.. _ref-settings: ======== Settings ======== This is the comprehensive list of settings django-inviteme recognizes. ``INVITEME_SALT`` ================= **Optional** This setting establish the ASCII string extra_key used by ``signed.dumps`` to salt the contact form hash. As ``signed.dumps`` docstring says, just in case you're worried that the NSA might try to brute-force your SHA-1 protected secret. An example:: INVITEME_SALT = 'G0h5gt073h6gH4p25GS2g5AQ25hTm256yGt134tMP5TgCX$&HKOYRV' Defaults to an empty string. ``INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO`` ====================== **Optional** This setting establish the email address that will be notified on new contact messages. May be a list of email addresses separated by commas. An example:: INVITEME_NOTIFY_TO = 'Alice , Joe ' Defaults to ``settings.ADMINS``.