloud. Installation ============ Add ``pdf`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS``: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ # ... "ghettoq", "celery", "pdf", ] Hook up ``pdf`` to your URLconf: .. code-block:: python urlpatterns = patterns("", # ... url(r"^docs/", include("pdf.urls")) ) .. _pip: http://pip.openplans.org/ .. _Amazon AWS: http://aws.amazon.com/