Source code for merlin.wizards.utils
from UserDict import UserDict
from django import forms
__all__ = ('Step', 'WizardState',)
[docs]class Step(object):
When constucting a form wizard, the wizard needs to be composed of a
sequental series of steps in which it is to display forms to the user and
collect the data from those forms. To be able to provide these forms to the
:ref:`SessionWizard <api_sessionwizard>`, you must first wrap the Django
:class:`django.forms.Form` in a ``Step`` object. The ``Step`` object gives
the ability to store the :class:`django.forms.Form` class to be used, as
well as, a unique slug to be used in the wizard navigation.
.. versionadded:: 0.1
:param slug:
Each step in the wizard should have a unique "slug" that identifies that
``Step`` in the process. By using slugs the wizard has the ability to go
forward, as well as, back in the process adjusting what data it collects
from the user.
:param form:
This *MUST* be a subclass of :class:`django.forms.Form`. This should not
be an instance of that subclass. The
:ref:`SessionWizard <api_sessionwizard>` will use this class to create
instances for the user. If going back in the wizard process, the
:ref:`SessionWizard <api_sessionwizard>` will prepopulate the
form with any cleaned data already collected.
def __init__(self, slug, form):
if not issubclass(form, forms.Form):
raise ValueError('Form must be subclass of a Django Form')
self.slug = str(slug)
self.form = form
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.slug)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, Step):
return self.__hash__() == other.__hash__()
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def __str__(self):
return str(self.slug)
def __unicode__(self):
return unicode(self.slug)
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
[docs]class WizardState(UserDict):
This class provides the ability for a
:ref:`SessionWizard <api_sessionwizard>` to keep track of the important
state of a multi-step form. Instead of keeping track of the state through
:samp:`<input type="hidden">` fields, it subclasses the python ``UserDict``
object and stores its data in the properties ``steps``,``current_step``
and ``form_data``.
.. versionadded:: 0.1
:param steps:
A list of the :ref:`Step <api_step>` objects that provide the sequence
in which the forms should be presented to the user.
:param current_step:
The current :ref:`Step <api_step>` that the user is currently on.
:param form_data:
A ``dict`` of the cleaned form data collected to this point and
referenced using the :ref:`Step <api_step>`'s slug as the key to
the ``dict``
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
UserDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.steps = kwargs.get('steps', None)
self.current_step = kwargs.get('current_step', None)
self.form_data = kwargs.get('form_data', None)