Source code for django_fabfile.instances

"""Check :doc:`README` or :class:`django_fabfile.utils.Config` docstring
for setup instructions."""

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import timedelta
from json import dumps
import logging
import os
import re
from string import lowercase
from time import sleep
from traceback import format_exc

from boto.ec2.blockdevicemapping import BlockDeviceMapping, EBSBlockDeviceType, BlockDeviceType
from boto.exception import BotoServerError
from fabric.api import env, output, prompt, put, settings, sudo, task
from fabric.context_managers import hide
from pkg_resources import resource_stream

from django_fabfile import __name__ as pkg_name
from django_fabfile.security_groups import new_security_group
from django_fabfile.utils import (
    StateNotChangedError, add_tags, config, config_temp_ssh, get_descr_attr,
    get_inst_by_id, get_region_conn, get_snap_device, get_snap_instance,
    get_snap_time, timestamp, wait_for, wait_for_exists, wait_for_sudo,

env.update({'user': USERNAME, 'disable_known_hosts': True})

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SNAP_TIME = config.getint('DEFAULT', 'MINUTES_FOR_SNAP') * 60

[docs]def create_instance( region_name='us-east-1', zone_name=None, key_pair=None, security_groups='', architecture=None, user_data=None, inst_type=None): """ Create AWS EC2 instance. Return created instance. region_name by default will be created in the us-east-1 region; zone_name string-formatted name, may be omitted; key_pair name of key_pair to be granted access. Will be fetched from config by default, may be configured per region; security_groups list of AWS Security Groups names formatted as string separated with semicolon ';'; architecture "i386" or "x86_64"; inst_type by default will be fetched from AMI description or used 't1.micro' if not mentioned in the description. """ conn = get_region_conn(region_name) ami_ptrn = config.get(, 'AMI_PTRN') architecture = architecture or config.get('DEFAULT', 'ARCHITECTURE') ubuntu_aws_account = config.get('DEFAULT', 'UBUNTU_AWS_ACCOUNT') filters = {'owner_id': ubuntu_aws_account, 'architecture': architecture, 'name': ami_ptrn, 'image_type': 'machine', 'root_device_type': 'ebs'} images = conn.get_all_images(filters=filters) # Filter AMI by latest version. ptrn = re.compile(config.get(, 'AMI_REGEXP')) versions = set(['version') for img in images]) def complement(year_month): return '0' + year_month if len(year_month) == 4 else year_month latest_version = sorted(set(filter(complement, versions)))[-1] # XXX Y3K. ami_ptrn_with_version = config.get(, 'AMI_PTRN_WITH_VERSION') name_with_version = ami_ptrn_with_version.format(version=latest_version) filters.update({'name': name_with_version}) images = conn.get_all_images(filters=filters) # Filter AMI by latest release date. dates = set(['released_at') for img in images]) latest_date = sorted(set(dates))[-1] ami_ptrn_with_release_date = config.get(, 'AMI_PTRN_WITH_RELEASE_DATE') name_with_version_and_release = ami_ptrn_with_release_date.format( version=latest_version, released_at=latest_date) filters.update({'name': name_with_version_and_release}) image = conn.get_all_images(filters=filters)[0] return launch_instance_from_ami( region_name,, security_groups=security_groups, key_pair=key_pair, zone_name=zone_name, user_data=user_data, inst_type=inst_type)
@contextmanager def create_temp_inst(region=None, zone=None, key_pair=None, security_groups='', synchronously=False): if region and zone: assert zone in get_region_conn(, ( '{0} doesn\'t belong to {1}'.format(zone, region)) def create_inst_in_zone(zone, key_pair, sec_grps): inst = create_instance(,, key_pair=key_pair, security_groups=sec_grps) inst.add_tag(config.get('DEFAULT', 'TAG_NAME'), 'temporary') return inst if zone: inst = create_inst_in_zone(zone, key_pair, security_groups) else: for zone in get_region_conn( try: inst = create_inst_in_zone(zone, key_pair, security_groups) except BotoServerError as err: logging.debug(format_exc()) logging.error('{0} in {1}'.format(err, zone)) continue else: break try: yield inst finally:'Terminating the {0} in {0.region}...'.format(inst)) inst.terminate() if synchronously: wait_for(inst, 'terminated')
