Source code for django_fabfile.security_groups

from collections import defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import chain, groupby
from hashlib import sha256
import logging
from operator import attrgetter
from warnings import warn

from boto.exception import EC2ResponseError
from fabric.api import task

from django_fabfile.utils import config, get_region_conn, timestamp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def new_security_group(region, name=None, description=None): """Create Security Groups with SSH access.""" s_g = get_region_conn( name or INST_SPECIFIC_SG_PREFIX + timestamp(), description or 'Created for using with specific instance') s_g.authorize('tcp', 22, 22, '') return s_g
[docs]def cleanup_security_groups(delete=False): """ Delete unused AWS Security Groups. :type delete: boolean :param delete: notify only (i.e. False) by default. If security group with the same name is used at least in one region, it is treated as used. """ groups = defaultdict(lambda: {}) used_groups = set(['default', config.get('DEFAULT', 'HTTPS_SECURITY_GROUP')]) regions = get_region_conn().get_all_regions() for reg in regions: for s_g in get_region_conn( groups[][reg] = s_g if s_g.instances(): # Security Group is used by instance. used_groups.add( for rule in s_g.rules: for grant in rule.grants: if and grant.owner_id == s_g.owner_id: used_groups.add( # SG is used by group. for grp in used_groups: del groups[grp] for grp in sorted(groups): if delete: for reg in groups[grp]: s_g = groups[grp][reg]'Deleting {0} in {1}'.format(s_g, reg)) s_g.delete() else: msg = '"SecurityGroup:{grp}" should be removed from {regs}', regs=groups[grp].keys()))
def regroup_rules(security_group): grouped_rules = defaultdict(lambda: []) for rule in security_group.rules: ports = rule.ip_protocol, rule.from_port, rule.to_port for grant in rule.grants: grouped_rules[ports].append(grant) for rule in grouped_rules: # Ordering for hashing. grouped_rules[rule] = tuple(sorted(grouped_rules[rule], key=str)) return grouped_rules
[docs]def sync_rules(src_grp, dst_grp=None, dst_region=None): """ Copy Security Group rules. Works across regions as well. The sole exception that won't be synced is granted groups, owned by another user - such groups can't be copied recursively. """ assert bool(dst_grp) ^ bool(dst_region), ('Only dst_grp or dst_region ' 'should be provided') if dst_region: dst_grp = new_security_group(dst_region,, src_grp.description) def is_group_in(region, group_name): try: get_region_conn([group_name]) except EC2ResponseError: return False else: return True src_rules = regroup_rules(src_grp) # Assure granted group represented in destination region. src_grants = chain(*src_rules.values()) for grant in dict((, grant) for grant in src_grants).values(): if ( and grant.owner_id == src_grp.owner_id and not is_group_in(dst_grp.region, src_conn = get_region_conn( grant_grp = src_conn.get_all_security_groups([])[0] sync_rules(grant_grp, dst_region=dst_grp.region) dst_rules = regroup_rules(dst_grp) # Remove rules absent in src_grp. for ports in set(dst_rules.keys()) - set(src_rules.keys()): for grant in dst_rules[ports]: args = ports + ((None, grant) if else (grant, None)) dst_grp.revoke(*args) # Add rules absent in dst_grp. for ports in set(src_rules.keys()) - set(dst_rules.keys()): for grant in src_rules[ports]: if and not is_group_in(dst_grp.region, continue # Absent other's granted group. args = ports + ((None, grant) if else (grant, None)) dst_grp.authorize(*args) # Refresh `dst_rules` from updated `dst_grp`. dst_rules = regroup_rules(dst_grp) @contextmanager def patch_grouporcidr(): """XXX Patching `boto.ec2.securitygroup.GroupOrCIDR` cmp and hash.""" from boto.ec2.securitygroup import GroupOrCIDR original_cmp = getattr(GroupOrCIDR, '__cmp__', None) GroupOrCIDR.