.. _ref-tutorial: ======== Tutorial ======== Django-inviteme is a reusable app that relies on its own code and doesn't require any other extra app. Installation ============ Installing Django-inviteme is as simple as checking out the source and adding it to your project or ``PYTHONPATH``. Use git, pip or easy_install to check out Django-inviteme from Github_ or get a release from PyPI_: 1. Use **git** to clone the repository, and then install the package (read more about git_): * ``git clone git://github.com/danirus/django-inviteme.git`` and * ``python setup.py install`` 2. Or use **pip** (read more about pip_): * Do ``pip install django-inviteme``, or * Edit your project's ``requirements`` file and append either the Github_ URL or the package name ``django-inviteme``, and then do ``pip install -r requirements``. 3. Or use **easy_install** (read more about easy_install_): * Do ``easy_install django-inviteme`` .. _Github: http://github.com/danirus/django-inviteme .. _PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/ .. _pip: http://www.pip-installer.org/ .. _easy_install: http://packages.python.org/distribute/easy_install.html .. _git: http://git-scm.com/ Configuration ============= 1. Add ``'inviteme'`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting. 2. Add ``url(r'^invite/', include('inviteme.urls'))`` to your ``urls.py``. 3. Create a ``inviteme`` directory in your templates directory and copy the default templates from django-inviteme into the new created directory. 4. Run ``python manage.py syncdb`` that creates the ``inviteme_contact_mail`` table. Customization ------------- 1. Optionally you can add some settings to control Django-contactme behaviour (see :doc:`settings`), but they all have sane defaults. 2. Customize the templates (see :doc:`templates`) in your ``inviteme`` templates directory to make them fit in your design. .. _workflow-label: Workflow ======== Workflow described in 3 actions: 1. Get the Contact Form. #. Render the Contact Form page. Omit this at will by using the ``render-mail-form`` templatetag (see :doc:`templatetags`) in your own templates. 2. Post the Contact Form. #. Check if there are *form security errors*. Django_ContactMe forms are protected with ``timestamp``, ``security_hash`` and ``honeypot`` field, following the same approach as the built-in `Django Comments Framework `_. In case of *form security errors* send a 400 code response and stop. #. Check whether there are other *form errors* (basically check if the ``email`` field is empty). In such a case render the *Mail Form* again, with the *form errors* and stop. #. Send signal ``inviteme.signals.confirmation_will_be_requested``. If any receiver returns ``False``, send a discarded response to the user and stop. #. Send a confirmation email to the user with a confirmation URL. #. Send signal ``inviteme.signals.confirmation_requested``. #. Render a *"confirmation has been sent to you by email"* template. 3. Visit the Confirmation URL. #. Check whether the token in the confirmation URL is correct. If it isn't raise a 404 code response and stop. #. Create a ``ContactMail`` model instance with the email address secured in the URL. #. Send signal ``confirmation_received``. If any receiver return False, send a discarded response to the user and stop. #. Send an email to ``settings.INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO`` addresses indicating that a new invitation request has been received. #. Render a *"your invitation request has been received, thank you"* template. Creating the secure token for the confirmation URL -------------------------------------------------- The Confirmation URL sent by email to the user has a secured token with the contact form data. To create the token Django-ContactMe uses the module ``signed.py`` authored by Simon Willison and provided in `Django-OpenID `_. ``django_openid.signed`` offers two high level functions: * **dumps**: Returns URL-safe, sha1 signed base64 compressed pickle of a given object. * **loads**: Reverse of dumps(), raises ValueError if signature fails. A brief example:: >>> signed.dumps("hello") 'UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E' >>> signed.loads('UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E') 'hello' >>> signed.loads('UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E-modified') BadSignature: Signature failed: QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E-modified There are two components in dump's output ``UydoZWxsbycKcDAKLg.QLtjWHYe7udYuZeQyLlafPqAx1E``, separatad by a '.'. The first component is a URLsafe base64 encoded pickle of the object passed to dumps(). The second component is a base64 encoded hmac/SHA1 hash of "$first_component.$secret". Calling signed.loads(s) checks the signature BEFORE unpickling the object -this protects against malformed pickle attacks. If the signature fails, a ValueError subclass is raised (actually a BadSignature). .. _signals-and-receivers-label: Signals and receivers ===================== The workflow mentions that django-inviteme sends 3 signals: #. **confirmation_will_be_requested**: Sent just before a confirmation message is requested. #. **confirmation_requested**: Sent just after a confirmation message is requested. #. **confirmation_received**: Sent just after a confirmation has been received. See :doc:`signals` to know more. You may want to extend django-inviteme by registering a receiver for any of this signals. An example function receiver might check the datetime a user submitted a contact message and the datetime the confirmation URL has been clicked. If the difference between them is over 7 days the message could be discarded with a graceful `"sorry, too old message"` template. Extending the demo site with the following code would do the job:: #---------------------------------------- # append the code below to demo/views.py: from datetime import datetime, timedelta from inviteme import signals def check_submit_date_is_within_last_7days(sender, data, request, **kwargs): plus7days = timedelta(days=7) if data["submit_date"] + plus7days < datetime.now(): return False signals.confirmation_received.connect(check_submit_date_is_within_last_7days) #----------------------------------------------------- # change get_instance_data in inviteme/forms.py to cheat a bit and # make Django believe that the contact form was submitted 7 days ago: def get_instance_data(self): """ Returns the dict of data to be used to create a contact message. """ from datetime import timedelta # ADD THIS return dict( email = self.cleaned_data["email"], # submit_date = datetime.datetime.now(), # COMMENT THIS submit_date = datetime.datetime.now() - timedelta(days=8), # ADD THIS ) Try the demo site again and see that the `inviteme/discarded.html` template is rendered after clicking on the confirmation URL.