Creating a .war archive for deployment

django-jython includes a buildwar management command so you can go to your project directory and type something like this:

$ jython buildwar --include-java-libs=/path/to/jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar:/path/to/postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar

And get a single mysite.war file which you can deploy in your preferred application server. This file doesn’t require anything special installed on the target server. No Django, no Jython, no nothing.


The first step is to add 'doj' to the list of INSTALLED_APPS on your file. So this section should look like:

  # More apps...

Then, the most typical usage is the one already exemplified:

$ jython buildwar --include-java-libs=/path/to/jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar:/path/to/postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar

Here, you tell the buildwar command that it should include an extra Java library to the generated .war file, because it can’t know which Java libraries are you using inside your project. In the typical cases, you must at least specify the JDBC driver you are using to connect to the database, which will depend on the configured Database backends, as well as the standalone version of Jython itself.

The generated .war file is created on the current working directory.

You may also specify more files to include, separating the paths by the special path separator character, which is : in Unix based platforms and ; on Windows platforms.

For example, if you are using the iText library inside your Django project you should specify something like the following when constructing the .war file:

$ jython buildwar --include-java-libs=/path/to/jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar:/path/to/postgresql-9.1-902.jdbc4.jar:/path/to/iText-2.1.3.jar

It is also possible to tell django-jython the needed Java library via the application’s settings. This has the advantage that there is no need to add the library paths to the buildwar command every time you build a new .war. All you need to do is to add a DOJ_BUILDWAR_JAVA_LIBS configuration to your settings:

  # More .jars...

Including extra Python libraries

By default, the buildwar command copies your project directory and the root directory of every Django application declared on the INSTALLED_APPS settings inside the generated file (in addition to Django itself, of course). It won’t detect any other Python dependency of your project, like for example PyAMF.

So, in case you have a dependency on a Python library (not included on the standard library of course), you have to specify it with the --include-py-packages option, as the following example:

$ jython buildwar --include-py-packages=pyamf

As with --include-java-libs, multiple entries and/or packages can be specified, by separating them with the path separator character of your platform (: in Unix-based systems and ; in Windows).

Note that you do not add paths here, but Python module names. This means that django-jython must be able to import the module with the given name (the package must be in the Python path).

As with DOJ_BUILDWAR_JAVA_LIBS it is also possible to add the package dependencies to your application’s settings. This is done with the DOJ_BUILDWAR_PY_PACKAGES configuration:

  # More packages...

Media files and the context root name

In principle, your application could live inside any URL, as long as you use the url template tag and the reverse() function to generate links inside your applications. This decouples your views from the actual url they get attached to on the web server.

But, this isn’t true for media files when the prefix is configured on, such as MEDIA_URL or STATIC_URL. (Now, if you never planned to serve media on the same server where your Django applications live, skip this section. This is all about making it easy to serve static files inside the same servlet context as your Django project will live.)

So, the buildwar command patches the application’s settings, by appending something like the following, at the end of the file:

# Added by django-jython. Fixes URL prefixes to include the context root:

These values respect the original values of these variables. If any of these variables do point to an remote server (e.g. starting with http://...) it will not get prefixed.

(You can check this by yourself, looking at the file WEB-INF/lib-python/ inside the generated .war file)

By default, the buildwar command assumes that you will use the name of the project as the name of the context root in the deployed application. You can change this using the --context-root=my_customized_context_root option of the command.

You can also add the context root name to your application’s settings by using the DOJ_BUILDWAR_CONTEXT_ROOT configuration:

DOJ_BUILDWAR_CONTEXT_ROOT = 'my_customized_context_root'

Please note that this small hack means that you can’t simply rename your war file to deploy it on another context name. You must regenerate it specifying the other context name. Or just manually editing the file inside the .war, whatever fits you better.

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