Display page’s content in templates

Django page CMS provide several ready to use template tags. To use these tags in your templates you must load them first:

{% load pages_tags %}


Store a content type from a page into a context variable that you can reuse after:

{% get_content current_page "title" as content %}

You can also use the slug of a page:

{% get_content "my-page-slug" "title" as content %}

You can also use the id of a page:

{% get_content 10 "title" as content %}


You can use either the page object, the slug, or the id of the page.


Output the content of a page directly within the template:

{% show_content current_page "title" %}


You can use either the page object, the slug, or the id of the page.


Retrieve a Page object and store it into a context variable that you can reuse after. Here is an example of the use of this template tag to display a list of news:

<h2>Latest news</h2>
{% get_page "news" news_page %}
{% for new in news_page.get_children %}
    <h3>{{ new.title }}</h3>
    {{ new.publication_date }}
    {% show_content new body %}
{% endfor %}


You can use either the slug, or the id of the page.


This tag show the absolute url of a page. The difference with the Page.get_url_path method is that the template knows which language is used within the context and display the URL accordingly:

{% show_absolute_url current_page %}


You can use either the page object, the slug, or the id of the page.

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