[docs]def get_avail_dev(inst): """Return next unused device name.""" inst.update() chars = lowercase for dev in inst.block_device_mapping: chars = chars.replace(dev[-2], '') return '/dev/sd{0}1'.format(chars[0])
[docs]def get_avail_dev_encr(instance): """Return next unused device name.""" chars = lowercase for dev in instance.block_device_mapping: chars = chars.replace(dev[-2], '') return '/dev/sd{0}'.format(chars[1])
class NoDevFoundError(Exception): pass
[docs]def get_vol_dev(vol): """Return OS-specific volume representation as attached device.""" assert vol.attach_data.instance_id inst = get_inst_by_id(, vol.attach_data.instance_id) assert inst.public_dns_name, 'Instance is down' key_filename = config.get(, 'KEY_FILENAME') attached_dev = vol.attach_data.device natty_dev = attached_dev.replace('sd', 'xvd') representations = [attached_dev, natty_dev] with settings(host_string=inst.public_dns_name, key_filename=key_filename): logger.debug(env, output) for dev in representations: if wait_for_exists(dev): return dev raise NoDevFoundError( 'Nothing from {variants} was located at {host.state} {host} for ' '{vol} with {vol.attach_data.__dict__}'.format( host=inst, vol=vol, variants=representations))
[docs]def mount_volume(vol, mkfs=False): """Mount the device by SSH. Return mountpoint on success. vol volume to be mounted on the instance it is attached to.""" wait_for(vol, 'attached', ['attach_data', 'status']) inst = get_inst_by_id(, vol.attach_data.instance_id) key_filename = config.get(, 'KEY_FILENAME') with settings(host_string=inst.public_dns_name, key_filename=key_filename): dev = get_vol_dev(vol) mountpoint = dev.replace('/dev/', '/media/') wait_for_sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(mountpoint)) if mkfs: sudo('mkfs.ext3 {dev}'.format(dev=dev)) sudo('mount {dev} {mnt}'.format(dev=dev, mnt=mountpoint)) if mkfs: sudo('chown -R {user}:{user} {mnt}'.format(user=env.user, mnt=mountpoint)) logger.debug('Mounted {0} to {1} at {2}'.format(vol, inst, mountpoint)) return mountpoint
[docs]def attach_snapshot(snap, key_pair=None, security_groups='', inst=None, encr=None): """Attach `snap` to `inst` or to new temporary instance. security_groups list of AWS Security Groups names formatted as string separated with semicolon ';' Yield volume, created from the `snap` and its mountpoint. Create temporary instance if `inst` not provided. Provide access to newly created temporary instance for `key_pair` and with `security_groups`.""" wait_for(snap, '100%', limit=SNAP_TIME) assert snap.status == 'completed' def force_snap_attach(inst, snap): """Iterate over devices until successful attachment.""" volumes_to_delete = [] while get_avail_dev(inst): vol = inst.connection.create_volume(snap.volume_size, inst.placement, snap) add_tags(vol, snap.tags) vol.add_tag(config.get('DEFAULT', 'TAG_NAME'), 'temporary') volumes_to_delete.append(vol) dev_name = get_avail_dev(inst) logger.debug('Got avail {0} from {1}'.format(dev_name, inst)) vol.attach(, dev_name) try: wait_for(vol, 'attached', ['attach_data', 'status']) except StateNotChangedError: logger.error('Attempt to attach as next device') else: break return vol, volumes_to_delete @contextmanager def attach_snap_to_inst(inst, snap): """Cleanup volume(s).""" wait_for(inst, 'running') try: vol, volumes = force_snap_attach(inst, snap) if encr: mnt = None else: mnt = mount_volume(vol) yield vol, mnt except BaseException as err: logger.exception(str(err)) raise finally: key_filename = config.get(, 'KEY_FILENAME') with settings(host_string=inst.public_dns_name, key_filename=key_filename): if not encr: try: wait_for_sudo('umount {0}'.format(mnt)) except: pass for vol in volumes: if vol.status != 'available': vol.detach(force=True) wait_for(vol, 'available', limit=DETACH_TIME)'Deleting {vol} in {vol.region}.'.format(vol=vol)) vol.delete() if inst: with attach_snap_to_inst(inst, snap) as (vol, mountpoint): yield vol, mountpoint else: with create_temp_inst(snap.region, key_pair=key_pair, security_groups=security_groups) as inst: with attach_snap_to_inst(inst, snap) as (vol, mountpoint): yield vol, mountpoint
