useradd module

Fabric tasks


creates new <username> with public SSH key on “host1;host2” list in <region>. If you want to create passwordless account - set any value to <passwrdless> variable, if you want sudo rights - set any value to <sudo>. File with public key must be in same directory. If region and instance_ids not set - script takes hosts amd key values from command line (-H and -i). Usage: 1. WIthout aws api keys and config present: :<username>,<passwordless=1>,<sudo=1> - in this case you have to specify hosts list in -H and your own account in -u fabric parameters. 2. With aws api keys and config entries: :<username>,<region>,”instance1;instance2”,<passwordless>,<sudo> Extracts IP’s from instance description.


Removes user <name> with deluser from “host1;host2” list in <region> If region and instance_ids not set - script takes hosts amd key values from command line (-H and -i).


creates new <username> with public SSH key on “host1;host2” list in <region>. If you want to create passwordless account - set any value to <passwrdless> variable, if you want sudo rights - set any value to <sudo>. File with public key must be in same directory. If region and instance_ids not set - script takes hosts amd key values from command line (-H and -i). Usage: 1. WIthout aws api keys and config present: :<username>,<passwordless=1>,<sudo=1> - in this case you have to specify hosts list in -H and your own account in -u fabric parameters. 2. With aws api keys and config entries: :<username>,<region>,”instance1;instance2”,<passwordless>,<sudo> Extracts IP’s from instance description.


Removes user <name> with deluser from “host1;host2” list in <region> If region and instance_ids not set - script takes hosts amd key values from command line (-H and -i).

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