A new character field called delegate_to is added to the page model. to enable the delegation of the pages rendering to a 3rd party application:
ALTER TABLE pages_page ADD COLUMN delegate_to varchar(100) NULL;
This file describe new features and incompatibilites between released version of the CMS.
- Add publish right managements in the admin.
- Fix an admin bug with the untranslated option for placeholder.
- Fix the package so the media are included.
- Fix bug with the default value of PAGE_TEMPLATES doesn’t trigger an error in the admin when unspecified.
- Add a delete image feature to the image placeholder.
- Make root page url ‘/’ work with the PAGE_USE_LANGUAGE_PREFIX option.
- Change the placeholder save prototype by adding an extra keyword parameter: extra_data.
- Fix a bug with the image placeholder when the “save and continue” button is used.
- Improved search index (url and title are included).
- The setup now specify django-mptt-2 instead of django-mptt.
- New template tag for navigation called “pages_siblings_menu”.
- New object PageAdminWithDefaultContent: copy the official language text into new language page’s content blocks
- New setting PAGE_HIDE_SITES to hide the sites. When True the CMS only show pages from the current site used to access the admin. This allows administration of separate page-cms sites with the same DB.
- New admin template tag: language_content_up_to_date templatetag: mark the translations needing updating in the admin.
- DEFAULT_PAGE_TEMPLATE is rennomed into PAGE_DEFAULT_TEMPLATE. This setting will still continue to work.
- Add a new template tag get_page to insert page object into the context.
- Change the default value of PAGE_TAGGING and PAGE_TINYMCE to False
- Implement drag and drop within the admin interface.
- Implement haystack SearchIndex for page content search.
- Add the untranslated placeholder keyword. Enable the user to have a single placeholder content accross all languages.
- Add back the hierarchical change rights management for every page.
- Add new inherited placeholder option to inherit content from a parent page.
- PagePermission object is gone in favor of django-authority.
- New permission by language.
- New permission for freezing page content.
- Add a get_date_ordered_children_for_frontend Page’s method.
- Add missing templates to the package.
- PAGE_TEMPLATES setting can also be a callable.
- PAGE_UPLOAD_ROOT setting enable you to choose where files are uploaded.
- The CMS comes with south migrations if you want to use them.
- get_url is renamed into get_complete_slug.
- get_absolute_url is renamed into get_url_path.
- Admin widgets now needs to use a registery to be used within the admin. The placeholder template tag doesn’t load load external modules for you anymore.
- RTL support for pages in admin.
- The context variable pages has been renamed to pages_naviagtion to avoid any name conflict with some pagination tags.
A new character field called delegate_to is added to the page model. to enable the delegation of the pages rendering to a 3rd party application:
ALTER TABLE pages_page ADD COLUMN delegate_to varchar(100) NULL;
- Finish to migrate the old wiki into the sphinx documentation
- Fix the package so it can be installed properly with easy_install
- Add a new placeholder {% imageplaceholder %} for a basic automatic image handling in the admin.
- A few bug fix.
- A automatic internal link system. Page link don’t break even if you move the linked page.