[docs]def modify_kernel(region, instance_id): """ Modify old kernel for stopped instance (needed for make pv-grub working) .. note:: install grub-legacy-ec2 and upgrades before run this. region specify instance region; instance_id specify instance id for kernel change Kernels list: ap-southeast-1 x86_64 aki-11d5aa43 ap-southeast-1 i386 aki-13d5aa41 eu-west-1 x86_64 aki-4feec43b eu-west-1 i386 aki-4deec439 us-east-1 x86_64 aki-427d952b us-east-1 i386 aki-407d9529 us-west-1 x86_64 aki-9ba0f1de us-west-1 i386 aki-99a0f1dc""" key_filename = config.get(region, 'KEY_FILENAME') conn = get_region_conn(region) instance = get_inst_by_id(, instance_id) env.update({ 'host_string': instance.public_dns_name, 'key_filename': key_filename, }) sudo('env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && ' 'env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get dist-upgrade && ' 'env DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install grub-legacy-ec2') kernel = config.get(, 'KERNEL' + instance.architecture.upper()) instance.stop() wait_for(instance, 'stopped') instance.modify_attribute('kernel', kernel) instance.start()
def make_encrypted_ubuntu(host_string, key_filename, user, architecture, dev, name, release, pw1, pw2): with settings(host_string=host_string, user=user, key_filename=key_filename): data = '/home/' + user + '/data' page = '' \ + release + '/release/' image = release + '-server-uec-' + architecture + '.img' bootlabel = "bootfs" def check(message, program, sums): with hide('running', 'stdout'): options = '--keyring=' + data + '/encrypted_root/uecimage.gpg''{0}'.format(message)) sudo('curl -fs "{page}/{sums}.gpg" > "{data}/{sums}.gpg"' .format(page=page, sums=sums, data=data)) try: sudo('curl -fs "{page}/{sums}" > "{data}/{sums}"' .format(page=page, sums=sums, data=data)) except: logger.exception('N/A') try: sudo('gpgv {options} "{data}/{sums}.gpg" ' '"{data}/{sums}" 2> /dev/null' .format(options=options, sums=sums, data=data)) except: logger.exception('Evil.') try: sudo('grep "{file}" "{data}/{sums}" | (cd {data};' ' {program} --check --status)' .format(file=file, sums=sums, data=data, program=program)) except: logger.exception('Failed.')'Ok') with hide('running', 'stdout'): while pw1 == pw2: pw1 = prompt('Type in first password for enryption: ') pw2 = prompt('Type in second password for enryption: ') if pw1 == pw2:'\nPasswords can\'t be the same.\n')'Installing cryptsetup.....') wait_for_sudo('apt-get -y install cryptsetup') sudo('mkdir -p {0}'.format(data)) try:'Downloading releases list.....') sudo('curl -fs "{0}" > "{1}/release.html"'.format(page, data)) except: logger.exception('Invalid system: {0}'.format(release))'Uploading uecimage.gpg.....') encr_root = resource_stream(pkg_name, 'encrypted_root.tar.gz') put(encr_root, data + '/encrypted_root.tar.gz', use_sudo=True, mirror_local_mode=True) sudo('cd {data}; tar -xf {data}/encrypted_root.tar.gz' .format(data=data)) file = sudo('pattern=\'<a href="([^"]*-{arch}\.tar\.gz)">' '\\1</a>\'; perl -ne "m[$pattern] && "\'print "$1\\n' '"\' "{data}/release.html"' .format(data=data, arch=architecture))'Downloading ubuntu image.....') sudo('wget -P "{data}" "{page}{file}"' .format(data=data, page=page, file=file)) check('Checking SHA256...', 'sha256sum', 'SHA256SUMS') check('Checking SHA1.....', 'sha1sum', 'SHA1SUMS') check('Checking MD5......', 