
This section contains information about how to configure your Django projects to use django-email-change and also contains a quick reference of the available settings that can be used in order to customize the functionality of this application.

Configuring your project

In the Django project’s settings module, add email_change to the INSTALLED_APPS setting:


Update the project’s URLs

django-email-change requires that you update your project’s URL patterns by adding the application’s own URL set. In your project’s urls module add the following patterns:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    # URLs for django-email-change
    url('accounts/', include('email_change.urls')),

Reference of the application settings

The following settings can be specified in the Django project’s settings module to customize the functionality of django-email-change.

How many days to keep the email request in the database.

Synchronize the project database

Finally, synchronize the project’s database using the following command:

python syncdb

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