__cmp__ = lambda self, other: cmp(str(self), str(other)) original_hash = GroupOrCIDR.__hash__ GroupOrCIDR.__hash__ = lambda self: hash(str(self)) try: yield finally: if original_cmp: GroupOrCIDR.__cmp__ = original_cmp else: del GroupOrCIDR.__cmp__ GroupOrCIDR.__hash__ = original_hash # Sync grants in common rules. with patch_grouporcidr(): for ports in src_rules: # Remove grants absent in src_grp rules. for grant in set(dst_rules[ports]) - set(src_rules[ports]): args = ports + ((None, grant) if else (grant, None)) dst_grp.revoke(*args) # Add grants absent in dst_grp rules. for grant in set(src_rules[ports]) - set(dst_rules[ports]): if and not is_group_in(dst_grp.region, continue # Absent other's granted group. args = ports + ((None, grant) if else (grant, None)) dst_grp.authorize(*args)
[docs]def sync_rules_by_id(src_reg_name, src_grp_id, dst_reg_name, dst_grp_id): """Update Security Group rules from other Security Group. Works across regions as well. The sole exception is granted groups, owned by another user - such groups can't be copied. :param src_reg_name: region name :type src_reg_name: str :param src_grp_id: group ID :type src_grp_id: str :param dst_reg_name: region name :type dst_reg_name: str :param dst_grp_id: group ID :type dst_grp_id: str""" src_grp = get_region_conn(src_reg_name).get_all_security_groups( filters={'group-id': src_grp_id})[0] dst_grp = get_region_conn(dst_reg_name).get_all_security_groups( filters={'group-id': dst_grp_id})[0] sync_rules(src_grp, dst_grp)
[docs]def replicate_security_groups(filters=None): """ Replicate updates of Security Groups among regions. :param filters: restrict replication to subset of Security Groups, see available options at Not available while running as Fabric task because it should be of `dict` type. :type filters: dict Per-instance Security Groups without additional rules won't be replicated. Raises warnings about synchronization issues that requires manual resolution. """ HASH, TIMESTAMP = 'Hash', 'Version' # Tag names. def get_hash(s_g): """ Return unique hash for Security Group rules. Granted Security Groups will be respected identical if them belongs to identical owner and identically named irrespectively to region. """ return sha256(str(regroup_rules(s_g).items())).hexdigest() def was_updated(s_g): """Returns True if Security Group was modified or just created.""" return HASH not in s_g.tags or get_hash(s_g) != s_g.tags[HASH] regions = get_region_conn().get_all_regions() blank_group = new_security_group(regions[0]) security_groups = [] for reg in regions: for s_g in get_region_conn( filters=filters): security_groups.append(s_g) name = attrgetter('name') grp_by_name = groupby(sorted(security_groups, key=name), key=name) for name, grp_in_regions in grp_by_name: grp_in_regions = list(grp_in_regions) versions = set(get_hash(s_g) for s_g in grp_in_regions) old_vers = [s_g for s_g in grp_in_regions if not was_updated(s_g)] if len(set(s_g.tags[HASH] for s_g in old_vers)) > 1: warn('Old versions of {0} should be synced manually'.format(name)) continue if len(versions) == 2 and old_vers: # Update olds to new version. new = [grp for grp in grp_in_regions if was_updated(grp)][0] for prev in old_vers: sync_rules(new, prev) elif not len(versions) == 1: warn('More than 1 new versions of {0} found. Synchronization ' 'can\'t be applied.'.format(name)) continue # Clone to all regions if not yet cloned. if (len(grp_in_regions) < len(regions) and not (name.startswith(INST_SPECIFIC_SG_PREFIX) and get_hash(grp_in_regions[0]) == get_hash(blank_group))): s_g_regions = set( for s_g in grp_in_regions) for reg_name in set( for reg in regions) - s_g_regions: region = get_region_conn(reg_name).region sync_rules(grp_in_regions[0], dst_region=region) # Update tags. mark = timestamp() for s_g in grp_in_regions: s_g.add_tag(HASH, get_hash(s_g)) s_g.add_tag(TIMESTAMP, mark) blank_group.delete()