'md5sum', 'MD5SUMS') work = sudo('mktemp --directory') sudo('touch {work}/{image}'.format(work=work, image=image))'Unpacking ubuntu image.....') sudo('tar xfz "{data}/{file}" -C "{work}" {image}' .format(data=data, file=file, work=work, image=image)) sudo('mkdir "{work}/ubuntu"'.format(work=work))'Mounting ubuntu image to working directory.....') sudo('mount -o loop,ro "{work}/{image}" "{work}/ubuntu"' .format(image=image, work=work))'Creating separate boot volume.....') sudo('echo -e "0 1024 83 *\n;\n" | /sbin/sfdisk -uM {dev}' .format(dev=dev))'Formatting boot volume.....') sudo('/sbin/mkfs -t ext3 -L "{bootlabel}" "{dev}1"' .format(bootlabel=bootlabel, dev=dev)) sudo('touch {work}/pw2.txt | echo -n {pw1} > "{work}/pw1.txt" | ' 'chmod 700 "{work}/pw1.txt"' .format(pw1=pw1, work=work)) sudo('touch {work}/pw2.txt | echo -n {pw2} > "{work}/pw2.txt" | ' 'chmod 700 "{work}/pw2.txt"' .format(pw2=pw2, work=work))'Creating luks encrypted volume.....') sudo('cryptsetup luksFormat -q --key-size=256 {dev}2 "{work}/' 'pw1.txt"'.format(dev=dev, work=work))'Adding second key to encrypted volume.....') sudo('cryptsetup luksAddKey -q --key-file="{work}/pw1.txt" ' '{dev}2 "{work}/pw2.txt"'.format(work=work, dev=dev))'Opening luks encrypted volume.....') sudo('cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file="{work}/pw1.txt" ' '{dev}2 {name}'.format(work=work, dev=dev, name=name)) sudo('shred --remove "{work}/pw1.txt"; shred --remove' ' "{work}/pw2.txt"'.format(work=work)) fs_type = sudo('df -T "{work}/ubuntu" | tail -1 | cut -d " " -f 5' .format(work=work))'Creating filesystem on luks encrypted volume.....') sudo('mkfs -t {fs_type} "/dev/mapper/{name}"' .format(fs_type=fs_type, name=name)) sudo('/sbin/e2label "/dev/mapper/{name}" "uec-rootfs"' .format(name=name))'Mounting luks encrypted volume.....') sudo('mkdir -p "{work}/root"; mount /dev/mapper/{name}' ' "{work}/root"'.format(work=work, name=name))'Starting syncronisation of working dir with image') sudo('rsync --archive --hard-links "{work}/ubuntu/"' ' "{work}/root/"'.format(work=work)) boot_device = 'LABEL=' + bootlabel root_device = 'UUID=$(cryptsetup luksUUID ' + dev + '2)' sudo('mkdir "{work}/boot"; mount "{dev}1" "{work}/boot"' .format(work=work, dev=dev)) sudo('rsync --archive "{work}/root/boot/" "{work}/boot"' .format(work=work)) sudo('rm -rf "{work}/root/boot/"*'.format(work=work)) sudo('mount --move "{work}/boot" "{work}/root/boot"' .format(work=work)) sudo('echo "{boot_device} /boot ext3" >> "{work}/root/etc/fstab"' .format(boot_device=boot_device, work=work)) sudo('sed -i -e \'s/(hd0)/(hd0,0)/\' "{work}/root/boot/grub/menu.' 'lst"'.format(work=work)) bozo_target = work + '/root/etc/initramfs-tools/boot' sudo('mkdir -p {bozo_target}'.format(bozo_target=bozo_target))'Copying files for preboot web-auth.....') sudo('cp {data}/encrypted_root/cryptsetup ' '{work}/root/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptsetup' .format(data=data, work=work)) places = {'data': data, 'bozo_target': bozo_target} for file_ in ['boot.key', 'boot.crt', '', 'index.html', 'activate.cgi', 'hiding.gif', '']: sudo('cp {data}/encrypted_root/{file} {bozo_target}/{file}' .format(file=file_, **places))'Modifying scripts to match our volumes.....') sudo('sed -i "s/\/dev\/sda2/{root_device}/" ' '{work}/root/etc/initramfs-tools/hooks/cryptsetup'.format( root_device=root_device, work=work)) sudo('mkdir -p "{work}/root/etc/ec2"'.format(work=work)) if release == 'lucid':'Adding apt entries for lucid.....') listfile = work + '/root/etc/apt/sources.list' sudo('grep "lucid main" {listfile} | sed "' 's/lucid/maverick/g" >> {work}/root/etc/' 'apt/sources.list.d/bozohttpd.list' .format(listfile=listfile, work=work)) sudo('echo -e "Package: *\nPin: release a=lucid\nPin-Priority:' ' 600\n\nPackage: bozohttpd\nPin: release a=maverick\n' 'Pin-Priority: 1000\n\nPackage: libssl0.9.8\nPin: release' ' a=maverick\nPin-Priority: 