PasteDeploy and Buildout

If you’re using Buildout, you may want to use the zc.recipe.egg:scripts recipe to preppend the initialisation code to your scripts. It’d be a powerful tool when your application may be run in different modes (e.g., production, development). For example, you can use it like this:

parts = scripts

# ...

recipe = zc.recipe.egg:scripts
eggs =
initialization = from paste.deploy import loadapp; loadapp("${vars:config_uri}")
# "manage" is defined as a distutil entry point in YOUR_DISTRIBUTION
scripts =

config_uri = config:${buildout:directory}/config.ini

# ...

Accessing Django Settings from Buildout Parts

In order to avoid duplicating configuration, this library provides a Buildout recipe (named “django-settings”) that makes your Django settings available to other Buildout parts by loading all the Django settings into the part using the recipe.

You would use the recipe as follows:

# (...)

recipe = django-pastedeploy-settings[buildout-options]:django-settings
config_uri = config:${buildout:directory}/config.ini
factory_distribution = YOUR_DISTRIBUTION

# (...)


This recipe requires this library to with installed with the extra dependency group named “buildout-options”.

That will dynamically augment the vars part with all the Django settings, so that you can refer to any of those settings by using the syntax ${vars:DJANGO_SETTING_NAME} in other Buildout parts. For example:

# (...)

recipe = recipe_to_generate_web_server_config_file
domain_name = ${vars:YOUR_SITE_DOMAIN_NAME}

# (...)