Django JQuery Mobile Setup ========================== This document describes how to create a new Django project for use with the django-jqm quick-start templates. If you have an existing Django project, the steps can be simplified to: * install django-jqm (and optionally django-html5 if you want to use HTML5 native widgets) * add "jqm" to your installed applications * add the standard auth, static and request template context handlers You can then continue to :doc:`basicview`. Host Setup ---------- Project setup (for an Ubuntu Server or Debian Host), obviously you'll need to be root to do this:: $ aptitude install python-pip python-virtualenv git bzr VirtualEnv Setup ---------------- Set up a virtualenv with django-html5, django-jqm, and, of course, django:: $ virtualenv jqm-tutorial $ source jqm-tutorial/bin/activate $ pip install "django>=1.3" $ pip install -e "git+" $ pip install -e "bzr+" Django Project Configuration ---------------------------- At this point you should have a virtualenv with Django installed, so let's create a very basic project:: $ startproject tutorial We'll now edit the auto-started project's to: * add jqm to the installed apps set (so that its templates will be available) * provide a basic database configuration * enable common context processors for templates * provide a default "on login" landing page (for now, '/') Basic database configuration:: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'sqlite3', 'NAME': 'tutorial.db', # ... }, } A directory for our project-level templates:: TEMPLATE_DIR = '/'.join([ os.path.abspath( os.path.dirname( __file__ )), 'templates', ]) TEMPLATE_DIRS = ( TEMPLATE_DIR, ) Common context processors (note, only auth, static and request are actually required by django-jqm):: TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS = [ "django.core.context_processors.auth", "django.core.context_processors.debug", "django.core.context_processors.i18n", "django.core.context_processors.static", "django.core.context_processors.request", ] Add the following to INSTALLED_APPS:: "jqm", Finally, provide a default landing-page URL for post-login views:: LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL = '/' You should now be able to continue to :doc:`basicview`.