1000\n\nPackage: *\n' 'Pin: release o=Ubuntu\nPin-Priority: -10\n" | tee ' '"{work}/root/etc/apt/preferences"'.format(work=work)) menufile = work + '/root/boot/grub/menu.lst' initrd = sudo('grep "^initrd" "{menufile}" | head -1 | cut -f 3' .format(menufile=menufile)) kernel = sudo('grep "^kernel" "{menufile}" | head -1 | cut -f 3 | ' 'cut -d " " -f 1'.format(menufile=menufile)) sudo('rm -f "{work}/root/initrd.img.old";' 'rm -f "{work}/root/vmlinuz.old";' 'rm -f "{work}/root/initrd.img";' 'rm -f "{work}/root/vmlinuz"'.format(work=work))'Creating symbolic links for kernel.....') sudo('ln -s "{initrd}" "{work}/root/initrd.img";' 'ln -s "{kernel}" "{work}/root/vmlinuz"' .format(initrd=initrd, kernel=kernel, work=work)) sudo('mv "{work}/root/etc/resolv.conf" ' '"{work}/root/etc/resolv.conf.old";cp "/etc/resolv.conf" ' '"{work}/root/etc/"'.format(work=work))'Chrooting and installing needed apps..') sudo('chroot "{work}/root" <<- EOT\n' 'set -e\n' 'mount -t devpts devpts /dev/pts/\n' 'mount -t proc proc /proc/\n' 'mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys/\n' 'localedef -f UTF-8 -i en_US --no-archive en_US.utf8\n' 'apt-get -y update\n' 'apt-get -y install ssl-cert\n' 'apt-get -y install update-inetd\n' 'mv /usr/sbin/update-inetd /usr/sbin/update-inetd.old\n' 'touch /usr/sbin/update-inetd\n' 'chmod a+x /usr/sbin/update-inetd\n' 'apt-get -y install bozohttpd\n' 'mv /usr/sbin/update-inetd.old /usr/sbin/update-inetd\n' 'EOT'.format(work=work))'Fixing permissions and symlinking bozohttpd...') sudo('chroot "{work}/root" <<- EOT\n' 'chown root:ssl-cert /etc/initramfs-tools/boot/boot.key\n' 'chmod 640 /etc/initramfs-tools/boot/boot.key\n' 'ln -s /usr/sbin/bozohttpd /etc/initramfs-tools/boot/\n' 'ln -s . /boot/boot\n' 'EOT'.format(work=work))'Instaling cryptsetup and unmounting.....') sudo('chroot "{work}/root" <<- EOT\n' 'apt-get -y install cryptsetup\n' 'apt-get -y clean\n' 'update-initramfs -uk all\n' 'mv /etc/resolv.conf.old /etc/resolv.conf\n' 'umount /dev/pts\n' 'umount /proc\n' 'umount /sys\n' 'EOT'.format(work=work))'Shutting down temporary instance') sudo('shutdown -h now') @task
[docs]def modify_instance_termination(region, instance_id): """Mark production instnaces as uneligible for termination. region name of region where instance is located; instance_id instance to be updated; You must change value of preconfigured tag_name and run this command before terminating production instance via API.""" conn = get_region_conn(region) inst = get_inst_by_id(, instance_id) prod_tag = config.get('DEFAULT', 'TAG_NAME') prod_val = config.get('DEFAULT', 'TAG_VALUE') inst_tag_val = inst.tags.get(prod_tag) inst.modify_attribute('disableApiTermination', inst_tag_val == prod_val)
[docs]def mount_snapshot(region_name, snap_id, inst_id=None): """Mount snapshot to temporary created instance or inst_id. region_name, snap_id specify snapshot. inst_id attach to existing instance. Will be created temporary if None.""" conn = get_region_conn(region_name) inst = get_inst_by_id(, inst_id) if inst_id else None snap = conn.get_all_snapshots(snapshot_ids=[snap_id, ])[0] info = ('\nYou may now SSH into the {inst} server, using:' '\n ssh -i {key} {user}@{inst.public_dns_name}') with attach_snapshot(snap, inst=inst) as (vol, mountpoint): if mountpoint: info += ('\nand browse snapshot, mounted at {mountpoint}.') else: info += ('\nand mount {device}. NOTE: device name may be ' 'altered by system.') key_file = config.get(, 'KEY_FILENAME') inst = get_inst_by_id(, vol.attach_data.instance_id) assert inst, user=env.user, key=key_file, device=vol.attach_data.device, mountpoint=mountpoint)) info = ('\nEnter FINISHED if you are finished looking at the ' 'backup and would like to cleanup: ') while raw_input(info).strip() != 'FINISHED': pass
