Welcome to Django-geoportail's documentation! ============================================= .. figure:: img/geoportal.png :align: right `GĂ©oportail`_ is a web portal managed by the French National Geographic Institute. They provide high-resolution maps and aerial photos of French territories, as well as several sets of geolocalized data. .. _GĂ©oportail: http://www.geoportail.fr/ .. figure:: img/example.png :align: right They also provide a `javascript API`_ based on `OpenLayers`_, which can be used by web developers to add geographic data to external websites and Geographic Information Systems. .. _javascript API: https://api.ign.fr/ .. _OpenLayers: http://openlayers.org/ **Django-geoportail** is a `Django`_ app that abstracts the javascript API and makes it easier to display Geportail's data on your Django site. It is built on top of `GeoDjango`_. .. _Django: http://www.djangoproject.com/ .. _GeoDjango: http://geodjango.org/ This documentation is available online on `packages.python.org`_. It covers all steps to plug Geoportal's data to your site: .. _packages.python.org: http://packages.python.org/django-geoportail/ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 installation admin templates forms settings .. warning:: Contributions are welcome! If you experience problems using *django-geoportail*, I'd like to hear from you! Please `file bugs on bitbucket`_, ask questions on how to use *django-geoportail*, and more importantly **ask for new features**! You don't *have* to write patches, but ideas and improvements are more than welcome. .. _file bugs on bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/bruno/django-geoportail/issues/ .. note:: Licence *Django-geoportail* is released under the BSD licence.