To run the test suite, do:
./ test django_easyfilters
This requires that the directory containing the django_easyfilters
is on your Python path (virtualenv recommended), and Django is installed.
Alternatively, to run it on all supported platforms, install tox and do:
This will create all the necessary virtualenvs for you, and is the preferred way of working, but will take longer initially. Once you have run it once, you can activate a specific virtualenv by doing, for example:
. .tox/py33-django15/bin/activate
Editing test fixtures¶
To edit the test fixtures, you can edit the fixtures in django_easyfilters/tests/fixtures/, or you can do it via an admin interface:
First create an empty db:
rm tests.db
./ syncdb
Then load with current test fixture:
./ loaddata django_easyfilters_tests
Then edit in admin at http://localhost:8000/admin/
./ runserver
Or from a Python shell.
Then dump data:
./ dumpdata tests --format=json --indent=2 > django_easyfilters/tests/fixtures/django_easyfilters_tests.json
Once the test fixtures have been loaded into the DB, and the devserver is running, as above, you can view a test page at http://localhost:8000/books/