[docs]def launch_instance_from_ami( region_name, ami_id, inst_type=None, security_groups='', key_pair=None, zone_name=None, user_data=None): """Create instance from specified AMI. region_name location of the AMI and new instance; ami_id "ami-..." inst_type by default will be fetched from AMI description or used 't1.micro' if not mentioned in the description; security_groups list of AWS Security Groups names formatted as string separated with semicolon ';' key_pair name of key_pair to be granted access. Will be fetched from config by default, may be configured per region; zone_name in string format; user_data string with OS configuration commands.""" conn = get_region_conn(region_name) image = conn.get_all_images([ami_id])[0] inst_type = inst_type or get_descr_attr(image, 'Type') or 't1.micro' security_groups = filter(None, security_groups.strip(';').split(';')) security_groups.append(new_security_group(conn.region))'Launching new instance in {reg} using {image}' .format(reg=conn.region, image=image)) inst = key_name=key_pair or config.get(, 'KEY_PAIR'), security_groups=security_groups, instance_type=inst_type, user_data=user_data or config.get('user_data', 'USER_DATA'), placement=zone_name).instances[0] wait_for(inst, 'running', limit=10 * 60) groups = [ for grp in inst.groups] inst.add_tag('Security Groups', dumps(groups, separators=(',', ':'))) add_tags(inst, image.tags) modify_instance_termination(,'{inst} created in {inst.placement}'.format(inst=inst)) info = ('\nYou may now SSH into the {inst} server, using:' '\n ssh -i {key} {user}@{inst.public_dns_name}') key_file = config.get(, 'KEY_FILENAME'), user=env.user, key=key_file)) return inst
[docs]def create_ami(region, snap_id, force=None, root_dev='/dev/sda1', zone_name=None, default_arch=None, default_type='t1.micro', security_groups=''): """ Creates AMI image from given snapshot. Force option removes prompt request and creates new instance from created ami image. region, snap_id specify snapshot to be processed. Snapshot description in json format will be used to restore instance with same parameters. Will automaticaly process snapshots for same instance with near time (10 minutes or shorter), but for other devices (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc); force Run instance from ami after creation without confirmation. To enable set value to "RUN"; default_arch architecture to use if not mentioned in snapshot description; default_type instance type to use if not mentioned in snapshot description. Used only if ``force`` is "RUN"; security_groups list of AWS Security Groups names formatted as string separated with semicolon ';'. Used only if ``force`` is "RUN". """ conn = get_region_conn(region) snap = conn.get_all_snapshots(snapshot_ids=[snap_id, ])[0] instance_id = get_snap_instance(snap) _device = get_snap_device(snap) snaps = conn.get_all_snapshots(owner='self') snapshots = [snp for snp in snaps if get_snap_instance(snp) == instance_id and get_snap_device(snp) != _device and abs(get_snap_time(snap) - get_snap_time(snp)) <= timedelta(minutes=10)] snapshot = sorted(snapshots, key=get_snap_time, reverse=True) if snapshots else None # setup for building an EBS boot snapshot default_arch = default_arch or config.get('DEFAULT', 'ARCHITECTURE') arch = get_descr_attr(snap, 'Arch') or default_arch kernel = config.get(, 'KERNEL' + arch.upper()) dev = re.match(r'^/dev/sda$', _device) # if our instance encrypted if dev: kernel = config.get(, 'KERNEL_ENCR_' + arch.upper()) ebs = EBSBlockDeviceType() ebs.snapshot_id = snap_id ebs.delete_on_termination = True block_map = BlockDeviceMapping() block_map[_device] = ebs sdb = BlockDeviceType() sdb.ephemeral_name = 'ephemeral0' block_map['/dev/sdb'] = sdb if snapshot: for s in snapshot: s_dev = get_snap_device(s) s_ebs = EBSBlockDeviceType() s_ebs.delete_on_termination = True s_ebs.snapshot_id = block_map[s_dev] = s_ebs name = 'Created {0} using access key {1}'.format(timestamp(), conn.access_key) name = name.replace(":", ".").replace(" ", "_") # create the new AMI all options from snap JSON description: wait_for(snap, '100%', limit=SNAP_TIME) result = conn.register_image( name=name, description=snap.description, architecture=get_descr_attr(snap, 'Arch') or default_arch, root_device_name=get_descr_attr(snap, 'Root_dev_name') or root_dev, block_device_map=block_map, kernel_id=kernel) sleep(2) image = conn.get_all_images(image_ids=[result, ])[0] wait_for(image, 'available', limit=10 * 60) add_tags(image, snap.tags)'The new AMI ID = {0}'.format(result)) new_instance = None if force == 'RUN': instance_type = get_descr_attr(snap, 'Type') or default_type new_instance = launch_instance_from_ami( region,, inst_type=instance_type, security_groups=security_groups, zone_name=zone_name) return image, new_instance
[docs]def create_and_distribute_ami(region, snap_id, root_dev='/dev/sda1', default_arch=None): """ Creates AMI image from given snapshot. Force option removes prompt request and creates new instance from created ami image. region, snap_id specify snapshot to be processed. Snapshot description in json format will be used to restore instance with same parameters. Will automaticaly process snapshots for same instance with near time (10 minutes or shorter), but for other devices (/dev/sdb, /dev/sdc, etc); default_arch architecture to use if not mentioned in snapshot description; """ image = create_ami(region, snap_id, force='No') copies = copy_ami_to_regions(region, image[0].id, image[0].name, image[0].description)'Distributed AMI IDs = {0}'.format(copies)) return image, copies
[docs]def create_encrypted_instance( region_name, release='lucid', volume_size='8', architecture=None, type='t1.micro', name='encr_root', pw1=None, pw2=None, security_groups=''): """ Creates ubuntu instance with luks-encryted root volume. region_name Region where you want to create instance; release Ubuntu release name (lucid or natty). "lucid" by default; volume_size Size of volume in Gb (always remember, that script creates boot volume with size 1Gb, so minimal size of whole volume is 3Gb (1Gb for /boot 2Gb for /)). 8 by default; architecture "i386" or "x86_64". type Type of instance. 't1.micro' by default; name Name of luks encrypted volume. 'encr_root' by default; pw1, pw2 You can specify passwords in parameters to suppress password prompt; security_groups List of AWS Security Groups names formatted as string separated with semicolon ';'. To unlock go to https://ip_address_of_instance (only after reboot or shutdown). You can set up to 8 passwords. Defaut boot.key and boot.crt created for so must work for all instances. Process of creation is about 20 minutes long.""" assert volume_size >= 3, '1 GiB for /boot and 2 GiB for /' conn = get_region_conn(region_name) with config_temp_ssh(conn) as key_filename: key_pair = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(key_filename)[1])[0] zn = conn.get_all_zones()[-1] with create_temp_inst(zone=zn, key_pair=key_pair) as inst: vol = conn.create_volume(size=volume_size, zone=zn) dev = get_avail_dev_encr(inst) vol.attach(, dev) arch = architecture or config.get('DEFAULT', 'ARCHITECTURE') ubuntu_arch = 'amd64' if arch == 'x86_64' else arch make_encrypted_ubuntu(inst.public_dns_name, key_filename, 'ubuntu', ubuntu_arch, dev, name, release, pw1, pw2) description = dumps({ 'Volume':, 'Region':, 'Device': '/dev/sda', 'Type': type, 'Arch': arch, 'Root_dev_name': '/dev/sda1', 'Time': timestamp(), }) snap = vol.create_snapshot(description) wait_for(snap, '100%', limit=SNAP_TIME) vol.detach(force=True) wait_for(vol, 'available', limit=DETACH_TIME) vol.delete() HTTPS_SG = config.get('DEFAULT', 'HTTPS_SECURITY_GROUP') security_groups = ';'.join([security_groups, HTTPS_SG]) img, new_instance = create_ami(region_name,, 'RUN', security_groups=security_groups)'\nTo unlock go to:\n https://{0}\n' .format(new_instance.public_dns_name)) img.deregister() snap.delete()